
The Story of Kara Zor-El... Ra?

I breathed out deeply, trying to calm myself. What started as a routine checkup on another addition to my collection of wacky space junk actually became a super serious and complicated situation. I looked back at the inscription on the side of the spacecraft. Clearly, this ship wasn't supposed to be headed to earth, and yet, here it was. Furthermore, Thragg was a villain from the Invincible series and was a Viltrumite, meaning that I could soon be seeing an invasion from superman wannabes looking for this world's version of Supergirl.

I looked back at the pod which held her, looking directly at her beautiful face once more. The Supergirl I knew definitely not a princess and never wore clothes like that. Furthermore, Zor-El Ra? I'd never heard of such a strange name for her. Was Ra the equivalent of a middle name? I didn't know.

I gave another tired sigh, figuring it would probably be best to ask her the questions myself. I turned and left that area of the room for just a second, grabbing a silver circlet off the wall for her. It was something akin to a true universal translator I'd created with my powers. It was originally meant for Emma so that she could interact with extraterrestrials psychically. It could also be worn by the girl to help her understand me when I tried to talk with her. I could use my powers to do this, but my current philosophy was to use all the resources I had available to accomplish my goals before using my powers. If I relied on them too heavily, then if I were to ever somehow lose them, then I'd basically be useless, right?

I held the circlet in my hand as turned around and approached the pod again. I gazed once more at Kara's face, only to be stunned by the sight of her deep blue eyes staring right back at me. I immediately rushed toward the pod to open it for her but was too slow. The door immediately jettisoned off its hinges and shot toward me and the wall. I was able to easily sidestep this to avoid getting hit but was more concerned about the girl who was now pushing herself out of the pod and swaying unsteadily.

"Are you alright!?!" I asked as I ran up to her, catching her before she could collapse.

"Unen atemnon ness nes kia pia" She said.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. Here." I held up the circlet to show it to her. I even did a little gesture to show that it was supposed to be worn on the head before showing it to her. She nodded, weakly taking her own circlet off her head and allowing me to put it on hers.

"How's that? Can you understand me?" I asked.

"Yes. I understand. Take mine." She said, weakly putting her own circlet on my head.

"Um... thanks?" I replied. The girl smirked before passing out due to exhaustion.

I sighed to myself and picked her up into a princess carry. This facility has a small 'ranger's house' above it, and I decide I'd use that as a place for her to rest and recuperate until she was healthy enough to walk on her own. I'd also seen some iterations of Supergirl coming to earth in comics and movies, so I knew that there was a real possibility that when she awoke, she'd not know how to control her powers, so I couldn't exactly bring her back to my house.

I brought her up the stairs and closed the secret entrance to my vault hidden behind a staircase mechanism and brought her to the only bed in the place. Carefully, I lay her down on the bed and covered her with the blanket to let her sleep. Not one to invite more trouble than necessary by leaving he alone, and feeling quite tired myself I plopped, into an armchair in the corner of the room and began to doze off.


"Husband." I heard a call from somewhere calling me forth from dreamland and into the world of the conscious, though I resisted the call at first.

"Husband!" A much firmer shout called out with a slight shake which roused me from my slumber.

"Huh? Wha-?" I said as I opened my eyes, only to be met face-to-face with a blonde bombshell standing before me.

"Nice to see you awake, o' husband of mine." She said with a tiny amount of sass.

I quickly sat up immediately from my slouched position in the chair, casting my 'morning cleanup' on myself out of habit and looking around me frantically. It took me a moment to remember what had happened yesterday and how I ended up where I was. I looked up at Kara Zor-El Ra a bit embarrassed.

"Sorry about that, its literally been weeks since I'd last slept." I excused myself.

"How long is a week on this planet anyway?" Kara asked me.

"7 days," I responded before cutting her off when she opened her mouth. "A day is 24 hours and an hour is 60 minutes with a minute being made up of 60 seconds," I explained.

"And how long is a second?" She asked, clearly interested.

I pointed to the hanging clock on the wall as it quietly ticked and tocked away. "Once every tick or tock is a second, and one entire rotation of the long hand around the circle is an hour. Don't worry, I can work on helping you adjust to our time later." I explained.

"Alright then." She happily smiled. "Then shall I prepare breakfast for you, husband?"

"No it's fine I'll prepare breakfast," I said, missing the last bit of her sentence.

"Ooh! I can't wait to try some of your native cuisines!" She said excitedly.

I stood up and stretched for a moment and chuckled softly. "I'm partial to an American Breakfast, if you don't mind," I said as I walked out of the room and towards the kitchen, a bubbly supergirl following behind me.

When we finally reached the main living space, I sat her down at the table and approached the countertop. "Is there anything in your culture that you'd find offensive eating?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" She responded.

"Like the meat of animals, plants grown in a certain way, a certain type of liquid you aren't allowed to consume, things like that?" I asked.

"No, nothing like that. Still, though, is it your hobby to cook husband? Don't you normally have servants who cook for you?" She asked.

"I don't have any 'servants', but yes I like cooking... wait a second." I finally caught on to what she was saying.

"Yes, husband?" Kara asked.

"That! What do you mean, husband?" I asked her.

Kara looked confused for a moment. "Because we are married, are we not?" She asked.

"When did that happen?" I asked confused.

"We exchanged unique headbands with one another and slept together in the same room. By Kryptonian Law, we are married," She quoted before going pink in blushing. "It was so old-fashioned to use circlets too!~ Almost like in a storybook." She whispered that last part.

I stood there stunned and looking back at her for a moment, nearly dropping the plate I was holding and only snapping out of my trance to catch it. "Um, that's-" I tried stammering out some kind of rejection of her words, trying to find an inoffensive way of telling her it was all one big misunderstanding.

"What is it, husband?" Kara asked, genuinely seeming confused.

I took a deep breath to calm myself. I may be a hormonal teenager, but I can't keep acting like the anime protagonists that I despised who were indecisive about everything. I walked back over to the table and used my power to conjure up the full-course breakfast I was planning on making manually.

A stack of pancakes, a small mountain of bacon, sausage, and eggs, a bowl of freshly baked beaks, slices of thick-cut ham, hashbrowns, biscuits and jam, a jug of orange juice, apple juice, and coffee with creamer and sugar as well as a fruit salad.

Kara's eyes widened as she saw the food appear in front of her. I didn't bother trying to explain how to eat everything, as I was tired and hungry and ready to have a long and serious conversation with Kara while we ate, so I simply willed the subconscious knowledge of how to eat everything into her mind.

"Let's just eat for now. We can discuss the whole 'husband' thing later..." I said in defeat.


I feel like I've learned more in the last hour about cosmic politics than from all my years of reading comic books and watching comic book movies back in my previous world.

It turns out that Kara here wasn't the princess of the planet Krypton. Instead, she was actually the daughter of Zor-El, the royal head scientist of Krypton. They were in a war with the Viltrumites for centuries after Krypton took in Viltrum survivors from the Viltrum Civil War and refused to submit to the new Viltrimite Empire.

In a bid to end the war, they agreed that the princess of Krypton, part of the Kryptonian Royal Family would marry the Viltrum Grand Regent Thragg to end the war. It was only AFTER signing the treaty, however, that it was discovered how few Viltrumites were left. Knowing this, it wasn't exactly a secret what the princess's true role would be. Breeding stock for Thragg.

Despite heavy protests from her family, Kara was 'adopted' into the royal family, due to her distant blood relationship between them and house El, and would be sent in the Kryptonian Princess' place. Kara wasn't exactly thrilled with sharing this information about herself, but rejected my offer to talk about it at another time, because she thought I should know as her new husband.

On a side note, it seemed that the Kryptonian Royal Family, House Ra, was on extremely bad terms with the High Council of Krypton due to the war. The Royals, despite being able to trace their bloodline directly to Rao in the ancient past, were mostly a ceremonial role at the time Kara was growing up, with the council having true power. Zod and the militant faction were opposed to continuing to honor the peace treaty when they found out how few Viltumites were left, believing they could kill the last remaining members of the species and 'win'. They definitely didn't want to grant a fertile young woman who could bare more children of the enemy race to be handed over, but the council refused.

Zod, like Kara, was a distant relative to the Royal Family, and so when the time came for his coup, he made sure to execute most of the royal family to claim the throne but spared Kara, as he knew she was a 'victim' of the council and was trying to sway House El to join his side in the coming civil war, but was handily crushed and Kara recaptured.

The council planned to send Kara to Viltrum as a way to firmly rid themselves of the Royalist faction, which had supported Zod in the uprising, but either due to coincidence or luck, the same day Kara's pod was launched towards Viltrum, is when Krypton exploded. The pod, without a working navigation system due to the damage it sustained by being buried in the debris of Kryptonite from the planet, set its course to follow the last known pod route, which happened to be for Superman's escape. I was able to infer that the pod was probably arrived much later due to the heavy damage it sustained from being hit by the chunk of Kryptonite. All the while Kara was in suspended animation and was awoken by me shattering the debris into tiny pieces trying to look cool.

"Ok, but that doesn't explain why you went through the whole marriage ceremony," I said after we finished speaking about her origins.

Kara blushed. At this point, she was able to figure out that I wasn't offering to marry her when I gave her the circlet, and that it was the technology allowing her to speak to me. "Well, I... if I married you, then I wouldn't have to marry Thragg." She said quietly. It was a bit cute.

I gave a tired sigh at that. "I doubt he would have known you'd survived anyway," I commented.

"Yeah, but... your... totally my type and... I might have not been thinking clearly..." She said getting quieter and shrinking away from my gaze.

"Then we can pretend the whole situation just never happened if that would be easier for you," I suggested. "We can diverse if thats-" I was interrupted by Kara

"No! Divorce is illegal in Kryptonian Law!" Kara hastily interjected.

"Noone would know and isn't Krypton gone, now?" I asked.

"It's the principle of the thing." She stated.

I facepalmed at this. I was using the same bad logic I was using to not have sexual relations with Jean and Eve while they were still minors, so I couldn't exactly call her out on it not making sense, or else I'd be a hypocrite.

So the situation, in summary, was that Kara didn't want to get married to Thragg, knowing it would lead to a life as basically his breeding slave. So when she saw me, some hunk she was totally into, seemingly offering to marry her due to a coincidence of my universal communication device being shaped like a circlet, in her delirious and exhausted post-hibernation mind, she went through a whole ass marriage ceremony before passing out. THEN, because I was feeling bad and wanted to watch over her in the night to ensure she was alright, led to the ceremony being certified.

'Am I sure I'm not in an anime world? This is the kind of wacky situation that can only happen in anime, not western comics.' I thought to myself.

I glanced at the nervous-looking Supergirl. If I was being honest, being married to such a beauty wouldn't be the worst fate a man could ask for. I already basically knew the kind of person she was from her many comic and movie appearances, though her nervousness was a bit unexpected. It was probably because she didn't seem to have manifested her powers yet, so she was very weak, plus she went through the wringer before coming here, so her confidence probably took quite the hit.

I closed my eyes and sat back in my chair, thinking about how Eve and Jean were going to take the news I was married now. If I explained the situation to them they'd understand, but I wasn't sure if they'd accept Kara and the baggage she'd almost certainly bring with her. On the flip side, though, I couldn't exactly just drop her either. She'd need someone to help her manage her powers and Superman was busy as it is. I remember that, in some storylines, he straight up unloaded her at an orphanage or on Themyscira for Wonder Woman to watch over.

That seemed really scummy to me while also being a great way for a villain like Doctor Doom to somehow accidentally/coincidentally discover her and turn her against the superhero community or something else like that. Comics are weird and convoluted, especially in this world, where apparently Marvel, DC, and Image Comics have all collided together haphazardly, and I didn't want to have to deal with something like a Supergirl v. Superman situation in the future.

Plus her adult version, Powergirl, is sexy AF, so...

"Alright then," I said, looking at the now more hopeful Kara. "I don't mind being in a relationship with you, but I already have 2 other lovers. You'll have to win them over yourself before I accept the fact that we are 'married'."

Kara's face lit up. "Don't worry, I'll have them begging me to join in no time." She said, regaining her confidence.

"Uh-huh." I 'agreed'

"Don't worry husband, what's the worst that can happen?" Kara said with a defiant smirk as she raised the flag.

Its a bit forced, but I thought the way it worked was kinda funny, plus it explained Supergirl's backstory. Next chapter will be dedicated to nothing but training her, Jean, and Eve, as well as learning what some of the other Super Heroes are up to.

Golden_Slimecreators' thoughts