
Heaven's Last System: Welcome To The Apocalypse

In the Year 2044, When Humanity had long since progressed, When AI became the news of the day, When Money lost it's value and everyone lived their lives in peace... A terrible misfortune struck the Earth. The sun turned black, It's rays of darkness pouring down on the world below, The Apocalypse had began. Humans were at the bottom of the Foodchain but it seemed the Black sun granted them power, Transforming their souls into a different entity entirely. Humans were able to control fire, water, air, earth and they were easily able to stand up to any Zombie threat but the Apocalypse brought more, Slowly but surely, more beings came into existence, Ghouls, Vampires... To survive was a problem as the resources were scarce, but that wasn't the problem, It was the fact that the Apocalypse had brought downfall upon the world. A single man, Blaze Jin, A 20 year old College transfer student got a chest sometime later, A cheat to help him survive the world and this Cheat was called Heaven's Last System...

Kris_Tylers_1273 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
25 Chs

Troubling Encounter

- Blaze's Pov -

I drew my blades back and then kicked the Zombie on the face, it's blood painting 

the heels of my shoe. 

It growled menancingly and leapt forward once again, despite the fact that it had lost it's eyes, It wouldn't rest until it feeded upon my flesh and blood.

Alas, I was expecting this and I leaned to the right, evading the full-body charge entirely while expertly bringing my knife forward, burying my knife in the heart of the beast.

I raised my left hand and the blade followed suit, The other Zombie latched it's teeth around the knife, red blood flowing down from it's cheeks.

'Don't they feel any pain?'

'Don't they suffer when they do this?'

I removed the other Knife from the heart of the dead Zombie and splashed it's blood on the ground before slashing at the other Zombie, the blade engraving in the stomach area and spraying blood on the ground.

"Don't you feel any pain?" I asked, as if I was expecting a proper answer. The Zombie grumbled and blood oozed down the wound but I pushed the Knife deeper, the red blood poured out like a fountain but it's grip on my rotting knife.

I don't know if it was fate or if I deserved it but my knife broke, The Zombie brought it's mouth forward and it's fangs were about to be buried in my hand that was still holding the hilt of the broken knife when it's consciousness slipped, it's teeth crashing against each other and red blood splashing upon each other, It was dead... dead from blood loss.

I withdrew the other Knife from it's chest and I let out a scared stifled laugh.

"I almost... got turned,"

I sighted the ammunition building on the opposite side of the street and saw the door was already busted. It was probably from Survivors that perhaps lacked the Superpowers, after all, With a power as rare as that, Not everyone was going to have it.

I gripped the hilt of my dual blades and then charged toward the building, I was going in for an all-out run to the building and If I attracted any attention, I would easily lose them in the building.

But surprisingly I didn't encounter any Zombies, It was strange though but nevertheless I kept running and then entered the building. It was dead silent like I expected it to be but I felt uneasy, very uneasy about the way things were turning out.

It wasn't a coincidence that ALL of the Zombies in the street had left and it also wasn't a coincidence that the place was dark and dead-silent then why... Why was my heart beating fast like this?

Why did all of this feel so wrong? I had to ignore that feeling and kick down the counter on the first floor crushing it in the process and checking the ground for any weapon.

I had searched this place from top to bottom but there was absolutely no usable weapon, It had been cleared out. That's what I get for going to a Public Ammunition...

Besides not everyone was lucky in the Apocalypse just like I had been three months ago when I started living in that run-down market. 

Everyone was trying to survive but never had I imagined that it would have been absolutely cleared out, even the rotting weapons were taken away... 

"And I really wanted a gun," I chimed in as I made it to the first floor, then that feeling came again, it was... tearing me apart.

It was as if my entire body was warning me to run but I couldn't, not because I was afraid but rather because I wasn't able to move. I tried to move my body but it didn't budge, instead a purplish aura spread around my body from my head to my toes and then I stepped forward but it wasn't of my own will.

My head turned to the right and I saw the most beautiful girl... She had silver hair and crimson eyes, Her lips were pink and her beauty was unparalleled. She was as tall as I was but her face betrayed her beauty, She looked like she was looking down on me.

"Come with me, Servant," She quipped and my body moved forward, dancing to her tune.

I didn't understand, What was this? I couldn't feel my body, it was numb but it was moving on it's own nevertheless.

We left the building and my eyes were glued to her hips swaying, not because I wanted to but because I couldn't move them elsewhere.

"You're under a mind control spell," She explained, "And now, You'll serve as a good enough supply,"

'What kind of supply?' I thought inwardly but it was as if she read my mind.

"Blood supply," The beautiful vampire said and I gulped, or at least I thought I did.

The place she took me to was not that far from the Ammunition building, in fact, it was even more run-down than the place where I lived.

When I said that I trusted my life in the hands of a Zombie, I meant it. At least I wouldn't be backstabbed, as for Zombies, They didn't come near us. It was almost like her aura repelled all of them entirely.

As she opened the door, the insides of the building weren't rotting no they were being retained. It wasn't natural so I guess it was by the same thing she was using to control me and since she called it a spell... I guess she was using Magic.

Magic was something I had been hearing from the old-fashioned anime watchers in my College class, Magic was like a different force of nature entirely operating under different rules from the ones we were acquainted with.

There was something strange though, If there was retaining magic and a girl like this was able to do it then why wasn't she with that organization? She would be an excellent addition to their forces.


Author's Note:

And the MC gets unlucky!