
Heart across centuries: echoes of the silent abyss

"Heart across centuries" draws inspiration from the haunting depths of forgotten secrets and the chilling resonance of hidden truths. Imagine standing on the precipice, listening to whispers carried by unseen currents—a symphony of lost memories, regret, and ancient enigmas. The word " heart " evokes a sense of repetition, as if the abyss itself remembers every whispered confession, every betrayal, and every sacrifice. The "echoes of the silent abyss(heart across centuries)" conjures images of darkness—an unfathomable void where answers lie buried, waiting for brave souls to unravel their mysteries. Perhaps it's the silence that unnerves us most—the absence of sound, the absence of closure. What lies beneath? What stories remain untold? "heart across centuries " weaves a thrilling tapestry of love, time travel, reincarnation,mystery,suspense, revenge, crime, and the human capacity for both darkness and redemption. As Hye Jin, Sung Woo, and Kim Song grapple with their desires and the dangerous game they're caught in, they'll discover that sometimes, the boundaries we set are meant to be shattered. Get ready for a heart-pounding journey where passion collides with danger, and where love may be the ultimate weapon against the shadows that threaten to consume them all. In modern Seoul, Yoo Ji-hyun discovers an ancient jade pendant that unlocks memories of her past life. Centuries ago, Prince Sung-Woo and General Hye Jin loved fiercely but were torn apart. Now, as Ji-hyun and Doctor Park Min-joon unravel the pendant's secrets, they must rewrite their fate and reunite hearts that span time. Yet, shadows from the past emerge—malevolent forces determined to keep Sung Woo and Hye Jin apart. As the eclipse approaches, danger looms. Ancient curses stir, and betrayal threatens their fragile connection. Ji-hyun and Min-joon race against time, knowing that breaking the curse may exact a price neither of them is prepared to pay. And so, whispered by the wind and etched in the stars, a prophecy resurfaces: "When the moon bleeds crimson, the pendant shall pulse with forgotten magic. The Wolf Prince and the Sorceress shall stand at the crossroads of eternity. One path leads to salvation, the other to oblivion. Choose wisely, for the threads of destiny fray, and the celestial clock ticks relentlessly." As the lunar eclipse approaches, Ji-hyun and Min-joon must decipher the prophecy's cryptic words. Their love, their lives, and the very fabric of time hang in delicate balance. update:2 chapters everyday

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16 Chs

Chapter 8:whispered of destiny

The door bore the weight of her name—**Hye-Jin, President**—etched in elegant letters. As she stepped inside, the room embraced her like a lover's arms. The air held the scent of ambition, mingling with the faint perfume of memories.

Gowan, her loyal secretary, presented a stack of documents. His eyes, respectful yet curious, traced the lines of her face. *"Miss Hye,"* he said, *"these are the documents you need to sign."*

*"Leave them,"* she replied, her gaze sweeping the room. *"I'll read and sign after I finish my work."*

As he retreated, she called him back. *"Tell Assistant He-Ra I'm looking for her."*

*"Of course, Miss."* His bow was a silent promise.

The office—royal blue walls, white marble accents, and golden trim—whispered of power. Hye-Jin settled into her chair, the leather cool against her skin. The city's pulse thrummed beyond the window, but here, she held dominion.

He-Ra entered, her footsteps soft as secrets. *"The finance department will send the financial records from 1st December 2023 till today,"* she relayed.

*"Good."* Hye-Jin turned, her eyes sharp. *"And what of Uncle Kang and his son?"*

*"They're waiting."* He-Ra hesitated. *"They want you to invest in the South land area."*

"Tell them to come in."

Uncle Kang and Kang In-Ha sat across from her, their suits tailored arrogance. *"Invest in the south area land"* Uncle Kang commanded.

Hye-Jin leaned back, her smile a blade. *"Why would I, Uncle?"*

*"Benefits,"* Kang In-Ha interjected.

*"Silence,"* she snapped. *"I speak with your father."*

Their eyes met, a battle of wills. *"I order you,"* Uncle Kang insisted.

*"Why follow your orders?"* Her laughter danced on the precipice. *"I'm the president. I've investigated—the South land will bleed my coffers."*

*"You've changed,"* Uncle Kang murmured.

*"Life molds us,"* she replied, her smile a riddle. *"Experience carves our souls."*

He-Ra lingered, torn between loyalty and curiosity. Hye-Jin's gaze never wavered. *"See Uncle off,"* she instructed. *"I have work."*

And so, the ivory tower held its secrets—the clash of power, the dance of defiance. Hye-Jin returned to her desk, eyes on the cityscape. The world spun, but here, in her domain, she remained unyielding.

After they went out,she called Gowan to her office "keep a close eye on these two."

"Ok miss"


He went to pick her up,when they passed the company's reception,the reception buzzed with curiosity as they passed through. Whispers followed them—rumors of love, conspiracy, or both. Hye-Jin's power as the company's president was undeniable, but her connection to Min-Joon intrigued everyone. Were they lovers? Rivals? Or something more dangerous?

At home, they sat on the sofa, their silence a symphony. Hye-Jin's fingers danced across her phone screen, connecting her to He-Ra and Gowan. *"You both know your roles today,"* she reiterated.

Min-Joon leaned closer, his breath warm against her ear. *"What's our plan?"*

She tell him everything


The chandeliers wept crystal tears, casting fractured rainbows across the room. The air held secrets—promises and betrayals, woven into the fabric of time. Hye-Jin, elegant in her black gown, moved like a shadow, her eyes reflecting the dance of candlelight.

Min-Joon, equally enigmatic in his black suit, watched her. His gaze held questions—about her past, her purpose—but she couldn't reveal the truth. Not yet. They were a match made in heaven, yet dangerous allies. Angels with hidden daggers.

And so, they stepped into the royal suite—the room pulsing with secrets. Gowan tampered with surveillance cameras, while He-Ra infiltrated Kim In-Ha's room. A top hacker, she extracted information from his computer, unraveling threads of deceit.

Hye-Jin bribed the waitress, slipping drugs into Kim Song's drink. The young miss of the Ryu Family, her disguise flawless, entered the hall with Min-Joon. Everyone wondered why Hye-Jin brought another man when her engagement to Kim Song was imminent.

Kim Song walked towards Hye-Jin

*"Who is this man?"* Kim Song's voice cut through the tension.

Min-Joon extended his hand. *"I'm her best friend from our study abroad days."*

Their eyes clashed—a battle of fire and ice. *"Nice to meet you,"* Kim Song said.

*"Likewise."* Min-Joon's smile held secrets.

*"I'm feeling dizzy,"* Hye-Jin murmured, swaying.

*"Mr. Kim, excuse us,"* Min-Joon said. *"She needs rest."*

Kim Song stepped aside, suspicion in his eyes. The smile Min-Joon offered wasn't sincere—it was a blade hidden in velvet.

Minutes later, Kim Song stumbled to his room, believing himself drunk. But Min-Joon and Hye-Jin had other plans. They dragged a slumbering lady—the Ryu heiress—into Kim Song's room. Gowan lured reporters and guests, creating a whirlwind of chaos.

Kim Song opened his eyes to a stranger beside him. The door burst open, cameras flashing. Reporters demanded answers. *"Miss Hye-Jin, are you calling off the engagement?"*

*"I have,"* she declared, her gaze unwavering. *"Miss Hye-Hye."*

She walked out, leaving Kim Song bewildered. In the car, He-Ra handed her a USB. *"All the information is inside."*

*"Why go to such lengths?"* Min-Joon asked.

*"To call off the engagement, yes. But also for something else."* Hye-Jin's eyes held the weight of secrets. *"I underestimated you,"* Min-Joon said to her.

*In the Car*

The leather seats cradled them, cocooning secrets and shared glances. Hye-Jin's heart raced—gratitude, unspoken, threatened to spill. She turned to Min-Joon, she hugged him. *"Thanks for the help,"* she whispered.

He-Ra and Gowan exchanged wide-eyed glances. Hye-Jin, the ice queen, hugging Min-Joon? The world tilted on its axis.

*"Let me treat you all to a meal,"* Hye-Jin declared. Her generosity, unexpected, thawed the air.

On the road, Min-Joon caught her staring. His playful smile danced. *"Am I that handsome?"*

*"I didn't look at you,"* she retorted, her cheeks aflame.

*"When did I say you looked at me?"* His laughter echoed.

Gowan leaned toward He-Ra. *"Something's cooking here."*

*"Shut up,"* Hye-Jin snapped, embarrassment a cloak.

At He-Ra's apartment, Hye-Jin perched on Gowan's lap. His eyes held questions. *"When will we make our relationship public?"*

*"Not now,"* she promised. *"But soon."*

His smile was a sunrise. He kissed her forehead, sealing their secret. Love, like whispers, defied time.

*To be continued...*

And so, love and danger wove their tapestry. The royal suite whispered of destiny rewritten, and Min-Joon wondered if their touch could alter time itself.

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