
Heaven's Dilemma

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be the only guy in the universe? Or to be more specific, have you ever fantasized about a world full of hot women with big beautiful breasts, sexy curves and mad bundas and you’re the only living being with the facilities to fulfil and satisfy their sexual needs and desires ? If you have, wake up to reality you perv. Dreams like that don’t just magically happen no matter how many times you wish upon a star. Or so I thought... My name is Adam by the way, and I’m a freshman at the Hale end Academy of Magic, England. HEAM for short. One Day at HEAM I nicked a page out the holy book (long story) and recited the forbidden scriptures only meant for the higher ups. I was instantly whorped into nothingness, incapacitated. I woke up some hours later in a whole new world, A place with the bluest sky and the greenest grass. A place with rivers filled with milk and honey. A place where animals move about without killing each other, and best of all, a place filled with the finest women. There was a big beautiful gate made from the finest gold and on top of it was a signboard that wrote “WELCOME TO EDEN.” Oh bullocks, I must be dead.

Testjeremiah · Fantasi
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1 Chs


"Is this witchcraft?" I asked, still trying to understand what the fuck happened. "No, Adam, this is what happens to those who break the lord's commandments." Misande responded. "You read of the forbidden scriptures of The Genesis and are hereby sentenced to a lifetime in Eden."

I couldn't help but notice the huge breasts of Misande as she dished out judgement upon me. She wore a white satin gown that was obviously pretty tight but was doing her figure a whole lot of good. Trust me when I say this, no man would ever resist the temptation of staring into her breasts. Her gown just barely covered them. If seeing Misande's big melons for all eternity was going to be my hell, I was ready to be the devil.

"Are we clear?" She asked. "Crystal" I muttered, not hearing a thing she talked about. These melons would surely be the death of me. She then drew out her wings and soared to the sky. "What the… fuck!!!" I yelled, just realizing that I met an angel and all I could think of was her boobs. I'm really far gone aren't I.

I wandered about Eden looking for materials I could use to set camp, still thinking about my encounter with Misande and her boobs of glorious torment when suddenly I heard voices coming through the bushes. I peeped through the bushes out of curiosity and found a house made of gold and silver finely structured. I ventured to see who or what lives there as I understood fully from my encounter with the Angel, this is the world of the supernatural.

I knocked at the door in the hope the residents would welcome their new neighbor. I recited the Parshat VA'ETHANAN verse of the holy book of Isiah. A simple protection spell, just in case the residents had an appetite for human blood.


"Who art thou that knocketh at our door" said a soft voice coming from inside the house. "I am Adam, a man who seeketh shelter" I answered playing along with the Archaic English. The door opened and right in front of me was a woman with long red hair and fair even tone skin. She wore animal skin(most likely leopard) which was tightly wrapped around her chest and her hips. She gave out a warm smile like she had been expecting me.

"Hey Adam" she said with a soft voice, "Misande told me you were coming." She giggled. "You know Misande, are you also an angel? " I asked. "No silly, I'm human just like you, my name is Eve, Misande told me to take good care of you ahead of your quest." Quest? Is this what Midande spoke of when I was trapped in her melons. "I don't quite understand the quest Eve, could you please go over it again with me." Eve didn't look surprised in the slightest, I'm pretty sure Misande had briefed her about me checking her out. Hmph, Women.

"Follow me." Eve walked in front of me, I couldn't help but notice how thick her thighs were, her butt was big obviously but what really got my libido acting up was the animal skin clothing that covered her butt in such a way you could still see the ass cheeks underneath. Animal skin clothing does strange things to a man. It brings out our the wild side of us we keep locked in a box. Yunno, the wild unrefined animal side that sends our libido on hyperdrive and makes us want to have sex so so bad. Well, this was exactly what Eve's animal skin clothing was doing to me. Eve looked back at me smiling, it was almost as if she was teasing me on purpose.

"we're almost there Adam, everything you need to know about the quest is upstairs." "ohh my God" I said to myself as Eve walked slowly up the stairs taking one step at a time. I have never been so aroused in my entire life. Surely she was doing this on purpose. I followed her upstairs like a snake moving to the tune of it's charmer, I moved one step at a time, trying not a single second of her blessed backside.

She entered a dark room, I followed suite lost in though thinking, plotting if should make a move on someone I just met an hour ago. Fuck it, you only live once. She switched on the lights revealing a big library filled with books dating back to the very second God created man. And then it hit me, Her name is Eve, I'm Adam, we were basically made for each other then so why not now. Even the heavens would agree I made my move.

Well...It's now or never.

Eve ventured towards the bookshelf that had all the necessary files and documented information about the quest. It was kept at the very top of the shelf so It was almost impossible for her to get it on her own. "let me help you " I said as she kept trying to reach the files. I walked slowly to the bookshelf so Eve wouldn't hear my footsteps and reject my help, as you know, women prefer to be independent these days. I got close to Eve and In an attempt to reach up to get the files, She yelled, "I don't need help, I can handle it." She jumped to get higher ground and before I knew what was happening, Eve's big butt grazed the arrow head of my masculinity. My Cock.

I could feel electricity coming from all parts of my body and rushing to my Cock. Eve jumped again, and , and again and every time she landed she kept grazing my Cock, making it bigger and bigger. I couldn't resist anymore, I wrapped my hands round her waist and rested the bulge of my cock on her ass. I squeezed her tightly and she let out a soft moan. "what are you..." I gently cupped my hand on her mouth before she could finish talking and grabbed her closer to me. There was no sign of resistance. She wanted me.

Hello reader...1st of many good reads to come I presume. Do support my work so the fun never stops. I'll try to be as consistent as possible so check back daily for new juicy chapter. stay Healthy, stay HORnY, see you soon.

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