
Heart of Glass: Book 1

The Gods all gave the child a gift. For many years, the child kept peace of the ancient world, but she was put to "sleep" when the ancient world died, along with the strong belief of the gods. For many years, no one acknowleged their existence, but then in the year 2070 a war broke among the humans. Nuclear holocaust was bound to happen. The gods awakened their child, to follow her destiny. End the war and fulfill the prophecy. book 1 of the heart of glass series. Author: Teagan Hansen (noodle_rat)

Noodle_rat · Fantasi
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9 Chs

Ch2: The end of the ancient, and the beginning of the new

Mortals ran around, destruction following. The gods gave them fire, animals, plants, and so much more, which they all took to their advantage, not ever feeling thankful, just being greedy.

The child tried to make peace, she succeeded many times, but then out of no where, they started ignoring the gods and her. She felt sad and lonely. No one acknowledged their existence, and with that, the gods put to sleep their greatest creation.

Time went quickly for the sleeping child, her snores were heard as white noise among humans, only heard in silence.

Humans started taking advantage of the things around them, fossil fuels, animals, and so much more. The gods tried to speak through their admirers, the witches. But soon when the witches tried to explain the humans wrong doing, they were killed, in the Salem witch trials.

Years had passed, and people ignored witchcraft, until the 21st century. In 2050 a law was created killing any witch, every day more and more innocent people died, which infuriated the gods. But this isnt about the witchcraft act, this is about the child, the one they call Galia. The gods shall redeem.