
Heartbreak in the Heat

It was the end of my first year at the university, and I was eagerly looking forward to summer to live it to the fullest, until my heart was broken. As if being dumped wasn't enough, I now have to endure the humiliation of witnessing my ex-boyfriend flaunting his new girlfriend - who also happens to be my former best friend - all over town. A double whammy. I am now the pathetic ex-girlfriend, with a broken heart. I am doomed to spend the summer sulking over a guy who believed I was predictable and bad in bed. So, here's what I've decided for this summer; the plan is simple...pretend that I am dating Jim, the popular bad boy of the town, and make my ex-boyfriend green with envy. What do you think? After all...what could possibly go wrong?

giv_manuchehri · perkotaan
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13 Chs

Chapter 12

Sophie was so relieved. It had worked. The charges against Jim had been dropped. He wouldn't go to prison. The warm summer night air caressed her face gently. All the built-up pressure suddenly fell away.

- Sophie?

The young woman was distracted from her thoughts by a familiar, gentle voice. He stood before her, more handsome than ever, but he seemed worried.

- How are you, beauty? I'm sorry for...

Without waiting, she threw herself into his arms and hugged him with all the strength she could muster. "I was so scared. I'm so sorry for Henry, I didn't think he would go that far... I'm so relieved."

To her surprise, Jim returned her embrace. Soft and reassuring. She felt good in his arms. She could have stayed there for hours.

- Do you know why they let us go?

- Yes, they arrested him.

- What? That's great.

Jim had an amused laugh.

- You hate him, don't you?

- That jerk accused you of a horrible thing and treated me so badly. He got what he deserved.

- When I was signing my release papers, I saw him in handcuffs. What satisfaction.

- So he's out of harm's way?

- Yeah, I believe so.

Sophie and Jim stayed like this, in each other's arms for a long time.

- It's probably time to go home, don't you think?

He gave her a charming look, the kind of look she couldn't resist.

- Yes, you're right.

- I'll stay here; I'll call my driver.

- Okay.

Jim walked a few steps away to catch a little signal. The network was jammed inside and near the police station.

Sophie found herself alone in front of the entrance to the police station. Then everything happened so quickly that no one really understood how it could have happened.

The young woman saw Henry leaving the station with his lawyer, or rather his father's lawyer. Sophie wanted to keep a low profile, but he immediately noticed her.

Furious, he lunged at her.

- You filthy bitch. You really screwed me over! You've become a real whore, sleeping with the other one. I'm going to kill you and then take care of him!

She instinctively backed away in fear. Henry jumped on her and started choking her with all his might. She thought she was going to die. He had such hatred in his eyes that just seeing him sent shivers down her spine. She was unable to move. She only had time to see him coming, to knock him out, and to see the police arrive.

- Sophie! Sophie, look at me! Sophie, can you hear me?

Sophie couldn't see anything. She could only hear. But how could he have done this to her?

She knew he wasn't really what you would call a good person but still. He had tried to kill her. What a sick person...

- Sophie, please answer me.

She recognized this voice. This comforting voice that she had missed so much. But she couldn't answer. She could only hear. She wanted to tell him that she was okay, but it was impossible. Her head was excruciatingly painful. She felt herself slipping away. She was going to pass out. She just hoped he would be there when she woke up and that he would never leave her again. Before she sank, she heard him say these words:

- I'm here.