

Sheng Tian picked up his communication jade, linking it to Tang Fei Yun's. A hologram of his father in law's face appeared.

"Is something wrong, Sheng Tian?"

Sheng Tian shook his head, "No, but I did enslave one of those devil worshippers without much trouble"

The woman trembled in anger, but did not speak up.

"Oh?" Tang Fei Yun raised an eyebrow, "Who is it?"

Sheng Tian shared his vision with him and Tang Fei Yun was able to see the devilish woman kneeling on the ground. 

His brows furrowed and a frown appeared on his face, "Doesn't this seem too easy? What if it's a trap?"

"Then I'll kill her," Sheng Tian said calmly, "No use in keeping her alive"

"Is she a hostage then? Why did she decide to betray her allies?"

Of course, Sheng Tian was suspicious of her too. Why turn to the other side now? It didn't make any sense for this woman to suddenly plead for her life unless...