
Chapter 954 Fanning the Flames

Mr. Alexander Marshall remained unwavering, and given the warnings and threats from Olivia Jenkins, Hannah Jenkins had no choice but to take a step back.

The child in Hannah Jenkins's womb was definitely Matthew Marshall's, and checking amniotic fluid for DNA held no fear for her, but her greatest fear was having her secret exposed.

Gently holding her grandmother's hand, Hannah whispered, "Grandma, it's alright, I can wait until the 16th week to have the DNA test. As long as Matthew and I truly love each other, no matter how many difficulties we face, we will definitely persevere to the end."

There was nothing else to be done, and Mrs. Jenkins fell silent.

Mr. Alexander Marshall's face was devoid of any emotion, inscrutable, bearing no clue to his inner thoughts.

Cautiously glancing at the elder Mr. Marshall, Hannah made up her mind that if she couldn't get her way with her grandma, she would go and stir up trouble with Matthew.