
He Who Manipulates The World

"Play dumb, Live long." Throughout his entire life, Duran never really stood out much from the crowd. Many people knew him as that foolish, clumsy, forgetful, and innocent kid. He had already turned 18, yet his family still treated him like a baby. However... there was just this one small thing about him that only he himself knew. Yes, Duran had a secret that he hid from everyone. And no, it wasn't some fancy superpower like ability, neither was it some God-like system or golden finger. No, in truth, it was just that our man Duran was two-faced...or rather had two sides to him. But when placed on a whole new world, where the playing field he was used to was now an unknown, could he really survive with only his twin personality and his sharper than normal intellect? This is not the story of a man who conquers beauties like they are on sale. This is the legend of the "kid" who manipulated his way to the very top. What will his journey be like without wearing his trusty almighty plot armor? "I'll bet you all of these gold coins that you wouldn't be able to make me say a word. " A youth said. A storm is approaching, and is about to wreck in the form of an innocent kid.

Duriog · Fantasi
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2 Chs

Information overload

In a land far orchestrated from civilization, where fields of grass streches on without any townships of buildings to hinder its natural state. A place of tranquility, where even the slightest of breezes brings life to the picture-perfect scene of a lone tree in the medows.

A young man who appeared to be in his late teens could be seen petting a small fury animal. Its fur was pitch black, just like the man's eyes, which were now apparently staring into absolute nothingness. The kitten was just laying on his lap seemingly deep in slumber. His attention, however, was not on the almost lifeless body on his lap but rather on the electric blue screen floating in front of him.

'Hmmm, for the first part, it seems that all my basic information is correct. Though it does appear that this world I am in has humans who are abnormal.' He said laughing at his own side comments. As for the rest of my status, I could only guess their meanings, but doing so would just lead to more inconsistencies. Focusing on the extra information given to him about himself, he tilted his head upwards, trying to derive its possible meanings.

And just like magic, countless panels of smaller sizes immediately materialized from nothingness, flooding his vision with silver light. These 'info panels', as he decided to call it, contained vital information about the listings that were displayed on his status.



----->Ranks are a form of measurement used to measure and distinguish a beings' power level.

----->Following the mortal rank, which is the lowest rank, is the hero rank.

----->Beings in the mortal rank are unable to use the elements of nature.

----->More ranks shall become visible as the user ranks up in power.




----->A Bloodline is the continuation of a family's innate abilities.

----->Only members related by blood can have their family's Bloodline.

----->Bloodlines are ranked from weakest to strongest in order by: impure<pure<mixed.

----->One has to be of a certain rank in order to create their own Bloodline.




----->Abilities are divided into 2 parts, skills and techniques.

----->Skills are the manifestation and manipulation of the natural elements in the world.

----->They allow a being to manipulate, create, and change the very laws of the world.

----->Only beings in or above the hero rank can use skills.

----->Techniques are the result of constant dedication and willpower.

----->They can only be created and used when a person has learned how to use aura. Thus, the beings who use techniques are abysmally rare.

----->Techniques are inferior to skills in terms of raw power, but make up for it where skills lack.

-----> When a skill and technique is combined, a sacred technique is born, something unique to that individual alone.

----->Techniques can be used by any rank beings so long as they can control their aura.



Elemental Affinity

----->Your Elemental affinity represents the element of nature that you can use and manipulate.

----->Normally, a being can only have one elemental affinity. However, there are exceptions.

----->Elemental affinities can be categorized into 2 groups. They are basic elemental affinities and advanced elemental affinities.

----->Only beings in or above the hero rank have elemental affinities.

----->Your elemental affinity decides on the skills and sacred techniques you can use.




----->They are buffs and debuffs bestowed upon/cast on beings by a being of a higher rank.

----->Their effects vary depending on the curse or blessing.


"Hmmm, interesting, very, very interesting." He said, his eyes moving back and forth between screens. "Although there are some inconsistencies and many hidden info, there is plenty of vital information present here." Letting out a deep breath, he continued his hypothesis."So, ranks are basically like levels in a game. The first 2 are the mortal and hero ranks, whereas I fall in the former. There should also be more ranks, but it seems like this system of mine is keeping that information from me. I also have a Bloodline, surprisingly, though unsurprisingly, it's the weakest ranked. Both skills and techniques are abilities, and I have one of them. Skills are like sorcery, and techniques are like the way of the sword in a very weird way. Skills are something that I can not use in my current rank while techniques make up for a skills lack of versatility. There's also elements that can be controlled by certain people as long as they have the affinity for said elements, mostly having one affinity, though." After his extremely lengthy speech, a loud and tiring sigh could be heard from Duran.

Ten minutes had already passed, yet his eyes still scanned the panels over and over, searching for any important pieces of information that he could have missed. Only after another deep breath out did he finally close his eyes. "Well, there's only 1 thing left to check." He said, focusing all his attention on to the one and only ability he has.


Skill Name: Poison Wound

Skill Type: Passive

Skill Usage: No limitations

----->For every deep and/or critical wound given to the opponent, poison is inflicted into the wound. This poison increases pain sensitivity and inflicts constant passive damage.


"Well, ain't this useful. The only actual problem would be inflicting such a wound for the effects of the skill to activate. Well, I can't really complain much considering I even have a skill at my low rank. There's no mention of how strong the poison is or how much damage it can do, but I'll leave that to trial and error. Unfortunately for me, there's not a single living being around besides myself that I could use as my guinea pig." He said, smirking in the direction of the now dead kitten.

"Though no one said it had to be a living being in the first place." An evil smile forming as he spoke. And as quickly as it appeared, it disappeared and was replaced by a reluctant frown. "Such a shame, too bad I'm getting hungry." A slight glimmer in his deep black eyes.

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