

Hisham and Shasa were forced to marry because of their individual circumstances and interests. Can they maintain a household that is endlessly a problem.

Nur_Meyda · perkotaan
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17 Chs

Mom"s Wish

Chapter 13

When I returned to the front, I was stunned for a moment near the cashier's counter. At my table I saw Shasa chatting with Marcel. Why is Marcel here?

With hesitant steps I approached them, Shasa's face suddenly changed when he saw my presence.

"Hey, Bro. How are you? Wow, it seems that your first night was very memorable. Shasa looks very happy!" greeted Marcel as soon as he saw me.

What is this question, Marcel, when he speaks, does not use a filter. I glanced at Shasa who was looking down while stirring his food.

"Ah, you've felt it too, Cel. Why are you here?" I asked distracting.

"Oh, I just arrived. I have an appointment to meet a client here," he answered with eyes that could not be separated from Shasa.

My heart rumbles, I don't like the look in Marcel's eyes. However Shasa has officially become my wife. I don't want another man to look at her for so long.

I stood up and took Marcel away, there was something I wanted to ask him. Something that has been on my mind since yesterday.

I looked back, Shasa was looking at our departure. I kept walking while occasionally glancing at Marcel who was walking calmly beside me.

"What is it?" asked Marcel when we reached the curb.

"There's something I want to ask you," I replied, looking at the vehicles passing by in front of me.

"Say, I will answer it!"

I turned around so we were standing face to face.

"Yesterday when you congratulated Shasa, you called him Caca. Did you know each other before?"

Marcel looked at me sharply then laughed out loud, patted my shoulder while continuing to laugh.

"Of course we know each other, Caca and I have been friends since childhood. His uncle's house is next to mine. I often play at his uncle's house. Why bro, are you jealous?"

"I'm jealous. You're kidding Cel. You know, I married Shasa because of your challenge. How could I love him in such a short time!" I dodged.

"Oh, what a shame!" muttered Marcel.

"What do you mean?" I asked annoyed.

Marcel just laughed and hugged me.

"Never mind, Bro. There's nothing to be upset about anymore. Come on, let's go inside!" he asked.

I followed his steps with a heavy heart, I'm still not satisfied with Marcel's answer. Later I will ask the same thing to Shasa.

Shasa welcomed us with a big smile. He seems to be happy about something, but I don't know what he's feeling right now.

They both seem to be hiding something. Soon Marcel said goodbye because the client he was waiting for had arrived. I immediately invited Shasa to finish his food and then took him home.

In the car Shasa more silent, he spoke only when I asked him.

"Sha, there's something I want to ask you," I asked repeating the question I asked Marcel earlier.

"What is it, sir?"

"You seem to get along very well with Marcel, did you guys know each other before?"

Shasa nodded and then said the same thing that Marcel said earlier. So it's true that they were once neighbors.

"Then it's true what Marcel said earlier."

"What did Mas Marcel say, Mas?"

"He said you were his neighbor from childhood, just a neighbor nothing more!"

Shasa snorted as if not happy with what he had just heard.

"He said that, sir?"


"If he said so, that's how it really is" said Shasa slowly.

Very low but I can still hear it. What are you hiding Shasa?


Three months later.

"Man, don't forget that the opening will be at 10 o'clock," Shasa told me.

"Hmm, yes. Mas, go to the office for a while. Later, from the office, Mas will go straight to the shop. All the preparations have been completed right? What about the employees who will help you there later?" I asked while combing my hair.

"Not bad Mas, he quickly understood my instructions."

"Good then, let's have breakfast first!" I asked while holding him.

Shasa did not refuse, he knew that I was only pretending to be intimate. We have been living this pretend household for three months. Shasa managed to act well, in front of my father and mother she always served me as a good wife.

Today the fruit shop will reopen after being repaired after the fire three months ago. actually I objected to Shasa opening his shop again, but he insisted on the grounds that if we split up he would still have a business to support his life and his sister.

When I think about it, that's true. After all, our marriage was only temporary. Finally I gave him the freedom to run his business again.

"Good morning Mom, Dad!" I greeted my parents who were waiting for us at the dinner table.

"Morning honey. Let's have breakfast!" take Mom.

Shasa served me as usual, Mama and Papa always smiled seeing Shasa's attention to me.

"Sha, have you started filling yet?"

Shasa stared at Mama in surprise, I didn't even understand what Mama meant.

"You mean Mama, are you pregnant yet? It's been three months, you know, you've been married," Mama repeated, looking at us confused.

Uhukkk... Uh-huh....

Shasa choked because he was surprised by Mama's question. Immediately I gave him a glass of water, while I patted his back gently.

"Just pray, Ma, so that Shasa will get pregnant soon!" I said guiltily.

How can Shasa get pregnant, when until now she is still a virgin. According to our previous agreement, I never touched Shasa at all except holding hands or hugging. I did that in front of my parents.

"Mama always prays for the best for both of you. Don't give up, keep trying!" said Mama, glancing at me.

I smiled then looked down guiltily. I'm sorry, Pa, Ma, I said to myself.

Shasa was silent, his face looked sad, which I'm sure was just acting. I immediately finished my breakfast and invited Shasa to leave immediately.

In the car again felt the awkwardness between us, Shasa leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes. I don't know what he was thinking, maybe Mama's question earlier disturbed his mind.

"Sha!" call me.

To be continued