
Heal. - [Karma x Reader]

(On Hold) Fear, depression, anxiety, loneliness.. We all hide scars in fear of being deemed vulnerable. Being labeled vulnerable makes you look weak, and the weak are preyed on by those with power. A former straight A-student enters the class of E-3. The sadistic and infamous scarlett head takes interest and begins to unravel those hidden scars… but what happens when she begins to do the same? DISCLAIMER: I don't own any of the characters of Assasination Classroom, only this fanfiction of it! This story contains swearing and sensitive topics such as suicide and abuse, if you don't likie then don't readie!

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"Honey, go to your Room, your dad and I are going to have a little talk" my mom said to you

Little 8-year-old (y/n) did not understand that "little talk" meant "big fight". I slowly walked up the stairs and into my room. That's when I heard loud shouts.. then I heard it.. a cry..

"(Y/n)!" I heard a yell. I snapped out of my little flashback and looked at korosensei, my teacher. "What is it?" I ask. "Ms.(l/n), before you snapped out of your little daydream, I was asking you if you could come up and answer this equation on the board" korosensei smiled.

"Fine." I say, taking a few seconds to gather my notes. I walk towards the board. Then, using the knife I hid in between my papers, I quickly slash towards my teacher. Korosensei easily dodged in Mach 20 speed, I put my knife away, knowing that I won't be able to hit korosensei now that he's aware that I have a knife. "Good Attempt, (y/n)! But you shuffled quite a lot when getting up from your desk."

"Tsk." I pick I up the chalk and answer the science question on the board.


Our last class ended and everyone began to pack up their backpacks. I picked up my notes, pens, and notebook filled with assassination attempt ideas. People began to walk towards the door, but then "WAIT! EVERYONE! I ALMOST FORGOT TO MENTION!" Korosensei shouted, alarming the students. "Sorry for scaring you guys, but we will be having a new student joining us next week!"

"New student, huh?" I thought to yourself, "Probably another dumb flirt.."

Little did I know that this new student would be the one that helps me heal