
The Truth

In a realm far away from where Wu Yi is in, an old man sitting on a throne sat in a huge room, in front of the old man was a young kid in a robe before him bowing to him.

The old man on the throne asked: "Servant of the Seer, what have you come to my place for?"

The young servant rembled when the old started talking, this old man's cultivation is unfathomable, the young servant picked himself back to reality and relayed the Seer's message "Great venerable, my master told me to tell you that an aura of a previous god has been spotted."

The old man's face went white, "Did he tell you who it might be?"

"Master has told me it relates to him, my master is trying to divine his location right now and that you should call everyone who was there at that fight."

The old man started sweating, he sent the servant away but he had his own problem, the fight 1000 years ago injured everyone in the fight including himself. Most of the injuries would take 2000 years to heal but he has come back from the dead in just a 1000 years. He must have paid a price.

The old man took out a badge and spoke into it. He then rushed towards the Seer's Palace


Wu Yi ran away from the dining hall and into his room. Wu Yi never intentionally wanted to activate the Soul Power but the threat from Wu Yi made the Origin Soul want to jump out and crush Wu Ju.

Outside the room, for the first time in a very long time, somebody knocked on his door.

Wu Yi walked towards the door and opened it. The person was the Wu Jie, the Clan Head.

Wu Jie walked into his room and said: "I need to talk to you about something."

Wu Yi laughed "You want to talk to me about something? What is it, do you want to throw me out? No, maybe you want to keep me as the other kids toy that they can kick around like a piece of trash. Well, stop staring at me like that go ahead. Not even the servants care enough so why should you."

Wu Jie showed a face of sadness and said "You are not really my son, and there is no 4th concubine it was made up by me so I could keep you in the clan. I didn't keep track of you because I thought as long as you stayed alive till you were 10 years old nothing would happen but I didn't realize how arrogant the clan was and how they treated you so I apologize and hope you don't take their actions into the future."

Wu Yi saw Wu Jie try to show sympathy and his eyes turned even colder "Haha, so you are telling me if you get beaten half dead every day just because you couldn't cultivate and come back to a home where no one even cares about you... that you would just forget the humiliation and tell yourself that everything is fine, you are a coward. It is not worth arguing with you just tell me, how did you find me..."

"I was 26 years old and I was traveling around the world for the experience. But one day while inside a valley that was said to harbor a ghost, an old man walked up to me with you in his hands. He told me to take care of you until you were 10 years old. He also told me if anything happened to you during these 10 years he would come and exterminate the clan. I asked him what your name was when he handed you to me and he told me your name was Wu Yi."

Wu Yi looked at Wu Jie and his eyes turned colder "I am leaving the clan, I will have no more ties with the Sacred Wu Clan if anything happens it is your clan's fault, not mine."

Wu Yi grabbed a bag and stuffed his money and clothes and left the room. Wu Jie simply stared at the 10-year-old leaving the room and sighed with a hint of regret.

As Wu Yi left the Clan Head House the same group of kids who kicked Wu Yi yesterday showed up again, and this time it wasn't only Wu Ju but also Wu Ju's sister Wu Wei.

Wu Wei saw Wu Yi with the bag on his back and smirked while asking "Where do you think you're going trash, did Father kick you out finally. Does that mean we can kill you."

Wu Yi has gotten beat up continuously over the years but never have they said they were going to kill him, but now his heart turned even colder to the clan that would threaten to kill him.

Wu Yi couldn't take these insults anymore and a flute appeared in his hands. It looked like a normal wooden flute on the outside, everyone saw the flute appear from nowhere so they were confused where it appeared from, some people whispered: "Does he have a spatial ring?" Which reached everyone's ears. Wu Ju's and especially Wu Wei's eyes turned into the eyes of greed.

Wu Yi smiled seeing greed overtake everyone in the crowd, he then put the flute to his mouth and played one note, the flute works by taking the sounds of the atmosphere and amplifying it into an attack. Wu Yi played a note and suddenly the eyes of greed were washed away and a new face of fear appeared. Everyone who blocked Wu Yi's way was blown to the side, allowing Wu Yi to leave the building and for the first time unscathed. Wu Yi felt like he should have harmed them more but what happened, has happened, so he went his separate way from the Stupid Wu Clan.