
Product 78 - Cliche Novel

As I waited for my magical energy to replenish and infused the brooch with confirmation, a series of system messages appeared.

[Brooch Enveloped in Blue Moonlight]


[1. Aids in the wearer's magical energy circulation, slightly increasing the speed of magical manifestations.]

[2. From 6 PM to 6 AM, slightly enhances the wearer's magical energy recovery rate.]

[3. Slightly amplifies magical attack potency.]

[Crafted with a clear intention.]

[Special bonuses apply when worn by party member 'Aila Trista'.]

[*Option 2 upgrades from 'Slight' to 'Moderate'.]

[*Option 3 upgrades from 'Slight' to 'Moderate'.]


An exclamation too forceful even for someone of royal lineage to contain.

It's not just admiration. It's pure astonishment.

Truly, this is an item that boggles the mind.

How can such incredible options exist?

Enhanced magical speed, increased magical recovery, heightened magical attack?

It's unbelievably astounding.

So incredibly regrettable.


Ah, it's Tier 7, sigh.

Unconsciously, I shrugged my shoulders.

I should discuss the method for measuring item options in D/Z SAGA, but to be precise, it's indeed fitting for Tier 7!

First, take a look at the novice set of gloves; it's quite evident.

The Balance Gloves have only one option, +3 when the status is under 10,

While the Order Gloves have two options: 10% experience and resistance to all.

Hence, in the original work, the highest-rated option is pure status.

In items of the same tier, if stats are attached, the number decreases. This is referred to as a single stat option.

Even 'magic power-boosting equipment without any restrictions' only adds +1, placing it at the bottom of Tier 1.

Then come various buffs and miscellaneous options. In the same tier, these can have two or three options compared to stat options.

After all this explanation, the conclusion is that this is 'a miscellaneous accessory that combines three moderate options into a single accessory.'

A genuine top-tier 7 accessory looks like this:

It either conditionally adds +1, limited to strength or agility, or includes a skill.

Skills also fall into the top-tier 7 category. For instance, [Magic Maximization] [5 Uses] [Automatic Recovery per Hour],

It's akin to receiving a significant benefit when casting magic.

Hmm. This won't suffice.

Let's continue to create and ponder other things.

[You have successfully crafted the brooch.]

[You have successfully crafted a mysterious brooch.]

Afterward, no more subtle brooches made an appearance.

Such a frustrating game.

Is this even real?

"Truly, it appears like a miracle has occurred."

Perhaps it's akin to defying the actual 0.00075% chance, plus Aila's 5%. Insane.

"Anyway, this marks the limit of my crafting skills for now."

No need for regrets. By combining luck and great success, I can aim for Tier 6, even if I only reach skill level 5.

Moreover, I've consumed so many mana potions that I'm overflowing, almost to the point of discomfort.

I ceased working and gazed at the numerous discarded items produced.

Around thirty or so in total.

Upon appraisal, most of them turned out to be the lowest-grade magic enhancement accessories, with a few 'resistance' type options attached.

"Now, should I contact the item's owner?"

The next day, Aila arrived, and I handed her the brooch.

"Eh? A, a gift? And it's an accessory?"


"Wow, it's a brooch? The design is nice too. Is, is there any special meaning?"

"Uh-huh. I thought your equipment was lacking, so I made this."

"I see. Could you explain the options clearly?"

Why does she seem angry?

Anyway, I explained as she requested, in a clear manner.

Just clearly how the three options are attached.

"It's a magic-specific triple option. Chant acceleration. Magic recovery. Enhancement of magical attack power. These three options are included."

"…What? Eh?"

"Tsk. Nothing better than this came out. It can't be helped, but for now, wear it."

"…Where did you get this?"

Where did I get it?

"A convenience store is not a place for strange orders. I made it myself."

Upon hearing this, Aila's complexion turned pale.

"Wolfram? You made this yourself?"


"Uh, um."

Aila fell into deep thought, seemingly running her brain at full capacity, murmuring to herself, '…Um. So it means' 'No, even so, that's not it' 'That's a bad thing.'

And soon, it seemed she reached a conclusion, she took a deep breath and continued speaking.

"I really hate Regina Ciel, you know?"

"I know. I hate her too."

Why suddenly that?

"…But, wouldn't it be too harsh to annihilate the Ciel family, a-ah, even so…?"


Why is that story coming up?

Was there a foreshadowing for making a tragic heroine miserable?

"What are you talking about?"

"Well …that."


After Aila left, I flicked the brooch with my fingers, recalling her words.

'Um… So that means.'

What Aila said next was somewhat shocking.

Simply put, this accessory could act as a dagger that could pierce the Ciel family.

And to elaborate, it becomes a longer story.

The Ciel family has been allied with the Roengreen royal family from the beginning.

Precisely, they are a renowned elf house known for quickly siding with the emperor when the time calls.

When the first emperor declared the establishment of the empire and went to war.

Initially hesitant, the elves were the first to make a monumental run, and it was the Ciel family.

Despite being called traitors by other elves, they ultimately succeeded in conquering the continent, and the Ciel family became founders of the empire. Even the elves eventually became subordinates of the empire, wielding immense power.

They managed funds and assisted the first emperor, gaining the advantage of being a mediator among numerous nobles, and the first head of the Ciel family started a business there.

Providing social venues and selling jewels.

Using incoming funds for financial business, dominating various auctions, a monster moving money itself.

The weight of history and tradition had a profound impact on the imperial nobility, and as a result, the Ciel family became an unassailable force at the pinnacle.

So, what went wrong with Regina Ciel…?

This is Roengreen, a place where everyone must bow and plead for their lives at a single word from the royal family.

In essence, imperial commands are considered sacred, the royal family is supreme, and their authority is absolutely inviolable. Except for a few lunatics, Roengreen has no adversaries.

Regina Ciel grapples with this duality, being the heiress of the world's wealthiest family while knowing her life could vanish with a single decree from the royal family.

And somehow, this led to her becoming a crazed, tragic figure… but let's skip Regina Ciel's story for now.

"Why does everyone like Regina so much? Well, anyway, it's a somewhat reasonable tale."

So, if I personally create an accessory and distribute it among the noble families, it could significantly impact the Ciel family.

The prince made it, so the Ciel family can't interfere.

And it performs admirably.

It's not just an accessory to wear; it can also serve as a 'tool of power for wizards employed by noble families.'

Wizards hold prestigious positions and align themselves with high-ranking nobles, so this can function as both a weapon and an accessory, as well as a symbol of authority.

Indeed, wizards tend to align themselves with noble families possessing numerous magical tools.

Furthermore, since the Tristar family, one of the two great mountain ranges of the upper world, supplies the ore, the material itself also carries considerable prestige.

"Of course, I have no intention of destroying Regina Ciel's family."

It's vexing and bothersome, but there's no need to completely dismantle her.

Moreover, if I were to attempt to dismantle Regina Ciel,

'-Ah, you are my downfall. I've been waiting for this. Now, please end me.'

Would she cling to me saying something like that? …She's completely unhinged.

I held the brooch that Aila didn't accept and lost myself in thought.

"Aila Tristar…"

So, Aila politely declined my brooch.

'You won't accept this brooch?'

'Yes. I'm truly thankful for Wolfram's gift, but I must decline.'

'Why? Isn't rebellion clandestine and alluring? This accessory is discreet, yet its performance is truly impressive.'

'That's true. I still believe that. But what I'm doing to Regina Ciel isn't rebellion in my eyes.'

'Could you elaborate?'

'It's not a profound reason. I'm currently the top of my class, and Regina Ciel is second. If I start flaunting something like this, it's merely the top bullying the second.'


'Thanks to Wolfram, I became the top. I don't want to bully the weaker ones now.'

'I understand. You remain Aila Tristar, regardless of the circumstances.'

'Yes. So please give me something more ordinary instead. I believe I'd be happier with that.'

In the original story, Regina Ciel brings Aila Trista's school life to an end.

However, Aila Tristar doesn't desire Regina Ciel's downfall.


This is truly something.

Aila Tristar.

I had only regarded her as the boss of Act 3… but she's actually a rather decent person after all.


The following day,

When Aila paid me a visit, I once again presented the brooch to her.

Aila's eyes lit up as she accepted the brooch.

"Is this one more ordinary?"

"No, it's the same as the one from yesterday."

"…What? Wolfram, but."

"Just listen to me first."

Aila straightened up, keen to hear my words.

She's obedient.

A good listener.

"I'll continue crafting accessories in the future. I'll create ones like this and even better ones. However, I'll limit who receives them."


Aila tilted her head in confusion.

I was well aware that distribution in Jephryn, no, in the entire Roengreen Empire, was chaotic.

When I first launched Magical Sweets, Eve had warned me.

She cautioned that releasing such things haphazardly could lead to problems.

"In short, I'll specially release truly important items only to those I choose. So, please accept this."

"…So, am I the first one you've chosen?"

Aila held the brooch, her eyes wide.

"That's correct. Aila Tristar. You are the first designated recipient, and this is exclusively for you."

It's not a lie.

She's the first party member, and for some reason, the brooch gains additional options when used exclusively by her, making it most suitable for Aila.

"…I see. I'm the first. The person closest to Wolfram than anyone else. Got it. I'll accept this brooch and cherish it."


Aila's reaction is strangely solemn, and her face is incredibly flushed. Her breathing is also oddly heavy.

Why is that?


"Wolfram's one and only crafted brooch."



"I didn't say it's the only one."


I casually pointed to a bag placed behind me. Inside it were numerous brooches of the same design that I had crafted thus far.

Truly, a multitude of them. Packed in there abundantly.

"…It's not just one…? You mean there are so many like that?"

"The ones inferior to what I gave you will be given to Nephti, Rudika, and Mille-feuille."

"…Maybe Wolfram needs to become more proficient at reading people's hearts."

Why's that?


Did she believe it was unique, but it's actually a common item, and that upset her?

"However, one thing is certain."

"What now…?"

"Out of the hundreds, the one I gave you is the best-crafted, your special brooch."

"…Eh. Seriously, just make one! Wolfram!"

For the first time in a while, Aila was angry with me.

I only gave a thoughtful gift and said kind words.

Why, exactly?