
He Teased me Again

First the males take over, now it’s the females turn to tell the story.

Tsuyu_Asui1101 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

The Date

My mom went on a date with a new boyfriend. His name is Kohen, he was so ugly. I decided to be nice though. About Romero Jalapeño, he hasn't charmed me much. But lately there is this girl I've been attracted to.

Maybe I don't like Romero after all. I mean the only reason I stared was because the other "gays" and the girls I hang with likes him. The girl, her name is Kenohei, Kenohei Kazuma What a beautiful name. "Snap Snap Snap!" That's all I hear before I realize I was dreaming about Kenohei and it was time for school.

My mom stared at me and then scolded me for not being awake. I just wish I could talk to her. I walk outside and head to school. "Good morning Ku-Kun!" A voice says behind me. I look back, it was Kenohei and she knew my name!

"H-hi Kenohei!" I say awkwardly. Apparently she knows me and we live beside each other and she thinks I'm pretty cool. If you consider the fact she has only seen me when I was in my room with my window open. She took me out on a date and then was sorry for doing so seeing as to it that we only had just met.