
Heavenly demon

Amon is a young demon just trying to survive the harsh environment called hell by killing his way to the top

Kingbaldwin · Seni bela diri
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2 Chs


In the kingdom of Eldrid, there was a young man named David. He was born to a family of humble farmers and grew up in a small village on the outskirts of the kingdom. Despite his humble beginnings, David was always ambitious and dreamed of one day rising to greatness.

As he grew older, David became fascinated by the legends of demons and dark magic. He would often sneak away from his duties on the farm to explore the nearby forests, searching for any trace of the supernatural.

One day, while wandering through the forest, David stumbled upon a hidden cave. Inside, he found an ancient book filled with arcane knowledge and powerful spells. It was said that the book had been written by a demon lord who had long since been banished from the mortal realm.

David was initially hesitant to delve into the dark magic contained within the book, but his curiosity soon got the better of him. He began to study the spells and incantations, practicing in secret whenever he could.