

Hisham and Shasa were forced to marry because of their individual circumstances and interests. Can they maintain a household that is endlessly a problem.

Nur_Meyda · perkotaan
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17 Chs

She is Ready

Chapter 15

"Eh, sorry Sha. Mas not on purpose!" I asked with a stammer.

Shasa did not answer, he chose to sit a little away from me. It wasn't long before Papa came in a hurry, I had contacted Papa before taking Mama to the hospital earlier.

"What happened, Sam?"

"Mama fell in Pa's bathroom, passed out. Until now she hasn't regained consciousness," I replied.

"Yes, God. Mama, Papa was still fine earlier."

The door to the ICU room opened, me and Papa in unison approached the Doctor treating Mama.

"How is my wife, Doctor?" he asked.

"Can we talk in my room!"

"Can Doctor, please!" I asked Papa and Shasa to follow the Doctor to his room.

When we got to his room, the doctor invited us to sit down and then started explaining Mama's condition now.

"Alhamdulillah, your wife is awake. She suffers from hypertension and blockage in the heart arteries. I suggest that you take care not to think too much of your wife. Try to keep her happy, if you can, obey all her wishes. That will speed up her recovery."

Alhamdulillah, I give thanks in my heart. Papa also shook hands with the doctor while saying thank you. The doctor gave us instructions about Mama's illness in detail.

When finished we left the Doctor's room, because soon Mama would be transferred to the treatment room. After waiting for about ten minutes my mother was finally taken out of the ICU and immediately taken to the treatment room on the 3rd floor.

Mama smiled at me and Shasa, her face still looked pale. After the nurse who brought Mama out earlier, Mama called us both.

Papa who is beside the bed Helping Mama to sit up.

"Sam, Shasa, thank you. If you don't quickly take Mama to the hospital, maybe Mama is dead now," Mama said quietly.

"Mama, don't talk like that!" I said angrily.

"Yes, Ma. Mama will definitely get well!" Shasa also comforted Mama.

"Mama will be happy and get well soon if Mama hears good news from you," Mama said softly.

"Mom, what can we do about our child. It all depends on His will!" I replied trying to comfort my mother.

"Haha, you guys are just lazy. Not enough effort!"

"Mom, it's not like that. We...."

"Come on, you really don't understand Mama's feelings. From now on, Mama stops talking to you!" threatened Mom.

Mama pouted, then lay back to us. Mama is angry or taking advantage of her illness, anyway?

"Mom," I called.

"Go, Mama wants to sleep!" snapped Mom.

Shasa and I looked at each other, Mama was cranky because her wish to have grandchildren never came true.

"You'd better go home, let Papa take care of Mama tonight," Papa said later.

"Yes, let's go home first Ma, tomorrow we come again," said Shasa.

"Hmm," muttered Mom.

Papa took us out of the room.

"You guys go home first, it looks like Mama is upset."

"Yes, that's it then. Papa is also resting here. Don't get tired and sick too later!" my message.

Papa nodded, then I asked Shasa to go home.

In the car, Shasa repeatedly inhaled and then exhaled.

"Mas, are you serious about your threat?"

"Mama is always like that Sha, in the past Mama threatened to marry me to Zuriah if she didn't get married until the end of last year. Now Mama is threatening to go on strike if we don't give her grandchildren soon!"

"Then how about it, sir?"

"I don't know Sha, there's only one way out. But...."

"But what?" cut Shasa.

"But I'm sure you won't agree. You have to be willing to give Mama a grandchild, we can make one tonight!"

"Mas Hisham! Remember our agreement!" shrieked Shasa.

I'm speechless, if it's like this I can't do anything else. Shasa was still angry when we got home. He was still sullen even though I had apologized to him.

The next day Shasa was still angry, when I left the room for breakfast Shasa was not at home. Shakira said, Shasa left early in the morning because there was fruit coming from the garden today.

I thought that afternoon his anger would disappear, but a week later Shasa was still angry. He's just quiet when I talk to him, I get dizzy. At home Shasa silenced me, at Mama's Hospital who silenced me.

"Ma, I'm sorry Hisham, please. I'm still angry, even though today Mama is going home!" I persuaded.

Today Mama is going home, things are getting better.

"Mama will talk to you again as before if you give Mama the good news!" said Mom.

I scratched my head confused, how do I explain everything to Mama.


It's been a week since Mama came home. His attitude remained unchanged to me and Shasa, spoke as needed and rarely left the room.

Shasa himself was willing to talk to me, and even then not like before. I'm so dizzy myself, so I'm lazy to go home quickly. Now when I'm home from work I choose to spend time at the cafe.

I came home when it was almost midnight, Shasa was sleeping soundly. I went straight to sleep without changing my clothes, and so on every day. Until the count of the tenth day, I went home as usual.

The house was quiet and dark, I entered the house with the spare key that I usually carry with me. Then went into the room, I was surprised because Shasa's bed was empty. Where is he, what's in the bathroom.

Without checking it I lay down on the sofa. I was almost asleep when a hand touched my cheek, feeling warm made me open my eyes.

"Shasha," I said while swallowing hard.

Shasa's clothes were very different tonight, so thin that they showed her curves.

Shasa pulled my hand until I stood up, now we are standing face to face.

"Are you drunk?"

"N-no, Sha. I'm just drinking coffee at the cafe," I answered with a trembling voice.

Shasa hugged me tightly, the smell of her body made something under my body rise slowly. I hugged him back, I inhaled his scent to my heart's content.

That made something earlier struggle even more, especially when Shasa kissed my cheek and then whispered in my ear with a sigh.

"Mas, let's fulfill Mama's wish!"

W-what do you mean, Sha?"

"We give Mama and Papa grandchildren!"

I can only scream happily, ready to do it!