
Heartless heart

What is destined to happen when a lover, who had been with her for the first sixteen years of her life and suddenly leaves, refusing to tell her his identity. He later returns nine years later, when she has a yet to be fiancee who she loved very much. He is determined to cross all boundaries just to get her back,... even if he has to harm her beloved. What happens, when she gets pregnant for the second male lead, which greatly infuriates the male lead. What would she do after learning their deepest secrets? Psst!,She is the heartless one we are talking about here.

Juliana_Abbey · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs


''Jessica,Kate is here to see you",madam Lim informed her daughter who was playing with butterflies in the garden.

The sixteen year old Jessica ran to the airy sitting place in front of the house. There was her friend, Kate, sitting on the bench.

"Yeah,what's up?"Jessica greeted as she sat down.

"Jess, Ken is the crown prince of this country. Has he informed you?",Kate asked,"His parents are coming for him tomorrow. "

Jessica was stunned. Ken never told her his identity since young. He could very much be considered as her childhood sweetheart because they attended school together since they were young.

"hmm. I just came here to gist you. I'll be off now see you later ",Kate said as she walked away.

'So, he's leaving tomorrow 'thought Jessica, 'I don't care'.

Jessica was mad. She could not understand why Ken would hide it from her. Maybe he never took her serious. She ran into the house to her mother.

"Mom",she called. she walked into the kitchen and found her there,"mom,is it true that Ken is the crown prince of this Empire?"

Her mother turned to her and asked,"yes. Did he tell you?,he told me not to tell you. In fact, he'll be leaving tomorrow. "

Jessica was stunned. He told her mother not to tell her?,but why? .

Lost in thoughts, the door bell rang. "I'll get it",she told her mom and walked out.

It was him. It was Ken.Jessica feigned ignorance and greeted him politely. "Hey,Ken." she greeted, "what brings you here?".

The handsome face of Ken became surprised as the sudden politeness of his friend but didn't mind it that much.

"Ken, you are here. Come in" ,Jessica's mother's voice came from behind them.

"Aunt",Ken greeted and said," I'll wish to borrow your pretty daughter for today "

"Okay "madam Lim permitted, gave her daughter a look and walked away.

" Let's go "Ken said as he held her hands.

As they walked out of the house, Jessica kept staring at him.

He was so handsome. He had thin long lips, a sharp nose and a very well sculptured jaw bone . This man was the perfect definition for the word,handsome and attractive. His eyes were also enchanting. It was like one could get lost and drowned in it .....

"If you keep staring at me, I'll be forced to think that you fancy me",he said, making Jessica snap out of her daze.

"Hm.hm.",she cleared her throat, "I don't fancy you",she said,stressing on the word,fancy.

"Yeah, I know you don't fancy me because you are already in love with me",said the sixteen year old boy to the sixteen year old girl.


'This boy is so shameless ',she thought as her face turned red.

"Are you blushing?"Ken asked teasingly as he noticed her face turn red.

"....",feeling embarrassed, Jessica coughed, "No, it is the weather. I am feeling hot",she said ,putting the blame on the weather.

"Oh,I see", Ken said as he gave her a smile. "let's go there ",he said as he pointed a restaurant.

Ken pulled her into the restaurant and located a place for them to sit.