
Heaven's Last System: Welcome To The Apocalypse

In the Year 2044, When Humanity had long since progressed, When AI became the news of the day, When Money lost it's value and everyone lived their lives in peace... A terrible misfortune struck the Earth. The sun turned black, It's rays of darkness pouring down on the world below, The Apocalypse had began. Humans were at the bottom of the Foodchain but it seemed the Black sun granted them power, Transforming their souls into a different entity entirely. Humans were able to control fire, water, air, earth and they were easily able to stand up to any Zombie threat but the Apocalypse brought more, Slowly but surely, more beings came into existence, Ghouls, Vampires... To survive was a problem as the resources were scarce, but that wasn't the problem, It was the fact that the Apocalypse had brought downfall upon the world. A single man, Blaze Jin, A 20 year old College transfer student got a chest sometime later, A cheat to help him survive the world and this Cheat was called Heaven's Last System...

Kris_Tylers_1273 · Fantasi
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25 Chs

Blood Eyes

- 3rd Person Pov -

"Stop your useless empty threats, You don't have enough power to fulfill them," Anon said, shrugging him off.

Derek's eyes flashed and his wings expanded, he pushed off the ground at amazing speed and a bright shadow engulfed his right arm, He swung forward and the dark aura followed, threatening to slam into Anon's face.

But Anon was faster, dodging at a speed that couldn't be formulated by Derek who widened his eyes in surprise.

"Even in a domain that is owned by me," Derek muttered and drew back, his wings pushing him off the ground and into the sky, "He still dominates when all the odds are stacked against him... What kind of monster am I facing against?"

Anon appeared right in front of Derek and his eyes leaked out a green light, his feet made contact with Derek's face sending shockwaves through the dimension itself.

"Fuck," Derek said as he landed on the ground and stood back up, his eyes meeting that of Anon's and then he realized something, "I always thought there was something odd about those eyes,"

Anon smiled and extended his right hand, a bright light coated Anon's hand as several baseball sized balls of light started flying at Derek.

"My eyes... are peculiar," Anon said, "A magical trait that allows me to increase my magic ten fold and my light magic by fifteen, Which makes it perfect against battles against stronger opponents, although I've never encountered an opponent stronger than I am... so I guess it's perfect to traumatize weaklings like you,"

Derek took in a deep breath, He had never thought that those GREEN eyes were so powerful increasing the power of his other magic by ten and light magic by fifteen.... It was so overpowered!

"Dark Contamination!"

Derek shouted and his wings expanded, dark particles shooting into the air and covering the area around him. The Light balls made contact with the particles of darkness, covering and containing them.

Anon flickered before appearing in front of Derek, his expression turning somewhat sour.

"I noticed but most of your techniques are not based on attack but rather... Defense and Containment! How spineless can you be!" Anon shouted, a thin coat of light aura surrounding his body, his robe flowing, "A true warrior attacks till they meet their inevitable death and then look at you... Defending,"

Anon brought his foot forward, it smashed into Derek's stomach and Derek doubled up in pain, blood shooting out of his mouth but Anon wasn't done yet, The Vampire spun around and his foot kicked Derek's face sending the fallen angel flying and smashing against the ground, creating a crater.

As a man of his pride, Anon hated the word 'Defensive'. He wouldn't allow himself defend without attacking... The whole point of his barrier was to REPEL not DEFEND.

"But still being able to contain my balls of light without the debuff of the Blood Eyes is amazing," Anon said, "A few more years to hone your talents and you might as well come close to touching me,"

Derek stood right back up, his bones were aching... some broken but the dark malevolent aura still shrouded his eyes. The Dark determination surging through his veins urged him not to give up... To fight like his life depended on it because that of his Sister did too.

Becoming an Experiment meant death to put it in simple terms... and the fact that Anon was disgusted by Fallen angels didn't seem to stir any positive feelings in Derek. 

Golden sparks of lightning emanated his body and the dark aura followed, filling his body with a sense of invigoration.

"Oh so you learned to combine elements together," Anon said and his eyes glowed, "Maybe this won't be all that boring,"

The sky stirred and turned black, white bolts of lightning coinciding on Derek's location, tearing the ground apart and creating a bigger crater than before but Derek had already left there.

"Hmm, fast," Anon commented as he saw Derek run across, keeping a little bit of distance between them. 

Derek pointed his right arm at Anon and the ground below him trembled, his wings flailed around and glowed in an aura of darkness. A powerful bolt of black lightning, robust and filled to the brim with magical power shot to Anon the next moment but all the Vampire could do was smirk...

The impact sent shockwaves rumbling across the ground and smoke as well as dust blew Derek back, He never thought he would be able to summon such a massive amount of magic.

"Maybe I defeated-" Derek didn't get to even complete his sentence as his smoke cleared, revealing his powerful spell to have stopped just short of Anon.

It was repelled by a powerful barrier, one that seemed to glow like a crystal illuminating the surrounding area.

'So this is that barrier?' Derek thought.

The amount of Light magic poured into that skill was insurmountable and then Derek witnessed it, A big bolt of lightning filled to the brink with Dark and Lightning magic repelled in an instant by Anon's barrier, shooting into the sky and exploding.

Derek couldn't believe it... Just how many years of training did a Person go through to turn himself into such a powerful being? It didn't make any sense...

Anon frowned.

"A limited being such as yourself shouldn't be able to have learned to fuse two elements together, especially with your dark magic," Anon said and pointed his hand at Derek who was gasping for breath, "Perhaps because you were once a talented angel up in the realm of the gods but... I don't care! Let you and your talent wash away!!!"

With each shout, Anon's arm filled itself up with light magic and then, the acid rain descended from the sky further enhancing Anon's attack while reducing the amount of moves Derek could use in this situation.

'I don't have any moves to use to counter it as well as defend against it...'

Anon's arm glowed more brightly.

'I should pour my last bits of magic into escaping,' 

A bright beam escaped from Anon's arm, wiping away everything in sight...


Author's Note:

Continue with the support! Give Power stones too if you're enjoying the book!!!