

skylar_stories · perkotaan
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: A little Past

Lavender walked around town. Her eyes wondered,as she looked at the tall buildings. She went inside the 7/11 store and bought herself a cup of coffee.

When she walked out, she saw someone familiar. A smile formed on her face when she saw who it was.

Kyle Edwards.

Her childhood friend and classmate during her elementary and highschool years. Since they went to a different collage they haven't met.

And haven't talked in awhile.

Kyle looked at her direction and smiled. He walked up to her and the two talked.

"How have you been,Lav?" Kyle asked

"I'm good. You?" She asked

Kyle sighed as he sat down on a bench by the sidewalk. Lavender sat beside him as she took a sip from her coffee.

"My father is forcing me to get married...next month. I don't even like the girl!" Kyle said as he ran his hands through his hair.

He's always been like this. He gets frustrated easily and looses temper. But you were always the one who can calm him down. It was like as if you two were made for each other.

"I like someone else..Not Vanessa." Kyle said


The two of you turned around in shock. There you saw a woman who had long wavey blonde hair, She had bright blue eyes. She had the perfect figure.

And you were just there. A simple country girl living in the city.

"Vanessa. I can explain!" Kyle said

"Who is this girl that you like,Kyle? Tell me!" Vanessa screamed.

You sighed as you walked away. But you were only shocked when Kyle grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards him.

"Her. I like her better. Wanna know why?! Because she's simple,kind and caring! Unlike you, who is a spoiled brat." Kyle said as he wrapped his arms around your waist.

"Come on Lavender.." He whispered.


Memories of your childhood started to come back to you. You remembered how you were so into him. You were so into Kyle.


"Kyle!" Lavender yelled as she ran towards Kyle and tackled him with a hug, making them fall on the ground.

"LAV!" Kyle greeted with a chuckle.

"I missed you! How was it,Kyle?" Lavender asked

"I'm good...I just missed you."

Kyle and Lavender are orphans living in an orphanage in the country-side. They grew up together and became close with one another.

But, seems like they won't stay together for long. Since Kyle is going to be adopted. And Lavender is going to be adopted as well.

But seems like luck was on their sides. The families that adopted the two were very close, hence they still got to see each other.

As children they were very close. But as they grew up they distance themselves. They rarely talk, and see each other.

Just seeing each other again now brings back the times when they were children.

"Kyle." Lavender called out.

"Hmm?" Kyle tilted his head. He eyed you curiously.

"...." Lavender went silent as she forgot what she was about to say. Kyle grabbed her hands as they ran away.

They ran towards a field. A field just outside the city.

"Do you remember this place?" Kyle asked as he looked into the distance.

Lavender nodded.

"We used to play here along with our friends back then." Lavender said with a smile as she recalls the memories of her childhood.

"Can we relive those times?" Kyle asked as he faced you.


Before we get to that point,the actual Plot starts....Here...


[Yeah sorry bout that]

Lavender groaned as she rubbed her eyes. She looked at her roommate.

"What is it this time,Clarisse?" Lavender asked as she sat up in her bed. She grabbed her comb as she started to comb her hair.

"Hector from class 4 is here! He also has a bouquet of flowers for you!" Clarisse said with a small grin.

"Then tell him that I'm not interested." Lavender said as she stood up and tied her hair.

"You know what,girl, you should be thankful that you're one of the popular girls despite your status." Clarisse remarked.

"To be honest, Clare, I don't want to be 'one of the popular girls' in campus. It's a boring and disturbing life." Lavender said

"...Still you should go talk to him at least." Clarisse said as she crossed her arms.



"Hector?" Lavender called out as she walked out of her dorm. She was wearing a simple blue t-shirt with jeans.

"Oh, Hey Lavender..these are for you.." He said as he handed the flowers.

"Thanks. But,No thanks. You know that I'm not available. Why are you boys trying so hard?" Lavender asked

"IT WAS A DARE OKAY! Charles dared me to do this." Hector said.

Lavender raised an eyebrow.

'Charles Frost?' Lavender thought.