
Chapter 11

"Wielder of the what" Josiah looked on in confusion. His pain stung with a slight burning sensation. Headaches and random pains wretched havoc on his body as sweat ran down his face.

Michael looked at him with an uncharacteristic smirk on his face. He found another piece of the puzzle. There were quite a few things he needed still but this was a start- all he needed to do now is to get him on his side.

"Brother is everything okay? You seem a little bit off" Michael concerned

Josiah looked at him with a blank stare, "Are angels blind, can't you see the giant stab wound in my side? It's a surprise I'm not dead yet"

"What stab wound" Michael smiled

"This stab wound" Josiah pointed to his side

When he looked down at it he saw a golden flame. It began healing his wounds so much so it didn't leave a scratch. He robbed his side in disbelief looking at Michael and then back at his side. Even his broken bones were healed, Josiah looked at his hands and concentrated and they erupted into flames. He started to panic a little as his entire body ignited and Michael tried to calm him down.

The flames lashed out burning Michael. It engulfs the entire shipyard burning everything around him. Then there was a huge explosion you could see anywhere in the city, the rumbling shook the city like a 6.5 earthquake. The fiery display both scared and mistify Michael because not even hellfire could burn him- hellfire destroys everything it touches.

You could hear Josiah screaming on the inside, "IT BURNS IT BURNS AHHHHH AHHH HELP ME HELP ME" he clawed at the air in misery, and something touched his arm.

It was something humanoid that was made of flame. It looked at him and shook its head, Joisah felt like he knew this thing. Its presence was enough to calm him down, the flames shot into the air like a pillar and dispersed. It made a beautiful display before disappearing completely, Josiah no exhausted dropped to the ground passing out.

The entire shipyard was incinerated, Michael looked on with disbelief but still had a smile branded on his face. He picked up Josiah and threw him across his shoulders.

"You're an incredible human," Michael said before flying away

"Well, you know how to pick them don't you love? Who would have thought you would have marked the sacred flame user? You know how to pick them don't you Ciara" Lilith smiling from ear to ear.

Ciara and Lilith looked at the situation from a safe distance. While Josiah was in the explosion, Ciara felt something. Her heart started beating faster and she was overcome with worry. She brushed it off as if it wasn't important.

"Lilith what is he exactly," Ciara asked in curiosity

"I didn't peg for gold digger Ciara….well power digger I guess" Lilith in shock

"Yeah just tell me... wait what. Did you just call me a gold digger? How am I a gold digger that doesn't make sense"

"As soon as he got some power you're interested? That's kinda, how do you youngsters say it again or yeah 'sus'" she said with finger quotations

"He just vaporised an entire shipyard and burned Michael who's trying to kill me by the way. That same angel took him. Of course, I'll be interested" Ciara explained

"Calm down you sheltered orphan it was just a joke" Lilith snickered

"Did you just call me an orphan" Ciara offended

"I don't know much about the sacred flame but what I do know is it's potent. What we saw here wasn't a fraction of its power. The real question how did it manifest in a human like him" Lilith in a serious tone

"She really just called an orphan" Ciara still dwelling on that comment

"Are you paying attention here?" Lilith asked

"Yes I heard you" Ciara answered

"Come on we have to find the princes immediately or things could get bad" Lilith explained

Ciara followed behind her having more questions than answers, What is she getting herself into and how does fit into all of this? She wants to ask Lilith these things but she is scared of the answers.

Lilith looks at her and sees that has many questions, "I know you're scared Ciara but you don't have to be because I am here" she reassured her

Ciara smiled, "I know"

The damage from the earthquake was minimal but still noticeable. Cracks in the sidewalks, upturned furniture and fallen lamp post everywhere. Most people blamed the angels others tried defending them by blaming the devil. The dispute between these groups started to escalate daily.

The angels watched this chaos ensue not doing anything. They shook their heads while this was going Michael had Josiah somewhere else. Josiah was out cold and it had been at least three days. Michael had heard about the chaos in the city and hoped for a different outcome but it was getting out of hand.

He appeared and projected himself around the world with a scowl. At that moment the world went silent. Everyone could feel the power emanating off of him, everyone felt scared of an angel for the first time.

"You guys a pathetic, you bicker and cast blame instead of helping those affected. Instead of helping your brothers and sisters, you chose to fight. I'm sure why didn't come early and set things straight. I was looking to see what you do and I can't say I'm surprised. Well, grouping all of you together is an injustice. I saw some of doing something to help your siblings and I thank you" Michael scolded them

Michael looked into the crowds gauging their reactions. It was again a disappointment, while somewhere reflecting most of them were mumbling things like "Where does he get off" and "I'm sure he's not even an angel".

"Hmm," he said to himself, "You do deserve to know what happen that night, There was a demon that was attacking but was defeated thanks to the wielder of the sacred flame who'll be revealed in time. But I do need some help from you. I know some have awakened powers thanks to the names given to you. I'll need your help to protect this plane" Michael said. He waved his hands over the crowds. Only people with biblical names began floating into the air, "These people will protect you from demons that wander here. So things like what happened won't happen again"

There was an air of disbelief washed over the crowd. Then subtle applause started to happen until it grew and erupted.

"What a pretentious asshole" Leo snarled while folding clothes, " I don't know why they trust him so much"

"I'm home Leo," Deanna said opening the door

"Oh you're home early" Leo was taken by surprised

"Well when some of your co-workers float out a window this happens" Deanna shrugs

"Well I'm almost done with laundry so I'll get dinner started in a bit" Leo smiled

"Okay I'm going to lie down," Deanna said walking away, "Wait I told you to stop folding underwear I'll do it"

"What, this underwear" Leo held it stretching it out

Deanna jumped onto the couch and into the air slamming her fist into his head. She grabbed her underwear turning away and blushing.

In an undisclosed location, different high-ranking members of the government came together. They came to discuss the mess they were in, with Michael and his angels threatening their positions.

It has been almost a month since the angels came and people started to turn against their government. Some of the revolts were helped by the angels and are now under their control, it was almost a matter of time before it happens in the states.

With the people that Michael took, he technically added to his already huge army. His growth and influence are becoming a threat to them.

"How can we be sure he's actually an angel and not some alien" One of them said

"The things he does is mostly supernatural so of course an angel' Someone else chipped in

"We should go push them out of here" Another official jumped in

"We can't afford to go to war with these things" Another one argued

It went on like that for a while until a senior member stood up silencing the entire room. He began laughing confusing everyone.

"I'm sorry but it's hilarious to see how stupid all of you are. We can't go up these things but that doesn't mean we don't have something" he said

"What do you mean?" Someone asked

Inside the same building at a lower level stood a woman blindfolded in a full-body suit. Water started to fill the room. Armed soldiers walked in and with each step, they gave away their positions.

They walked around took up position and open fire. She threw her hands to the sides and water rose up blocking the bullets. One of them was able to graze her on the face but she was unfazed. The water around her formed a bubble and she flicked back the bullets with water pressure. She blasted the men but not killing, someone else fired from behind her. The water automatically defended her.

The girl turned around and focused her attention on him. Underneath him, a giant hand of water grabbed him and lifted him high into the air. Then it smashed him into a wall leaving a giant indent. She made a giant tsunami washing out the rest of the men, a woman in a lab coat open the door to let her out of the room

"How does it feel," she asked

"It feels great" the girl answered in a monotone voice. She removed her blindfold wiping the black blood off her face and showing off her eyes. It looked as if it had a raging ocean locked behind them.

"We have the vessel of the demon prince Leviathan, Astrid Taylor" The senior finished

"Leo I'm heading to bed okay," Deanna said

"Yeah yeah" Leo nursing the bump on his head

A few hours went by and Leo stood in the kitchen. He looked around before healing the wound with magic. The house suddenly grew colder and darker. Leo's face darken and without turning around he said "What are you doing here"

They were seven cloaked figures kneeling and in unison, they said, "Lord Leviathan have found their vessel, sir"

"They have that's good" he responded, "My chosen partner isn't ready but I need you to gather as many demons as possible and wreak havoc to buy us time"

"It shall be done, for you are Asmodeus a prince of hell" they responded