
Heaven's Last System: Welcome To The Apocalypse

In the Year 2044, When Humanity had long since progressed, When AI became the news of the day, When Money lost it's value and everyone lived their lives in peace... A terrible misfortune struck the Earth. The sun turned black, It's rays of darkness pouring down on the world below, The Apocalypse had began. Humans were at the bottom of the Foodchain but it seemed the Black sun granted them power, Transforming their souls into a different entity entirely. Humans were able to control fire, water, air, earth and they were easily able to stand up to any Zombie threat but the Apocalypse brought more, Slowly but surely, more beings came into existence, Ghouls, Vampires... To survive was a problem as the resources were scarce, but that wasn't the problem, It was the fact that the Apocalypse had brought downfall upon the world. A single man, Blaze Jin, A 20 year old College transfer student got a chest sometime later, A cheat to help him survive the world and this Cheat was called Heaven's Last System...

Kris_Tylers_1273 · Fantasi
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25 Chs

A New Mission

3rd Person Pov -

Saya's eyes fluttered as her hair turned from silver to black, her crimson eyes settled as she found the reassuring face of Blaze, her cheeks warming up. She noticed a little wound, a slash mark over his right cheek but it did nothing to alter his handsomeness…

His black hair attracted her eyes even more, her crimson eyes seemingly analyzing them, following their length and she found that they reached his shoulders, they were far shorter than her's but nevertheless long for a human.

Then her eyes met his, Gray orbs of burning determination… his entire being exuding an aura of confidence that seemed to attract her. A blush crossed her cheeks as she realized she had been checking him out.

Blaze's right hand came forward, she looked at his movements and thought he meant to caress her hair and although it was something that she would normally decline, She was willing to allow him do it this once.

"Oww!" Saya cried out as Blaze's fingers hit her head, painting the spot with Red, an indication that it was swollen.

"Ohh fuck, Stop checking me out," Blaze said with his poker face as he turned around, Saya noticed he was wearing black clothes and they looked… nice on him but she… She didn't necessarily hate black, but when it was a dress or a gown, It looked rather bland.

She then looked at her clothes and saw she was wearing a black gown… her crimson eyes let out a brilliant glow as the gown burned into ashes.

"You're stupid, you know," Blaze said, "What if we didn't have another set of clothes? You would be walking around naked,"

The flames died down as Saya looked at Blaze's back, her eyes exuding a bit of fear.

"Do we have another set of clothes?" Saya asked, her voice trembling.

"Umm, Yeah, Check the side near the wall," Blaze replied as he waved his arms, clearly uninterested in her question… then he felt a warm aura flood his entire being, covering him in a healing glow as the wound on his cheek vanished, "You didn't have to heal me first though?"

"You're a main priority," Saya said and then rushed to the walls where she saw a multitude of clothes… Her eyes flickering a bit with indecision. There were two piles of clothes, the pile of female clothes were crafted to her taste but she still admired a certain shirt that was far bigger than the others, hanging atop the pile meant for Blaze.

Saya turned to Blaze who was still looking away and then a mischievous smile tugged on her lips as she grabbed the shirt from Blaze's pile and wore it, admiring the fact that it was bigger than her but… really? She was wearing no panties and no bra and Blaze's eyesight was nothing short of amazing, He would be able to see it at first glance.

She turned to the pile of clothes meant for her and put on a pair of bra and panties, before putting on the shirt again and now she felt amazing, she hugged the warmth of the heavy shirt meant for Blaze although he hadn't worn it yet.

"Blaze, I'm done!" Saya exclaimed and Blaze turned to her, his eyes filled with surprise.

"Why're you wearing a shirt meant for me?" Blaze asked with an accusing gaze, like that shirt was the one he wanted to wear first.

"To test it first," Saya said with a smile, "But seriously, how'd you get the other me to make so many clothes?"

"She fought me a bit… then when I explained my reason, She accepted and started sucking my blood once we got inside, She had to heal me up a couple of times and suck again but fuck, Even with my strengthened skin, I didn't know a Vampire's fangs were so sharp," Blaze said, strengthening his urge to train once more.

Blaze then reached for the air and the reality around his fingertips seemed to crack as he dipped his hand inside and brought out a weapon that Saya hadn't seen before, It was a Spear.

It's figure seemed to give off a divine aura, Saya felt amazed that Blaze was not only able to wield one but two such divine weapons… It was amazing. It's skin was blue and the blade that seemed to protrude from the top was bright, giving off an azure glow that only she could see.

At first glance, Saya could see that instead of Blaze having to draw out aura like he did from the other one… This one already had it drawn out which made it a more powerful weapon in combat.

"Incredible…" was the word that escaped her lips as she stared at the Spear in awe but Blaze rose up and headed for the door, "Umm Blaze, Where are you going?"

"To train," Blaze replied without turning to her, "I can't keep on relying on power that was given to me, I must train and cultivate that said power to higher limits… What if we face an opponent that I can't win against? What do I do then? Back down? Sure but What if it isn't an option, What if you are at stake?"

Saya listened to Blaze's logical reason and her cheeks brightened as soon as he reached the last parts of his sentence.

"You are Important, Saya," was all Blaze said as he left the abandoned market with a burst of speed, leaving Saya behind.

Blaze jumped off the destroyed buildings, rotting under the rays of the dim sun. His face showed his intense focus as he leapt from building to building with incredible agility.

'The new mission,' He thought, 'It's too dangerous to carry Saya along,'

A new mission had popped up and it involved him defeating a Werewolf lord but he didn't feel secure because the 'Lord' was at the end of the title… There must be some reason for it.

"Graah!!!" Blaze heard and stopped thinking, snapping his mind to reality as he saw a stray Zombie, leaping toward him. He couldn't help but wonder whether they didn't retain even a little bit of their original humanity…

The tip of the spear went through the Zombie's head, filling it with the divine energy stored at the tip of the blade and then it exploded, sending blood all across the roof he stood on, The blood didn't touch him though, A divine barrier had been generated from the weapon.


Author's Note:

Thanks to Blankaccount for supporting this book, I promise to release chapters a lot frequently now.