
Attacks On Both Sides

Tang Fei Yun frowned, "It seems that we don't have time to wait around for reinforcements. Does anyone have questions?"

A sect leader of a lesser known sect stepped forward with a bow, "Is this all of our fighters?"

Everyone glanced around. There were several hundred people gathered with most of them being Xuan Beasts. The human disciples numbered in the hundreds and were waiting outside for further instructions.

Tang Fei Yun nodded, "Yes, about 800 Xuan Beasts and over 500 humans"

A different sect leader frowned, "Isn't that too little? A continent this big and that's all the fighters we have?"

"This situation is quite normal actually," said Shang Shi Huo, "The other side will also be like this"

"Why is that?"

Tang Fei Yun smiled wryly, "While the population of the Xuan Continent is in the hundred thousands, in a time of war, not many will be fighting in a time of war. Only elites are chosen through a lottery system"