
Heavenly Chronicles

I watched my mum rip out Aunt Lily's heart, she manipulated a drop from the blood pumping out to stab the heart and the shaking body immediately went limp.

I stared at my mum for what almost looked like forever before I started walking to her slowly.

"Mum is that you?" I asked with tears welling up in my eyes.

"Iry, my honey"

I let the tears fall as I heard the name only my mum called me, I ran to hug her tight.

"Mum" I cried, for the first time since forever, I cried.

"Iry, you've grown a lot" She said as she held me.

"I.. I thought I killed you" I said as flashes came back, I was screaming and knifes floating stabbing my mum in her body parts, I was sure she was dead.

"No you didn't Vampires can't die unless stabbed in the heart and besides I have had more stabs during my time as a hunter." she chuckled before letting me go.

"We can talk later but right now we need to stop the Spartians from awakening"

"But we are not even close to Los Angelos" I replied

"What are you talking about? We are at the middle of Los Angelos, this full resort is a moving Vehicle" she was about to say something else but she turned around sharply, blood on the floor rising.

Someone, some people were coming.

Leon Angelo

I tried keeping up with them but it looked like they where used to to wind travel than I, well I expected that from my mother since she was also a half-angel before she became a hunter but Angela was a beauty. As her hair blew with the wind, it made her look more beautiful.

We made a sharp bend and I noticed the place was becoming more bloody as we moved, when we finally took another bend. We met a two ladies, one was Iris, the other was standing with multiple blood shaped like spear behind her.

When she saw who we were the blood fell with a swoop of her hand.

She walked up to my Mum, I reached out for my knives but there weren't with me anymore.

Damn, I left it behind, I looked at this woman, she was way stronger than Iris Aunt.

"Diane, long time" She said before they hugged.

Yes, Rose, it has been the longest, now can someone tell me why the phantoms told us to come here"

"You know the answer Diane"

Leon's mum sighed. "Well we should start going"

They started chatting and walking towards a wall and passed through it, Iris Angela and I followed them.

At the other side, It wasn't a sight to behold, skeletons on the marble floor stained with sticky blood, It was a battle ground, people who trained hard died here.

Then something hit me, "Where is Theo?" I asked.

Iris gave me this sad look and I realized he was dead.

"Oh your friend, he isn't dead, he will join us soon" Rose, Iris mum spoke.

"Wait, what?" Iris yelled, "But his head was cut off."

"Do you really think someone from the greatest hunter clan will die so easily?" my mum said next.

"What do you mean mum?" I asked.

"Wait you don't know?" she asked.

"Know what?"

"Theo is from the Blackheart clan"

"Wait those that mean?"

"Yes, his father is Antonio Blackheart, strongest hunter ever known in history after his father and his ancestors"

"I wanted to say more but we heard a screech, we looked forward and demons started flowing in like a flood."

Rose and Diane moved like wind and started killing demons like crazy, even Iris who used to be a lousy fighter seemed to be using her blood art to fight, looks like she knew how to control it from the beginning, I guess she was afraid of us knowing she was a half-vampire.

Angela held my hand and took me to a corner, she gave me a fruit.

"Umm, honey I know I'm handsome and all but this isn't the time for gifts"

She just scoffed and shoved it into my mouth.

I wanted to complain but I felt my body go light and I knew what to do.

I started to laugh frantically and I jumped up, my body like rubber. My hair became white and I jumped into the fight.

Iris Bahamunt

We fought and killed the demons but they were non-stop, Leon who looked completely different started bouncing around, laughing, stretching and hardening his body, stabbing and slicing the demons.

Rose signaled me to follow her to find the source, I immediately understood, we cut our way through, advancing moving forward into the passage. Eventually the demons stopped coming and we got to a open clearing. A man stood before us.

"Hmm, you're not Blackheart"

No but we are going to kick your butt" I shot blood at him, it hit but it had no effect.

I wanted to shoot more but my mum stopped me

"Stop Iris, he is stronger than both of us and he is a big threat to our kind" She said.

"How did you know?" I asked

"Because, I am the god Apollo, the ruler of the sun in hell, child, I am here to guide the awakening of the children of Satan" He said.

"Well, I wanted to let you Ladies go, but now you know my identity you have to die"

He said that and blasted us with a wave of sunlight.

My mum raised blood shield, It shattered on impact but it reduced damage, normally that would have killed us but it only burned our skin to a point that our powers are weakened.

I laughed, so this was how I was going to die. Apollo blasted another but it disappeared.

He looked shocked. "What did you do?"

I opened my mouth but….. "I thought you will be strong but you're weak" a voice spoke.

I turned around to see Theo but it didn't feel like Theo, he looked stronger and he had an immense aura.

"Simple Form, Instant death" He pointed and Apollo and closed his hand.

Apollo started to grasp for air, his body started degenerating turning into black dust.