

Hisham and Shasa were forced to marry because of their individual circumstances and interests. Can they maintain a household that is endlessly a problem.

Nur_Meyda · perkotaan
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17 Chs


Chapter 16

"What's wrong with you, Syam. I've been watching you daydreaming all the time, smiling to yourself again. Have you gotten your fortune?"

"This is more than fortune, Pa. This is the most beautiful gift I have ever felt."

"Oh yes, what is it. Our company won another tender?"

"No, Pa. This is another matter but I can't possibly tell Papa."

Papa smiled strangely at me, then gave me a package.

"Without you telling me, Papa also already knows. Take this!"

"What is this, Papa?"

"Read it, don't forget to drink it before the match. So you don't get knocked out in the first round," Papa answered, chuckling.

Oh, how did Papa know? Was Papa eavesdropping last night.

"You guys are too noisy, Papa accidentally overheard when passing in front of your room. Papa understands, it's the first time so I'm still excited. Hahaha."

Oh my gosh my face must be discolored by now. I'm so embarrassed, because Papa heard our voices last night, and Papa also knows this is the first time. Maybe Papa also knows our secret.

"Does Papa also know about... that. Eh, it doesn't work, Pa!"

I can't ask, what if Papa doesn't know and he gets angry?

"Papa knows that your marriage was just a sham, you got married because you wanted to please Papa and Mama. Papa overheard when you talked on the side terrace that night. Papa and Mama had come home and Papa wanted to convey Pak RT's message at that time. But it was canceled because Papa was shocked know the truth of your plan," Papa said as if he knew what was in my heart.

"Forgive Hisham, Pa. Hisyam doesn't want to marry Zuriah, that's why Hisham is looking for shortcuts."

"Hahaha, Hisyam, Hisyam. There's no way Papa would marry you off to Zuriah. It was just a bluff and it worked."

I laughed embarrassed, it turns out Papa knows everything.

"Does Mama know too, Pa?" I asked curiously.

"Of course not, you know your mother right. She never wants to accept lies and the like. So, now you are serious about your marriage right?"

"Hopefully, Papa."

I dare not promise anything, because after our beautiful union last night. This morning, Shasa's attitude stiff back at me. At first I thought it was because he was embarrassed but apparently he really just wanted to please my mom.

"Papa always prays for the best for you. You have to try to win Shasa's heart, Papa believes she is a good girl."

"Yes, Pa. I hope Papa's prayer will come true," I said full of emotion.

I never thought that Papa was so wise in thinking and acting. I have a lot to learn from Papa.


At 6 pm I arrived in front of Shasa's fruit shop, I picked her up so we could go home together.

Shasa was busy with her phone when I entered the shop. He only glanced at me briefly, then returned to his phone. It seems that someone asked for fruit to be sent to his house, because Shasa also serves delivery orders at his shop.

I waited patiently for him, until five minutes later he was done with his call. He then wrote something in his very thick book.

Shasa still doesn't care about my presence, as if I don't exist in front of him. Over time I felt annoyed, my pride as a man felt abused.

"Sha, let's go home. Mas purposely came here to pick you up!"

Shasa turned to me then returned to focus on his book. I was getting annoyed, impatiently I pulled the book he was writing. Shasa spontaneously stood up with an angry face.

"What the hell, Mas. Do not return the book!" he shouted.

"What's wrong with you, Sha? Since this morning you've been acting weird, you've been silent about me. If I'm wrong, tell me!"

"You're not wrong, I was wrong. I asked for commitment, I also broke it," he said softly.

His face was downcast with languor, I understand now the cause of his anxiety.

"You're not wrong, Sha. I was wrong, I came to you with a pile of problems."

Shasa looked at me fixedly, no smile on his face. Shasa is so foreign, I don't seem to know him today.

"About last night, I'm sincere Mas. For Mama's sake, but I'm sorry I don't want to repeat it again!"

"Sha, you... okay. Thank you, whatever the outcome I'm sure it will be for the best for us." I'm so disappointed to hear that.

And so, since that afternoon we returned to being two strangers who had to compete in acting in front of my parents. Shasa really holds his principles, even if he doesn't want me to touch him again.

In fact, to be honest, I admit that since the incident that night I started to get addicted. I ... started to fall in love with Shasa.


Three weeks later.

"Huekkk, huekkk."

I woke up to the sound of someone vomiting in the bathroom. Shasa's bed was empty, he must have been throwing up.

Shasa vomited, lest ... I immediately followed him to the bathroom. Shasa was looking down over the sink, her long hair looked messy and she still kept vomiting her stomach contents.

Slowly brushed her hair with a hairpin that I found near the mirror. Shasa glanced at him, then looked down again and vomited his stomach contents again.

"What are you doing, Sha?" I asked while massaging his neck slowly.

Shasa did not answer, he was closing his eyes. Shasa moved toward me, we stared at each other for a long time. Shasa took my right hand, then put something in my palm.

My eyes widened in disbelief when I saw the object in my hand, a pregnancy test kit with two dashes.

"What is this, Sha. Are you pregnant? Answer, Sha?"

Shasa just smiled faintly, Shasa walked out of the bathroom. Arriving at the dressing table, Shasa put powder on her face.