
The Nine-tailed Fox begs [+18]

Wu Yun watches Lan Tian dry swallow as he looks up at him. He's been torturing him all day, treating him like a pet, now Wu Yun is going to get even.

He gets comfortable on his front, and pillows his face on his folded arms. He kicks his calves up in the air in a casual way, and swings his legs back and forth, pretending to ignore how the movement makes his thigh muscles contract, and his ass sway suggestively. 

"Do you like what you see?" he asks Lan Tian mildly, giving him another one of those looks beneath his lashes.

Lan Tian's hands tighten into fists on his lap, while his gaze rakes over Wu Yun's naked back. "You know that I do."

Wu Yun smirks. "You're not going to touch any of it, though."

One of Lan Tian's eyebrows climbs up towards his hairline. "That has been established. I won't touch you while you're still under the effects of the aphrodisiac."

Wu Yun's smirk grows as sharp as a blade. "Good, remember that."

Lan Tian still looks confused, but that's exactly what Wu Yun wants.

He plays with a strand of hair while keeping eye-contact with Lan Tian, and then asks, twisting it around his fingers, "What do you think it's going to feel like? When you fuck me?"

Lan Tian looks taken aback, and for a moment doesn't know how to answer, eyes wide as he stares at Wu Yun's innocent expression.

 Wu Yun is beyond pleased to see him at a loss for words so early on.

"I think it's going to be tight, you're not a small dragon, after all."

The dry click of Lan Tian's throat echoes in the room like thunder, and Wu Yun bites his bottom lip not to laugh.

It's not as if he is unaffected. The aphrodisiac has begun to run its course through his body, but he has learned how to manage the overwhelming heat. He finds that letting it out, even if not in the way he would want, helps.

"Do you think it's going to be tight?" he asks, throwing Lan Tian the barest of glances over his shoulder.

"Yes," the words leave Lan Tian in a heavy exhale.

Wu Yun wants to climb onto his lap to find out just how much he's being affected, but he can't lose sight of his plan.

He's going to torture Lan Tian until he begs for mercy.

He raises up on his hands and knees, and crawls closer to Lan Tian, who flattens himself against the stone wall.

Wu Yun knows that from this position Lan Tian has a perfect view of his chest, and of his hair falling down his back, pooling in the deep valley of his spine, framing the curve of his ass when he raises his hips and lowers his chest against Lan Tian's legs.

The rub of Lan Tian's robes against his nipples is enough to make them tighten, and heat pool low in his middle.

That gives him an idea.

He raises one hand to his face and licks a broad strip over the open palm.

"What are you doing?" Lan Tian asks, watching transfixed as Wu Yun's pink tongue plays between the spread of his fingers, coating them generously with saliva.

Wu Yun's only answer is to drag his hand over his chest, running it briefly over a nipple to leave it wet and shiny, before travelling further down his body, to where Lan Tian's gaze doesn't reach.

But what his eyes can't see he's perfectly capable of imagining, because he draws in a sharp breath at the exact same moment Wu Yun wraps his wet hand around his straining cock and hisses in pleasure.

Despite his bold display, Wu Yun has never done any of this before, he's just following along to what his body tells him feels good. 

His body doesn't lead him astray, because the pressure of his slick fingers around his cock feels delicious. He can only imagine how much better it would feel if it were Lan Tian's fingers instead.

"Let me see," Lan Tian asks, he's not begging yet, but Wu Yun thinks it's a close thing.

Wu Yun closes his eyes and shakes his head. "No, imagine it."

He speeds up the movements of his hand, as the fire inside him builds, threatening to consume him. He knows what's going to happen if he continues, but that's not the point.

He might be willing to torture himself in solidarity with Lan Tian.

"I want to touch you," Lan Tian says, running his eyes over Wu Yun's heaving chest, over the charming curve of his back.

Wu Yun has to bite his lip, he might have miscalculated, because he wants that too. More than he has words to define.

His arm trembles with the strain of holding up all his body weight, and he changes positions. Climbing up into Lan Tian's lap and sitting with his back to his chest. Letting him look down his body to watch how he wraps his fist around himself.

Lan Tian hides his face against Wu Yun's neck and inhales sharply. 

His right hand digs into the meat of Wu Yun's thigh and Wu Yun has to bite down on a whimper.

This was a terrible idea, the worst idea. What was Wu Yun thinking?

"Please touch me." He throws his head back against Lan Tian's shoulder, and raises his hips in shameless invitation.

Lan Tian gives up with a ragged breath of capitulation. He trails the hand he has on Wu Yun's thigh towards his hipbone.

Wu Yun's vision almost whites out when his fingers are replaced with Lan Tian's large hand and deft fingers, wrapping around him sweetly.

"How does it feel?" Lan Tian asks, brushing the words against Wu Yun's sensitive skin

"It feels good, it feels amazing," Wu Yun admits, breath hitching with each stroke of Lan Tian's hand.

He knows he miscalculated the moment he feels Lan Tian's smirk pressed against his neck.

His hand tightens on Wu Yun's cock, and he keens, so close to the cresting wave of pleasure that he knows will crash into him like the merciless sea across helpless shores.

"It will feel even better when I fuck you."

The soft words, whispered tenderly into the shell of his ear, are Wu Yun's undoing.

He comes with a shout, painting Lan Tian's hand and his chest in ropes of white. He trembles with the aftershocks of his orgasm, and slumps against Lan Tian's chest as if he just had all his strings cut out. 

Lan Tian doesn't even give him the chance to catch his breath, because he brings the hand covered in Wu Yun's come to his lips and licks an experimental stripe over his knuckles.

Wu Yun sucks in a breath. "What are you doing?"

He can't take his eyes away from Lan Tian's lips. They come away shiny when he pulls away from his hand.

"Tasting you," he says simply.

As if those words aren't threatening to make Wu Yun's blood burn all over again.

"Do you want a taste too?" Lan Tian asks, tilting Wu Yun's neck up with his clean hand.

Their eyes meet, and Wu Yun gasps at the fire he sees reflected in Lan Tian clear eyes. His plan might have failed in spectacular fashion, but at least he put that look on his face. 

He knows Lan Tian is holding on to every shred of his resolve not to bend him in half and fuck him into incoherence. That much naked desire, it runs through Wu Yun like lightening.

He takes Lan Tian's hand in his and brings it to his face, wrapping his lips around the index finger, and sucking it into his wet mouth.

He knows he's also tasting himself, but all his brain can focus on is the clean taste of Lan Tian's skin, the smoothness of his finger pad dragging against the flat of his tongue.

Lan Tian's eyes grow dazed and unfocused as he watches Wu Yun suck on his finger. 

Wu Yun can feel the insistent press of his erection against his ass, even through all the layers of his robes. 

Lan Tian takes his finger out of Wu Yun's mouth spreading a trail of saliva down Wu Yun's chin, and then trailing it down his chest, over the heaving planes of his stomach, and lower still.

Wu Yun thinks he's going to wrap it around his cock again, which didn't quite go soft even after his orgasm, but Lan Tian bypasses it completely.

Wu Yun sucks on a breath and digs his nails into Lan Tian's other arm, when that wet fingertip touches his entrance, making it flutter under the gentle pressure.

"It feels so soft, I just need to push in a little..." 

Wu Yun gasps at the heady sensation of the finger slipping inside of him to the knuckle. 

"Lan Tian, Lan Tian, more." He would feel ashamed of the broken lilt of his words, if it wasn't for the delicious drag of Lan Tian's finger inside him.

"No," Lan Tian says, pressing a kiss against Wu Yun's hair.

He doesn't even have the time to protest before Lan Tian's finger is slipping out of him, and he's being bundled up in his arms. 

Lan Tian carries him down the stairs and drops him, unceremoniously, in the cold pool.

Wu Yun comes up for hair, indignant and throwing every curse he knows at Lan Tian, as he calmly takes off his robes and climbs into the pool with him.

His indignation dies down somewhat, when Lan Tian wraps strong arms around his waist and pulls him against his solid chest.

"Have you learnt your lesson?" Lan Tian asks, sweeping Wu Yun's hair away so he can drop a kiss on his neck.

"Yes, you're a cruel man and I should find someone else to have sex with!"

Lan Tian's arms tighten around his middle, and Wu Yun allows himself a private, satisfied smirk. 

"Why are you such an hot-head?" Lan Tian sighs against Wu Yun's skin.

Wu Yun turns around in his arms, and bats his eyelashes at him, unwilling to admit defeat. "But won't it feel better like that? If I'm all hot inside for you?"

The hot flush raising up from Lan Tian's chest all the way to his neck, turns even darker if possible. 

"You won't manage to annoy me into fucking you," Lan Tian says, smiling fondly despite the heat in his amber eyes.

Wu Yun can still feel how hard he is against him, so he knows it isn't lack of desire that's making Lan Tian hold on so tightly to his restraint.

"I think you just like to hear me beg," Wu Yun says, resting his head against Lan Tian's shoulder with a sigh.

Lan Tian runs soft, reverent hands down Wu Yun's arms, before coming to a stop over his thighs. "You do sound beautiful when you beg, but it's not that."

"Then what?" Wu Yun asks, closing his eyes and letting himself be gentled by the steady rhythm of Lan Tian's heart.

"We still don't know how you came into contact with that aphrodisiac, Cang Chuxi is adamant it's not a side effect of the antidote and I believe him." He takes Wu Yun's face in his palm and drops a sweet, lingering kiss on his lips. "I can't bear the idea of playing into the plan of whoever did that to you."

Why does he have to be so reasonable? Wu Yun hates when he can't fault his logic.

"Tonight is the last night, so you won't have that excuse much longer," he says, mollified despite his words. "Just wait, I'll still make you beg."

Lan Tian hides a private smile against the curve of Wu Yun's shoulder. "I can't wait."

Lan Tian is acting very smug for someone who kindaaa gave in to Wu Yun, if only just a little.

Wu Yun continues to be a brat to the surprise of absolutely no one.

ThirtyTyrantscreators' thoughts
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