

Hisham and Shasa were forced to marry because of their individual circumstances and interests. Can they maintain a household that is endlessly a problem.

Nur_Meyda · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

A Beautiful Day

Chapter 9

The next day, bright morning. As bright as my heart is happy because I can win the challenge given by Marcel. With a whistle I brushed my hair then sprayed a little perfume on my body.

After I finished leaving the room, the delicious aroma from the kitchen immediately wafted throughout the room. I took a deep breath, I can guess for sure Mama is cooking her favorite fried rice. Immediately I headed to the dining room, Shasa was neatly dressed and now setting the table.

"Sha, where are you going?" I asked.

Shasa who was looking down while arranging plates on the table was surprised to hear my voice.

"Mas Hisyam, don't be surprised. I'm going to Mas's shop. Earlier I got a message from the RT, today there is assistance for fire victims, he said."

"You're already awake Syam. Too bad, usually until you're tired Mama shouts in front of your room and you don't wake up either!" teased my mother who had just come from the kitchen.

"Yes, Ma. There is a beautiful angel in our house. Shame if you oversleep!" I replied.

Mama laughed happily, while Shasa just smiled faintly.

"I think it's complete, here, Sha. Where's Shakira, let's have breakfast together!"

"Still getting ready in her room Ma! Will also come out later," said Shasa, spooning rice on my plate. Then handed it over to me, I received it while saying thank you.

Mama saw our interaction with emotion, Mama wiped the corners of her eyes with the end of her sleeve.

"Mommy why?" asked Papa who had just come out of his room.

"It's okay, Pa. Mama is just touched, it turns out that Hisham is smart in choosing a wife. Even if he's not married, he already knows how to serve a future husband," Mama replied.

"Mama praised too much, Shasa became embarrassed," Shasa dodged.

I shook my head to see Shasa's acting, in front of Mama and Papa he could turn gentle and considerate of me. I stroked my cheek because I remembered how strong Shasa's slap was yesterday.

"I'm sorry about that slap, Mas," whispered Shasa. Apparently he saw me stroking my cheek and immediately felt guilty.

"It's okay, if the reply I get ends up like this. I'm not sorry Sha!"

Shasa stared at me unblinkingly, then turned her face away.

"Ma'am, so we go together?" asked Shakira.

We looked at the same time, apparently Shakira had finished breakfast and was now getting ready to go to school.

"So, just a moment Ma'am take the bag first in the room."

Shasa rushed to his room, I'm also getting ready to go to the office.

"Let's go!" ask Shasa.

"Sha, I'll take you. Also go to the office!" ask me.

"Aren't you bothering Mas?" Shasa tried to mebolak.

"It won't be a problem, if it's for the sake of a beautiful wife like you, Sha!" Mama hugged Shasa with affection.

Shasa smiled and shook hands with Mama after Mama let go of her hug.

"Shasa goodbye, Ma. Assalamualaikum."

"Waalaikumsalam, be careful!"

I immediately drove the car on the road, Shakira's first school destination. It took twenty minutes to get there, after Shakira got off in front of her school, it was Shasa's turn to be delivered.

Shasa just silent since we left earlier. His face is flat without a smile, it's so different he's not like when he was at my house.

"Sha!" call me..

Shasa allowed, still with the same expression.

"Thank you for being willing to lie for me!" I continued.

"Yes Mas, how is my acting. Have you seen that I really want to marry Mas?"

"Didn't you see how my parents expression? They looked confident and very happy. You are great Sha, can pretend naturally like that!" I praised.

"You have to, Mas, actually I feel guilty for your parents, aren't we going to lie to them too much?"

"I don't know, maybe our sins will be forgiven for making my parents happy. Yes, I hope so!"

Shasa sighed, his eyes far ahead. I don't know what he's thinking now. Shasa was still silent when we arrived in front of his shop which had been razed to the ground.

After pulling over the car I went down for a while to see the state of Shasa's shop. The entire two-story building has been leveled and nothing can be saved. I can not imagine how Shasa felt at this time.

I stared at the girl's body for a long time who was now chatting with a man dressed in batik. Looks like that person is the RT Shasa said earlier.

Shasa turned to see me, then waved his hand. Then he went with the RT and joined several people who had been waiting in an angkot that immediately left this place.

I got into the car and immediately drove my car to the office. Arriving at the office I was immediately immersed in my usual routine until I didn't realize it was already late afternoon.

Azan Maghrib had just finished sounding when I got home. I entered the house, it was quiet, it seemed like everyone was in their respective rooms.

Huh, I threw myself on the bed. Without taking off my clothes I closed my eyes. I feel very tired, it seems like sleeping for a while can relieve fatigue after working all day.

Knock... Knock....

The sound of knocking on the door disrupted my plans to sleep. I lazily got up and opened my bedroom door.

Shasa stood in front of the door with her arms crossed, her face looked beautiful with the white mukena she was wearing.

"What is it!" I asked.

"The clothes are still complete like this. Why don't you take a shower right away, otherwise it will be too late for the Magjrib prayer. Hurry up, it's time for dinner!" Shasa chattered while scanning my body from top to bottom.

I rolled my eyes, how dare he arrange what I want to do. Prayer he said? My parents don't dare to force me like this.

"Ishhh, even stunned. Mas Hisham!" shouted Shasa in my ear.

"Wow, what the heck, Sha!" I exclaimed in shock.

Instead of answering, Shasa turned my body. Then pushed him into the room, uh to the bathroom. Then I closed my bathroom door.

"Hurry take a shower, continue to pray! Just be careful if you don't pray, the agreement is canceled!"

"Yes, badass!"

To be continued