

Hisham and Shasa were forced to marry because of their individual circumstances and interests. Can they maintain a household that is endlessly a problem.

Nur_Meyda · perkotaan
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17 Chs

Marriage Agreement

Chapter 7

I give my name card to Shasa, she jingled then Shakira his younger brother who received the business card I gave.

"Thank you Mas," he said briefly.

Looks like Shasa will get even more angry if I keep here, I decide to go home first. The raindrops started to fall when I got into the car, it looks like tonight will be very cold.

May Shasa and her sister feel comfortable sleeping in the refugee tent tonight.


The next day, the morning routine as usual I was. Papa was having breakfast when I came out of the room.

"Morning Pa!" my greetings then sit next to him.

This morning's menu is special fried rice made by Mama, the aroma immediately flirts my appetite.

"Have you heard the fire last night, Sham?"

"Already Pa, many shops are on fire, he said."

Papa nodded while continuing to chew his food.

"25 shops and residences, only because of the electrical short circuit in the shop that sells agricultural equipment."

"Why until so many are burning Pa?" I'm curious.

I was there last night, but didn't really pay attention to the surroundings. My only concern is Shasa and his sister.

"Either, Papa also doesn't know. Ohya, how about preparing a meeting with the Division Heads later?"

Papa started talking about work, I answered straightforwardly and clearly. As Papa's representative in the office it is my responsibility to take care of everything so that Papa's activities are smooth and successful.

Actually I want to build my own business, be immune to the knowledge and experience I have had so far I believe I can run my own company until it's successful.

I want to be independent without relying on Papa, but Papa said that this company would also be mine later because I was the only child. If I hadn't learned to take care of it from now on, who else would have held the company.

After I thought right, so from then on I was determined to continue to learn to lead the company well until it was time for my father to retire.

Breakfast while discussion of office problems has been selssai. I'm goodbye to leaving for the office, while Papa is still chatting with my mam.

The atmosphere of the street was quite smooth, only a little bit of the kender I saw on the road. Maybe because the cold air this morning made some people still lazy to go to work.

When I stopped at the red light I remembered Shasa and her sister. How they are doing today, maybe they haven't had breakfast. Use to think as soon as I give a sign that it will turn left.

When I passed the breakfast seller, I stopped to buy two packs of rice for Shasa and her sister.

For how long, I arrived at the former Shasa shop which has now been leveled to the ground. Likewise, the building was surrounded, leaving only debris which was partly still emitting thin smoke.

I headed to the tent across the street, there was a crowd with refugees who were victims of fire. My eyes are looking for the goodness of two brothers and sisters who have quite high prestige.

I smiled when I found them, I was immediately watching them.

Shakira who first saw me smile, her eyes sparkled as she received a package from me.

"Is this Mas?" the tent while opening the wrapping plastic.

"Sit down to eat breakfast. Eat, there is also a warm sweet tea."

"Thank you Mas, we have breakfast. From last night Mbak hasn't eaten anything!"

Shasa turned to her sister and then shook.

"You're the one who ate Dek, Mbak isn't hungry yet!" reject it while glancing at me at a glance.

"Eat Sa, what dikit also gok. Later you catch a cold!" persuade me.

"Why does Mas care about us. Better Mas, try to care for us again!" reject it with a sniff.

Shasa, you are very stubborn!


"I just want to help Sha!" my lie.

Shasa looked at me sharply, her clear eyes made my heart vibrate. I feel like the worst human in this world. It's better if I tell Shasa the truth today.

"Eat Sha, I'll tell you the truth later!" I promise.

Shasa hesitantly followed me, little by little the food that I had brought was eaten up. I looked at my watch and called my secretary at work. I gave him some instructions, as it seemed I would be late for work.

Then I sat beside Shasa who had just finished washing her hands.

"Thank you Mas, the food is delicious," he said softly, glancing at me.

"Hmm, it's because you're hungry. You haven't eaten anything since yesterday."

Shasa smiled then reminded me of my promise earlier.

"You haven't forgotten your promise, have you?"

I nodded, took a deep breath and then began to tell the story. I decided to be honest with him, about Papa's threat and also the challenge from my best friend Marcel. Shasa listened silently, but when I mentioned Marcel's name he looked surprised.

"Marcel?" he repeated in disbelief.

"Yeah Marcel, do you know him. Here's a picture of him!" I showed him the photo of Marcel that was on my phone.

His expression changed, but returned to normal as before. He shook his head with clenched jaw.

"I don't know Mas, I thought it was another Marcel!" he replied.

I felt a tremor in his voice, like he was hiding something.

"So you mean you want me to pretend to be your wife?" he asked.

I nodded, silently hoping he would accept it.

"I don't have anything, Mas, I don't even have a place to live. So... I'll accept it, but on one condition!"

I was so happy to hear that, a smile spread across my lips. I don't know if I have become the most evil person in this world, because I took advantage of Shasa who was in trouble.

"What are the conditions? I will try to fulfill them!"

"First, our marriage was only an arrangement. There are no rights and obligations as husband and wife that we have to carry out."

He looked at me as if seeking approval.

"Okay, it doesn't matter. It's important to me that Marcel and my parents lost this!" I answered sure.

"Secondly, my sister Shakira is coming to live with me."

To be continued