
Heavenly Chronicles

The next few days I settled into the routine like it was almost normal except that we were taught by angels and spirits.

Each morning, Iris taught me Latin, we talked about the existence of demons and devils on earth,(surprisingly "the devil" isn't a single figure but a higher form of demons, But there is only one Satan, the fallen angel Lucifer) knowing that was actually troubling for me. At least it was more fun than learning Arithmetic in a classroom.

The rest of the day, I'd try the outdoor activities, looking at whether I will be good at any. I tried hand combat first which was taught by an angel Harry, he was a half-natural before he became an angel, I ended up getting my ass whopped, I decided to put it in my wish list of activities to learn, only because I wanted to renew my dignity.

Archery, I could give myself few points, I didn't know why but immediately Sophia, one of the campers handed me a bow and arrow, I knew exactly what to do and I almost got a perfect shot, they advised me to join them, I told them I would consider it.

Canoeing?, I sucked at it, almost sunk the whole canoe.

Wrestling? Forget it, I was pulverized every time I went there.

The other advanced activities were only for those who have determined to be angels. The next hunters will be sent to the hunter society to train an become Dark hunters.

I knew the senior campers and counselors were watching me, determining if I would become an angel or a hunter, personally I really didn't care, I liked the camp, this was my new home now, I thought to myself to make the best of everything.

Thursday afternoon, three days after I arrived at Heaven's Camp, I had my first sword practice, Ryan was our instructor. Everybody from cabin six gathered at the big circular area, even Ryan's fans were there including Iris.

We started with the basics of roman fighting and chivalry, I was actually okay with everything since I was already used to sword fighting with my instructor and my mum.

The only problem was I couldn't find a sword I was comfortable with, I decided to go to the inventory, Dexter was passing at that time and gave a sword, it wasn't still comfortable but better than any of the swords at the training ground.

We moved on to duelling in pairs, Ryan announced that he will be my partner, since this would be my "first time".

"Good Luck" one of the campers told me "Ryan is one of the best swordsman we've had in a thousand years"

"I think everyone has made that clear already" I shoved the camper to a side. I was sick of everyone telling me how good Ryan was, of course he is my best friend but I couldn't just let him defeat me, I needed to make my own name too.

Ryan didn't pay any attention to the praises they were giving him, he stated the rules, the first person to disarm the others from his weapon wins, Iris volunteered to be the referee.

"Ready now?" Iris raised the flag, we nodded and she dropped the flag.

Ryan came at me, my senses opened up. I saw his attacks and countered. I stepped forward and started thrusting, Ryan deflected it easily but I could see a change in his expression. His eyes narrowed and he pressed harder.

I blocked and advanced, the fight started to intense, I started to think of maybe I should stop it, I eased a little and the tip is Ryan's sword scraped my arm and I started to bleed, I started feeling bloodlust from Ryan, I decided to take it serious before Ryan kills me, we started going for each others throat like it was a battle to kill, he swirled the sword and sliced at my head, I bent down dodging the attack and kick his legs making him lose his balance, while he was falling, I used my sword to hit his sword hilt and it flew from his hand. Ryan fell on his back with his sword landing beside him piercing the ground making it to stand straight with the blade dug dip into the earth, he tried to get up but I placed the tip of my sword at his front, he looked at my eyes, after some while he raised his hand and admitted defeat.

The air had a tense atmosphere, Iris was also shocked, it took time for her to realize she was the referee.

"Um, Theo wins" She finally said.

I sheathed my sword and helped Ryan stand up. Everyone started to disperse when Leon came to us telling everyone to assemble at the garden of St Rose. We all rushed towards there, Iris looked at me like she saw a demon, on our way she asked me if I had a pact with a devil, I was confused and irritated at her questions that I found a way to leave her side.

I saw an opportunity when Ryan came to talk to me.

"Nice battle, I never knew you were that good in sword play" I smiled but before I could reply, one of the angels incharge of co ordination tols us to hurry up to the garden. It was a gigantic garden full of roses, and a statue of mother Mary and Jesus Christ at the middle of the garden. I was still observing the place when a bright light shined on the statue.

Three Angels with wings larger and with a more holy presence than the rest I had seen, appeared.

Everyone started to bow, I joined them in a hurry, I didn't know why until Dexter who had watched everything that happened, announced.

"Hail the Three Archangels, Michael, prince of the heavenly hosts and armies, Raphael, Gods representation of love and hope and Gabriel messenger of God."

I wanted to quiver at the spot, St.s Michael, Raphael and Gabriel. Most respected and distinguished of the seven Archangels, among humans of course. Hearing about them as a kid and before I came, I loved and respected them, always dreamed of meeting them in person. Now it wasn't dream and I was way better than I imagined it.

"Please don't be afraid, stand up and raise thy heads" Archangel Raphael spoke first. We all stood, when we raised our heads the archangels weren't wearing tunics anymore, they were wearing normal modern clothes.

"I suggested we made you feel more comfortable by adapting with what you wear" Archangel Michael spoke next.

Mr Med appeared "Hey, um sire, want brings you all to the camp" he said with a smile, I could tell he wasn't really happy but he couldn't show that considering the Archangels are superior to him.

The air in front of Archangel Gabriel started to distort and formed into a golden scroll, he opened and read it out for us.

Blessings to ye children of God

To thee seven who marks appear after my word

Thy Lord choseth for warriors

Made to help and serve the Lord

One shall open Hades door,

Releasing doom and terror

Four shall become masters of each element

One shall die and in death live again

While the last and the strongest shall be considered to be an outcast.

There was silence as the Archangel Gabriel closed the scroll and it disappeared into thin air. Archangel Raphael said a short prayer and suddenly light blasted into the crowd, blinding everyone for a few seconds. When I could finally see the Archangels were gone, and some doves were flying around above us, everyone was fascinated by the scene. They (the doves) seemed to be dancing, they would come together and disperse. It was actually a lovely sight to behold, after some minutes the doves finally stopped and flew straight at the crowd and one started to push me to the front and made me face the crowd, I wasn't the only one, their were six others, Iris, Leon, Sophia from the archery and three others. Everyone looked at us, actually above us, I looked up and saw the doves above us, the one above me rested on my arm and became a mark.

Mr Med sighed "Seems like we have our hunters chosen, all hail the new protectors of the spiritual realm"

Only one thing ran through my mind, "This is not what I wanted"