
An Unparalleled Status

Penerjemah: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Before Qin Yaozhi got into the car, she ran toward Sheng Ting. Upon exchanging a few words, Sheng Ting took out his phone. Thereafter, they started using their phones with heads down. They were probably exchanging contact numbers.

Gu Mang stood languidly as she hung one arm over Lu Chengzhou's shoulder casually. This scene caused Qin Yaozhi and Sheng Ting to raise their delicate eyebrows.

With one hand in his pocket, Lu Chengzhou slanted his shoulder toward her slightly, allowing her to hang her arm over him.

After taking one look at him, Qin Fang felt that his Brother Cheng was beyond redemption. Who would dare put their arms around Brother Cheng's shoulder?

Lu Chengzhou, the third son of the Lu family, was of significant status and he was going to help Gu Mang rise to an unparalleled status.