
chapter 4

She just smiled at Bryan and she frown at Carlo she's hurt because he never visited her the whole time she was in the hospital..

She turned her back on Carlo and decided to close her eyes after Bryan and her friends bid goodbye.

" Honey,I brought strawberries,apples and oranges for you what would you like to eat?", ask Carlo, she did not answer him she just pretended to be asleep . She heard her mom called Carlo.Her recovery was very fast, ,and from her mom she had learned that Carlo didn 't abandon her. When he called her and he is told about the incident, he postponed the workshop and rescheduled after fiften days.He had booked a flight home and they take turn watch after her in the hospital, he had requested for a proxy to be in the workshop but no one will replace him in such a short notice. So her parents persuade him to go because she is in a coma at that time .He is just calling to monitor her condition and he is very happy when they told him the good news that she is awake. Upon that knowledge her anger was suddenly appease all the while she thought he had abandoned her in favor of Lori she felt a little bit ashame of what she assumed. .And they are back to being happy couple again.

"Honey aren't you going to school ?", Carlo asked her when he notice she's still in bed .

" Sorrry, I am not feeling well today", she complained.

" I will be back early this afternoon so we could see consult a doctor?", Carlo said.

" Love,, can you please schedule a check up with doctor Lee this afternoon?", she said.

" Sure!",he answered and after a sweet kiss in her lips he left for work.

."Congrats,you will be parents soon", both of them were ecstatic for the possibility of being parents.

" Carlo had been extra sweet since then and the extra care he gave her made her very happy.. But the problem begin to rise because she began to see spirits of different gender.

One day when she entered the comfort room, in their condo unit she had seen a woman in white, she screamed so loud that scared Carlo. She had never been afraid in her whole life but the trembling she felt was uncontrolable. The couple decided to stay for a while with Marien parents so that she won't be left on herself when Carlo is in the university. Whereever they go she can see spirits even in their home where she grow up but she's not afraid because her mom is always around to assure her she's not alone. Even in the mall, or sometimes when they travel long distance they pass by in buses where she saw spirits riding in the bus. She can see spirits of childrens, old men or women, and younger millennial spirits of both gender. Their life as husband and wife became complicated , so Carlo and her parents brought her to a spiritist and they had learnt, that her third eyes opened because of the accident that made her comatose for a month.

" You have to be strong for your baby.", the spiritist advice her.

" I want to, but when they are around my heart pound so hard,it weaken me physically", she explained.

" That's why I told you to be strong emotionally,always remember they can never hurt you, they can never talk to you all they can do is stare at you", the spiritist said.

" Yah, but seeing them weaken my resolve to be stronger, I feel so physically and mentally drain when they are around", she said.

" Pity for you, your baby will be sickly if you allow them to affect you! they cannot hurt you physicaĺly but they can kill you ithrough heart attack f you allow them ", the spiritist explain.

" But how can I be stronger?",she asked.

" Always remember this,we should be scared of living individuals because they can bodily harm us ,rather than the spirits that can never harm us physically",according to the spiritist.

" Okay thanks, I will try to be stronger", Marien promised.

She tried to have a normal life as possible, but there are times she 's still not comfortable

everytime she see like the one she had seen with Karen a black lady follow her.

" Weee! you must be joking", Karen said unbeleif is seen in her face when she mentioned it.

She had tried to see a spiritist to close the third eyes that was opened, for the protection of her unborn child and so that she won't be tagged as bipolar patient by some people she know.. Her husband and family had been a great help for her to cope up with this problem, another is she had learned the art of astral travel and she enjoyed it, she will just asked her husband and parents not to awaken her because she'll just sleep and they need not touch her body because she won't be able to come back to her body if they did, if she wants to go somewhere like a beach or mall for window shopping there is also a time she visited her friends in school, when she mention it to Leticia and Karen they can't beleive it but when she told them what they are talking about at that time word by word they were very surprise because what she just said was true.