
Hearts Forever

Hearts Forever is a story about Nate and Allyson who once fell in love within 24 hours of meeting each other. However, their love story takes a new turn as both of them got divorced. Soon, they got to encounter deep secrets that made their paths cross once again. This time around, will they get back together or will their entwined secrets keep them apart forever?

Ovirih_lizzy · perkotaan
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30 Chs

Chapter 3

Allyson's POV

Allyson woke up to the first rays of sunlight streaming through the curtains, casting a soft glow on the room. She felt a pleasant soreness in her body, it was a reminder of the passionate night she had spent with Nate. As she stretched, she noticed love bites scattered across her skin, each one a mark of the pleasure she had enjoyed with Nate. A smile spread across her face as she bit her lower lip, savoring the memories of their intimacy.

She turned her head to look at Nate, who was still sleeping soundly beside her. His chiseled handsome face was peaceful, his chest was rising and falling with each breath. Allyson couldn't help but admire him, feeling a deep sense of affection and gratitude. It all felt like a dream to her.

Carefully, she slipped out of bed, wrapping herself in a robe. She glanced back at Nate once more, feeling her heart swell with love before she quietly made her way to the kitchen to make coffee.

Nate's POV

Nate slowly awoke to the smell of coffee brewing. He opened his eyes to find the bed empty, but the memory of the night before brought a smile to his face. He sat up, feeling a mix of contentment and excitement. Marrying Allyson had been a spontaneous decision, but he was sure about it. She was everything he had been searching for, and more.

Stretching, he got out of bed and made his way to the kitchen, where he found Allyson humming softly as she poured coffee into two mugs.

"Good morning, beautiful," he said, wrapping his arms around her from behind.

Allyson turned her head to kiss him. "Good morning. Did you sleep well?"

"Better than ever," Nate replied, kissing her shoulder. "Last night was incredible."

"It really was," Allyson agreed, handing him a mug of coffee. "I still can't believe we got married."

"It feels like a dream," Nate said, taking a sip. "But the best kind of dream."

They sat down at the small table in the kitchen, enjoying their coffee and each other's company. Nate felt happy in every sense, but he knew there was one more conversation he needed to have. He needed to talk to Kelvin, his best friend, who he knew would be concerned about his hasty decision.

Kelvin's POV

Kelvin sat at their favorite café, nursing a cup of coffee. He couldn't shake the concern he felt about Nate's sudden marriage. While he trusted Nate's judgment, this was a lifetime decision made in a matter of hours. He couldn't help but worry if his friend had thought it through.

When Nate walked in, Kelvin stood up to greet him with a hug. "Hey, man. How's it going?"

"Good, really good," Nate replied, smiling broadly.

They sat down, and Kelvin decided to get straight to the point. "So, you really married her?"

"Yeah, I did," Nate said, his expression earnest. "I know it seems fast, but I've never felt this way about anyone before. She's incredible, Kelvin."

Kelvin sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I have to admit, I was worried when you first told me. It's a huge decision, Nate. But I've always trusted your judgment. If you say she's the one, then I believe you."

"Thanks, man," Nate said, visibly relieved. "It means a lot to me that you support us. Allyson is amazing, and I think you'll really like her once you get to know her."

"I'm looking forward to meeting her," Kelvin replied, smiling. "I just want you to be happy."

"She makes me incredibly happy," Nate said firmly. "We're taking it one day at a time, but I'm excited for our future."

Allyson's POV

Back at the hotel, Allyson had finished her coffee and was tidying up when Nate returned. She could see that the conversation with Kelvin had been important.

"How did it go?" she asked, looking up from the table.

"It went well," Nate said, crossing the room to her. "Kelvin was concerned, but he's supportive. He trusts me, and he's looking forward to getting to know you."

"I'm glad," Allyson said, feeling a wave of relief. She had been a little nervous about how Nate's friends would react to their impulsive marriage.

Nate took her hands in his, his eyes filled with warmth. "I told him we're just going to take it one day at a time. We have something special, Allyson. I'm excited to see where it leads."

"Me too," she replied, leaning in to kiss him. Their connection felt even stronger in the daylight, and Allyson knew that together, they could face whatever challenges came their way.

As the day unfolded, they explored the town hand in hand, sharing laughter and stories. Their bond deepened with each passing moment, and by the time the sun set, they both knew that their decision, impulsive as it was, had set them on a path neither of them wanted to stray from.

Allyson felt a sense of hope and excitement she hadn't gotten in years. For the first time in a long time, she was happy. She made up her mind to give their marriage the best of her.