

Hisham and Shasa were forced to marry because of their individual circumstances and interests. Can they maintain a household that is endlessly a problem.

Nur_Meyda · perkotaan
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17 Chs

Meet Her

Chapter 2

It didn't take long for me to be located. Fruit Shop, wrong noose Marcel invites to find it here? I'm monologizing.

With doubt, I went into the shop, a young woman with a message welcomed me. 

"Good morning, what do you want to look for fruit?" he asked politely.

"Uh, that is. Rancid fruit is there Mbak?" I was stuttering. 

"Oh there, right there. Let me show you!" 

I followed the fruit seller woman in confusion. My eyes are dumbling looking for the whereabouts of Marcel and Didu. 'Where the heck are they, cheeky right they are working on me!' my meaning in the heart.

"This is Mas, the fruit. Sweet-sweet, may try but just a yes!" 

"Take a weigh of Mbak. Sekilo yes, I'm in a hurry, "I replied.

Gluingly he put the scab into the plastic and then weighed it. Then give it to me, give me a blue piece of money and then leave the shop.

"Mas, the change!" the woman shouted. 

"Just put in the infak box!" reply to me. 

I saw a box of infak for orphans beside the cash register, after storing a package of fruit in the car I tried to contact Marcel. 

[Hallo Bro, is the game there? ] asked Marcel to be called.

[Apaan sih Cel, where are you guys? ]

[Hahaha, I'm in the Bro. Office. ]

[ In the Office? Crazy, then what was I told to come here for? ] I shouted frustrated.

[Ups, calm down Bro. You've met the fruit seller, right, your sentence is that in the other day one month you should be able to marry her! Can you do Bro, you have to be able to you! Hahaha.]

[What! It means gimana. Wait for me, I'm your kekantorm now! ]

Immediately I closed my cellphone and spurred my car in annoyance. At Marcel's Office I entered his room by holding back anger.

"Fire the hell Cel, the crane's behavior!" my uncle after sitting on the sofa in the room.

"Hahaha, annoyed at Bro. Relax, I haven't told you what your punishment is!" Marcel's mock. 

"Okay, say it!" my challenge.

Marcel approached me then gave me his cellphone. My forehead wrinkled staring at the photo she had a cellphone.

"Is this the photo of the fruit seller woman?" I wonder.

"Yup, his name is Shabila usually called Shasa. I want in a month, you should be able to marry her!" 

Crazy, this is crazy. What was on Marcel's mind until he gave a challenge like this.

"You're kidding, right Cel?" I'm not sure.

"I'm sure and aware. Okay Bro, one month time. Remember that!" 

Exhale violently, this is the crazy challenge I've ever gotten. 


Huffttt, I rudely fired this body at my beloved chair. Gak runs out thinking with the challenges given by Marcel and Didu. I don't know what possessed them, thought to be married playful.

One month, crazy! But it's also a shame that my beloved car must be a victim.

Ting ... A message entered my cellphone.

[ Don't forget Bro, one month. Married to Shasa or your car drifted into my house garage! ]

Ah damn it, why did I get along with their invitation that night to bet while watching a soccer match. I was so sure that my beloved club would win that night.

Tok ... Tok ... The knock on the door woke me up from the daydream. Hurry up and take care of my desk that I want to fall apart, then take a map.

"Enter!" as I was in a while busy being busy checking the files I was holding.

"Stop your password young man, Papa knows that you just daydream!" Papa's snapper.

Geez, why did Papa use the event suddenly. Awkwardly Papa's hair then invited him to sit on the sofa only.

"What's wrong Pa, really suddenly visiting here? Which mama is Pa?"

"Your mother is being treated at the salon, her food Papa can stop by here. What about Papa's words last night, have you thought about it?"

Gosh, Papa brought up the problem of the future wife.

"Looking for a wife, right, all that time, Hisham's time is only two months' love "

"Who says it's hard, you're the one who is serious about looking for it because of the fun of playing. Papa is not with the background or wealth of the girl, the important thing is that he is good and wants to accept you who are lazy. Gratitude, she sholeha. "Papa said with eyes on the hands.

My heart was touched to hear Papa's words, sholeha? Suddenly I remembered Shasa, Marcel's challenge and I smiled happily.

Looks like my problem will be finished together, the challenge of Marcel and Papa's ultimatum about the future wife. But how, I didn't know Shasa at all.

Suddenly I came and asked her to get married! Aarrghhh, erase my face harshly. Papa had come home half an hour ago, but I haven't found a way to approach Shasa.


Tin ... Tin ... Tin ....

A friendly horn had accompanied me who was acting like a detective. Right now I'm watching Shasa's fruit shop from across the street.

I have been watching for almost two hours, nothing special. Only his customers came in and out of the store and Shasa served him kindly. I could see the whole activity in the glass-walled shop clearly.

At 11:30 am, a girl with a hijab and a junior uniform entered the shop. It seems that it was his younger brother, because after having experienced Shasa the girl had climbed the upper chain that I thought was their place of residence.

Okay, it seems like today is enough detective-detective play. I'm hungry, so it's time to leave this place.

But wait, I canceled the engine of my car when I saw two men in the shop while angry.

Seen Shasa was very scared and cried, they were involved in a heated debate. I hesitated, went into the night and will definitely face the two men. Or just leave as if you don't see anything.

No, I'm not a cowardly man. I have to help Shasa if I don't know him yet.

To be continued