
Check On Lin Shuang

Penerjemah: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"Are you going for a month?" Lu Chengzhou's tone was low and it was hard to tell what kind of expression he had on his face.

"Ah," Gu Mang uttered nonchalantly. "I might come back earlier or later."

There was silence for a few seconds and neither of them spoke.

After awhile, Lu Chengzhou exhaled a puff of smoke and repeated in a low voice, "I'll see you off tonight."

Hearing that, Gu Mang squinted. "Tsk," she said slowly. "Sure, I will let Lin Shuang know that you will be sending me to the airport."

After Lu Chengzhou hung up, he went to the lab and turned on his computer. Then, he keyed in a special code. He took a step back and leaned on the lab table lazily with one hand supporting himself.

The door to the lab suddenly opened. He Yidu and Qin Fang entered.

Qin Fang sounded rather excited. "Brother Cheng, the results from the mock test are out."

Lu Qi's cold, gentle, and beautiful face appeared on the screen.