
Chapter 7 Justice And Truth

It was late at night, and Chu Jungui added firewood to the bonfire, got into the rescue cabin, and began to rest. As an experimental subject, he also needs sleep, but the quality of sleep is higher and the process is more controllable. When sleeping, there will be a special microchip responsible for monitoring the surrounding movement, and if there is a change, it will wake him up immediately.

   One night without incident. At dawn, Chu Jungui woke up from his deep sleep, stretched out, and suddenly felt refreshed. He climbed out of the rescue capsule and faced a gust of cold wind that made him shiver. On this planet, the early morning winds are still quite cold. He looked around, feeling the need to make a shelter as soon as possible. After all, the rescue capsule was uncomfortable to live in, and it was too small to hold any equipment and have no defense function.

   The results of the first day's preliminary investigation proved that this planet is not so safe, and the small animals encountered, whether they eat grass or meat, are more violent than each other. In addition, he also felt that the species on this planet seemed to have low pain sensitivity. Even if it is pierced by a dagger, it is not trying to escape, but struggling to continue to attack. Low pain can be good or bad. The downside is that you are not alert to danger and are generally short-lived. It is possible that they could survive on this planet with extremely high levels of toxic substances such as sulfur and arsenic, and they did not plan to live for long.

  Chu Jun tightened his clothes, turned on the printer, and printed a logging axe and a long saw. Although he has an arm shield, it is not as efficient as professional tools after all. Then he dug up a few pieces of charcoal from the bottom of the bonfire that had gone out. This was deliberately charred by burying it under the fire. He put the charcoal into the refiner, and in a blink of an eye the machine spit out a steady stream of carbon rods. Preliminary processed materials consume significantly less energy when refining them into standard general-purpose materials.

   He picked up a few more stones, smashed them, and threw them into the refiner, and got a little more base metal and silicon. But he was more concerned about the small canister of gas collected during the refining process. The oxygen content in these gases is high enough to support his activities for hours. This extraction method is very inefficient, but the requirements of small workshop production and industrial production are different. Chu Jungui's first priority is to get some basic materials first, and the labor consumption will be discussed later.

   Having done this, he loaded the printer with industrial acid, carbon, and wood fiber as the basic mixed matrix, and a moment later got a small box of black powder. This is the most basic general gunpowder. If you can find saltpeter, you can create better gunpowder. With gunpowder and a copper rod that comes with the rescue capsule, there is a basis for making bullets.

  The printer started to work, and after a while, bullets were spit out one by one. These standard 9mm bullets have limited power. Chu Jun used the simple version of the first-level gunpowder, which weakened the power even more. It is estimated that there is no lethality at a distance of 50 meters. But it's better to have a gun than no gun. What's more, the word "melee" in the name of Chu Jungui's melee firearms fighting technique is not written in vain. The essence of this fighting technique is close-range or even close combat. No matter how bad the pistol is, as long as it hits the face, the damage will not be low.

  The bullet is solved, and the pistol is easy to handle. Not long after, a dark silver P1911 appeared in front of Chu Jungui. Chu Jungui picked up the gun, inserted the magazine, pulled the bolt, and the mechanical sound of the jam was clear and pleasant. With the gun in hand, he suddenly felt much more at ease.

   He raised his gun to aim, and his hand suddenly brought up an afterimage. In an instant, he had aimed at 8 different targets, but he did not shoot. After trying the gun, he felt that the magazine capacity was still slightly small. It's a pity that there are no related accessories in this printer, and there is no blueprint for a large-capacity magazine. Eight bullets are enough, and if you hit each one in the face, the damage is still considerable. Chu Jungui comforted himself like this.

  When Chu Jun returned and set off for the forest, his equipment was very different. First of all, there are chopping axes and long saws on both sides of his backpack, pistols and daggers on his waist, and an arm shield on his hands. And he didn't forget to put water and a small tank of oxygen in his backpack. Now that he is basically equipped, he is no longer in the streaking state when he first landed.

   This time he explored the depths of the forest as usual, and then went deeper for a few kilometers on the basis of the previous exploration. At this point, his body couldn't support it, and he took a breath of oxygen. During his in-depth exploration, he accidentally discovered a valley. Surrounded by mountains in the distance, the valley is lush with vegetation and even has a small pond in the center.

   But although he saw the water source, Chu Jungui did not rush over there. In the primitive area, a water source often attracts the surrounding ferocious creatures. The seemingly peaceful small pond is actually full of dangers. He squinted, watching the valley from a distance. Long-distance scans show that there are many strong magnetic field reactions of life in the valley, but I don't know what the source is.

   After hesitating for a moment, Chu Jungui gave up the idea of exploring the valley immediately. The danger in the valley is unknown, and his current equipment is still very primitive, and his firepower is far from enough. He himself had to at least carry a heavy machine gun in order to explore the valley calmly.

   Of course, there is no heavy machine gun blueprint in this portable version of the printer, not even an automatic rifle, but this is not difficult for Chu Jungui. He stores the structure and schematic diagram of several heavy machine guns in his memory area. He can print out the parts one by one, and then assemble a heavy machine gun by himself. Chu Jungui, both the experimental subjects and the teenagers in the data, have an obsessive fascination with heavy machine guns, or in other words, weapons with ferocious firepower similar to heavy machine guns.

   This is not an exception. When human beings just entered the era of interstellar development, an explorer summed up his years of experience in outer space and said a famous saying: Firepower is justice, and caliber is truth.

  Chu Jun Guishen agrees. He marked the location of the valley on the map, and specially added danger signs. After thinking about it, he added another sign of meat and water. He went back the same way, selected a moderate-sized tree at the edge of the forest, felled it, sawed the trunk into long strips, tied it into a bundle, and carried it back to the rescue capsule.

  There is a small highland not far from the rescue capsule. The terrain is two or three meters higher than other places. The top is flat, which is a relatively suitable place for construction. Chu Jungui cut out a wooden handle, inserted it into the arm shield, turned the arm shield into a shovel, cleaned up the weeds and gravels at the top of the small plateau, and sorted out a flat surface. Then select the four corners, and nail down a stake to each.

  In his vision, a phantom of a wooden house appeared. The virtual image coincides with the real image, and the four corners of the wooden house fit the wooden stakes nailed down just right. Chu Jungui was very satisfied, so he took the four wooden stakes as the base point, nailed down more wooden stakes, and then fixed them with wooden strips crossed between the wooden stakes.

   Now that he has plenty of iron on hand, he can make some metal fasteners. These fasteners have been optimized and designed by humans for many years, and have long become extremely simple and practical. He cut the wood into planks of the same size, and after adding fasteners to the four corners, put them together, and the two planks were firmly fixed together. If he did it, he would get a large piece of reinforced wood in a blink of an eye. Then put on those support stakes and support bars, tighten the joints, and the floor is formed.

   Lay the foundation, and the subsequent construction is a matter of course. This most basic wooden house structure does not need to spend any effort at all, it is built according to the blueprint in the horizon. There are various marking aids in the horizon, and there is no need to worry about crooked walls or uneven floors.

   Soon he built four walls, the door faced the rescue capsule, and a small window was opened on each of the other three sides to facilitate the observation of the surrounding environment. The only thing that bothered him was the lack of materials. During the construction process, he had to go to the forest twice to log wood, so he could barely get enough wood. When the sky was getting dark, a flat-roofed log cabin was already standing on a high slope. Chu Jungui used prey fat and plant fibers as raw materials, printed out several waterproof fiber cloths, and covered them on the roof. In this way, a wooden house with basic living functions was completed.

   He moved all the useful things in the rescue capsule to the wooden house, and nailed a working platform to place the refiner and printer. At night, the stellar energy panels and chargers should also be received in the house to avoid rainy days. Because of the excess sulfur in the air, the planet's rain is highly acidic. The stellar energy panels and chargers are cheap and rough, but they all have metal parts that won't get drenched in acid rain a few times.

  The hut is only a few square meters, and when a few things are placed, it seems a little crowded. Chu Jungui simply ate something, drank enough water, and lay down to rest. He closed his eyes and didn't fall asleep. He doesn't need to sleep yet.

   In the center of his vision, a blueprint for a heavy machine gun appeared. The heavy machine gun was then disassembled and turned into parts. Then the other parts are hidden, leaving the barrel. He kept zooming in and out of the barrel, rotating it back and forth, and after a series of complex digital calculations, he re-adjusted the size. The so-called modification is to increase the caliber a little, and the addition is not much, from 7.62 to 12.7, which is only a few millimeters. The eyes are slightly worse, and you may not be able to see the difference from a distance.

   After hesitating for a while, he finally decided to stop on this caliber. Although the boy has a passion for weapons in his bones, the reality is limited and it is impossible to support his unlimited transformation. When the caliber of the barrel is changed, except for the tripod, the rest of the parts must be modified accordingly. Not only the size of the parts, the larger the caliber, the strength of the bolt must also be reconsidered.

  Chu Jungui was able to add carbon and nickel to iron in a refiner to make steel. However, this lowest-level refiner cannot accurately grasp the proportions, the strength of the steel is limited, and the quality is very unstable, so some parts of the machine gun must be thickened to increase the strength. Even if Chu Jungui's brain power is comparable to that of a computer, the workload of modifying the design is not small. By the time the final design was finalized, it was past midnight.

  The newly designed heavy machine gun is thick and stocky, with a total weight of more than 40 kilograms, full of the rough style of the old industrial era. In other words, it's stupid. Even so, the life of this heavy machine gun is only about 2000 rounds. Chu Jungui was still a little disappointed. After all, this is his first self-designed and revised debut work, and it seems to be of a very average level.

   But then he thought about it, it would take more than ten days to rely on the printer to shoot 2000 rounds of bullets. The heavy machine gun has a short life, but he has less ammunition in his hand. In addition, the mineral resources of this planet are quite rich, and it is even more similar to the parent star. As long as he takes down the valley and is lucky enough to find some resources such as non-ferrous metals and rare earths, he may be able to create a newer generation of printers. At that time, he will most likely be walking around with a grenade gun or a machine gun, and a guy with weak firepower like a heavy machine gun can be thrown into the warehouse and fall into ashes.

  Chu Jungui fell asleep while sketching a bright future in his heart.