
Heavenly Chronicles

I opened door to see two men and a woman who seemed to be decent people, they were wearing suits, one of the men was wearing a hat, they kept on staring at me as if they had seen a ghost or something. They seemed to noticed that I was getting nervous cause they eased their stares and gave me a smile.

"Honey who's ther …." My mum stopped as she saw our "visitors" at that moment I swore I saw my mum frown for the first time, it actually scared me, my mum never frowned.

"I can see you're doing okay, Lucy" The man with the hat spoke.

"ire in genhennam" Mum said, somehow, I understood what she said, "Go to hell"

"Lucy, we are not in paradise, don't speak in the holy language in an ungodly world" The woman spoke next. What was going on?

My mum scoffed, I thought she would close the door instead she invited them inside, I could see she wasn't happy to do it but it seemed like she didn't have a choice, like they would pulverize her if she didn't let them in. When they had all entered, I closed the door.

"Theo, you can go to you room" Mum kept an eye on the three visitors

"Now, now, don't be like that Lucy, after all we're here for the boy" The man with the hat spoke. I looked at mum, she was gritting her teeth, what did they mean? Why am I involved? I only hoped it wasn't what I thought it was. I immediately flashed back to when Mr. Leo told me about a group coming after me.

The woman stood up and touched my face "So you're really alive, you're a tough kid to be able to survive an attack from a second rank angel" I avoided looking into the woman's eye, she knew of the attack.

Mum looked at me as if she was hoping for me to say, "It's a lie" or "I don't know what youre talking about" but I remained silent, mum looked like she could die, she turned pale.

"Theo, why didn't you tell me about this?" Mum seemed like she was going to go through a heart attack, I couldn't reply, I didn't like seeing mum like this, little did I know that I know the worst was about to come.

"I guess you know what that means Lucy" The man with the hat spoke, Mum sat down straight, "Yes sir"

us and fulfill your destiny. I looked at the man for a little while before laughing.

"Nice joke, old guy" I continued laughing but I noticed no one else seemed to find what I said funny.

"Do I look like I am joking Theseus Blackheart?" The old guy gave me a stern look, I knew he wasn't joking, especially when he called my full name which I told no one.

"Maybe you are not joking but I'm not going anywhere, Right mum?" I looked at mum for an answer but she didn't look at me.

I saw red.

How could she leave me like that? Hot tears fell from my cheek as I felt betrayed. The old man snickered and stood up, "Theo, I would prefer if you started preparing for your journey" he said as he walked to the door.

"You can't order me around old man" I replied, trying to look tough, I must have looked silly cause I was still trying to wipe my tears at that time.

"You will learn to follow my orders, Theo, after all I am your teacher from now on" He said standing at the door

'Teacher' I thought "What did he mean?"

"You don't need to know exactly what I mean" I gasped at the reply, did this old geezer just hear my thought.

"For the last time Theseus, do not insult me, I am older that you with a lot of centuries" He spoke with sincerity.

"Wait did he just say centuries?"

I went upstairs to my room and carried just few clothes from my room, I would have carried all my clothes but my instincts told me that I would not need it, I didn't know why then but I had a feeling that the three visitors were Angels like Taylor but stronger than her, I shook that feeling away. The old man called himself my teacher so I doubt they will be angels. Following the incident with Taylor, I doubted an angel would take me into custody, so I came to a conclusion that they were other supernatural beings other than angels on Earth.

I went downstairs and saw the three visitors at the door waiting for me with my mum, I passed my mum and stood beside the old man, he smiled and patted my head and went outside. I followed him out with the two others at my back, I didn't look back as the door closed behind us, I didn't want to look at the woman who had left me to the hands of people I know nothing about.

I searched the area for a vehicle but there was none, not even a cycle. I was wondering how we would start the journey if we didn't have a transportation method. The old man placed his hand on my shoulder, then he tapped his walking stick on the ground.

Nothing happened for a few moments, then mist covered everyway and I felt myself being dragged into the mist, I felt dizzy for a while, after some seconds I started to see well. I opened my mouth in shock when I saw, we were, it was a big estate with a large building at the middle that looked like it was worth millions. There were other people around my age walking around.

I was still in shock when the old man tapped my shoulder "Boy follow me" I quickly obeyed. He took me straight to the building, the interior were as good as the outer features, after which I followed him to a particular door that seemed to be different that the other doors, it was plain gold with no knob.

My teacher (The Old man) stopped and turned to me "First lesson boy, please refrain from insulting anyone, you might end up dead" He said as he tapped the door and the gold shimmered away. I followed him in and the gold reformed back to form a wall.