
Anemone's Alumni

"First to arrive!" shouted Scar in excitement as he reached the entrance of the hub with Ariton and Sparky following up behind. Sparky stopped and looked around. Bees buzzing about their business around the sharp aromatic lavender at hedge, along with the constant ocean song of the highway in the distance made the location of the hub perfect. The ginormous building that stood in front of them gave out impacts towards anyone who had seen it as it seem to radiate ferocious ambiences. The hub was surrounded with green floras which cleanse the surrounding air, filtering off the pollutions of the nearby city.

"This place should be around twice the size of my school...." said Sparky in his mind, astounded by the sight he was seeing.

"Hurry up Sparky or we are leaving you behind!" yelled Ariton in the distance. "Coming!" replied Sparky as he began to run towards the entrance while carrying Mae on his back. Immediately, they ran towards the ward. Sparky placed Mae on the bed, allowing the doctors and mechanics who were awaiting for their arrival impatiently to check on her. Sparky, Scar and Ariton left the ward and went towards the lounge for a rest while waiting for the news.

All of them sat down at the sofas and looked at each other. Ariton was starting to doze of as Scar began speaking. "And? How are we going to deal with her? I ain't wanting a cyborg who would go berserk anytime and destroy anything it sees!" said Scar. "I recommend to destroy her control system completely and shut down her life source in case of future problems that would come. Ah, ah, still such a shame!" he continued. Sparky and Ariton looked at each other. After a few seconds, Sparky came up with an idea.

Slightly agitated, Sparky stood up and glanced over at the ward. "Yep as you said, it would be such a shame to bring away the life of such a beauty. Well, what if we do the exact opposite?" asked Sparky as he smiled. "That's not completely impossible as well. Continue speaking," said Ariton, as he leaned slightly forward, trying to gather his energy to stay awake and listen to Sparky. "What if we remodel Mae's configurations? She would be able to live and would be part of HC as a plus!" exclaimed Sparky. "This idea may be a little hard to get everyone to agree but why not? Its better than shutting someone's life off completely!" said Ariton, agreeing with Sparky. Scar nodded.

"Sounds like fun! Why don't you all count me in?" said a voice. Three of them turned towards the corridor where they had heard where the voice came from. There, they saw a tall woman with a beautiful figure walking towards them. She was wearing a grey blouse, wrapped over with a long white lab coat, black slacks and a pair of black heels. The rattles of her high heels as she walked over could allow someone to notice her elegance from far away. The way her hair had been styled, her eye colours are somewhat of Mae's.

"She... looks a little like Mae. Wait not a little! A LOT IN FACT!" said Sparky as he pointed at her with his pointer finger. "Well, let me introduce her!" said Ariton in a proud manner.

" She goes by the name Veronica! She is our current head of the Medical department, graduated from the proud Anemone University of Medicine, she is one of the best medics in the world! Moreover, her figure is 3-" he continued before getting cut off by Veronica. "The rest would be unnecessary thank you," said Veronica as she hit Ariton on the back of his head with her fist.

Ariton held the back of his head while squirming a little on the ground. "Anyways I am here to bring about a good news! Me and a few others on the team are currently working on a detachable device which helps to reboot, checkup and fix the system of any electronic devices in case of errors with just a click of a button, though we planned to use it for the lab computers as it would crash randomly and the IT engineers are too lazy to fix the problem again and again thus here we are! So if you don't mind, we may try it on your little friend that you had brought back over there in the ward. Ah, don't worry on the sizes as there are no particular ones," Veronica continued with a smile on her face.

Sparky scratched his head a bit with his right hand and eventually made up his mind to agree with Veronica's idea. 'Ding!' 'The ward is cleared now, the relatives or friends of Ms Mae, please make your way to room S-18,' broadcasted an announcer. Instantaneously, Sparky and the others ran towards the room to get a look at Mae's condition.

As they entered the room, they saw Mae laying on the bed with a nurse and a doctor beside her. "The best I have done was to stop the bleeding and fix up few of her wounds. Although her body works the same as average human's, she still have many prosthetics implanted into her so she would need regular checkups in case of sudden attacks from her immune system. Currently, she is unconscious as her startup system has already been damaged. If she does not get a repair in 2 days, her body would stop functioning as her systems are all connected within the system." said the doctor as they came in.

"Well, as you all should've known, this isn't only a job for a doctor so you should scurry her over to the technology department to repair her startup system. I'm going to take my leave here. Do take your time," he continued.

"I've already called one of our top IT engineer here as soon as you agreed to my plan, we should be able to proceed as soon as he gets here. He should arrive any second now, " said Veronica as she walked over to Mae, looking at her sleeping face. The others surrounded Mae's bed, following Ariton.

"Mrs Veronica, I had brought what you need. We can initiate anytime now," said a voice, coming from the entrance of the room. The voice was squeaky, like a kid's, making Scar and Sparky a little confused. "Good, let's do this right now then. Could you leave the room for a few hours?" said Veronica, facing towards Scar, Sparky and Ariton. Hearing that, three of them walked out of the door.


"Ouch! Watch where you are going!" said the voice from before. Sparky turned around seeing no one, then he tilted his head down. His mind blurred out for a moment before he got back to his senses.

"WW-Wait, are you the top mechanic?!" asked Sparky, staggering.