
He's an Ignorant Softie [BTS Kim Taehyung FF]

Some people don't want to show their true feelings. Only those who are willing to climb the wall that they built can see their true identity.

CurlyTops · Lainnya
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2 Chs

[Chapter 1]


"Taehyung-ah!" Jimin's voice filled Taehyung's bedroom. The door was barely open and Jimin's angelic face stood at the other side.

"Oh?" the black curly haired boy asked while trying to get himself out of sleepiness.

Usually, he'll sleep as long as he wants. He's a hard person to wake from slumber especially when he's very tired from work. But this time, he forced himself not to oversleep because his father is currently at home with him. Taehyung's father always runs errands overseas making him not home most of the time. Taehyung really didn't care because he had his friends with him staying at the house.

"Get out of bed if you don't want to get scolded by Mr. Kim again. Everyone else is up except you. Now go take a shower." Jimin said and shut the door.

Taehyung's swollen eyes barely opened but his face still looked beautiful as ever. Most women he meets often sleeps with him because of his popularity and money. Taehyung is filthy rich and all the designer bags, clothes, shoes, and more explains it. However, the way that they make money isn't as fair as it seems.

His father is a mafia lord which makes him a mafia heir. He will soon inherit everything his father had worked on once his father decides to step down form the throne.

The black curly haired boy got out of bed and went straight to the shower to wake himself up with the cold water. After getting ready, he went downstairs and saw his friends with his father having breakfast in the dining room.

Mr. Kim is holding a newspaper in his arms while his coffee is sitting in the table almost finished.

"Good morning father.", he greeted the man and sat in the empty seat in.

"Good morning.", as usual, when Mr. Kim is home, all of them behave like tamed puppies which is the exact opposite of who they are.

On the table were pancakes, waffles, juice, bread, peanut butter, jam and more. Taehyung grabbed two waffles and poured maple syrup on top.

"We have a meeting with a new business partner later at seven in the evening. All of you should come because your parent's will be there as well.", Mr. Kim said and left leaving the boys dumb founded.

With that being said, Taehyung's friends who are Namjoon, Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, and Jungkook are also heirs of their own family's mafia businesses.

"If our parents will attend, then we might be discussing an important matter.", Seokjin said adding another piece of pancake on his plate.

"I wonder what it is.", Hoseok joined.

"Well, the important thing is we all go later. Come to think of it, this is the first time we'll eat dinner with our parents together. All seven of us. It'll be fun... I hope.", Namjoon said trying to lift up the mood.

It was indeed the first time they'll be eating together with their parents. There's nothing wrong with that in general, it just that the reason they'll be having the meet up is because of their business which is not really in the boys' favor. Yes they were raised with that money, yes they were fed with that money, but they never liked the idea of stealing, manipulating or even kidnapping at first. Overtime, they just grew used to it. They did not have a choice anyway. The seven of them would often join the missions in order to train themselves.

"In the meantime, who's up for 'noraebang' (karaoke)?", Namjoon asked while holding a cup of coffee in his right hand.

"Me!", Jimin jumped excitedly from his seat and smiled.

"I'll join too.", Jungkook giggled and went to the kitchen.

"Sounds fun.", Hoseok chimed.

"You guys have fun. I'll just stay in my room.", Taehyung however wasn't feeling as excited like the others.

"What? Don't be such a kill joy Tae. Loosen up!", Seokjin said finally finishing his pancake.

"I'm fine, really. It's just.. I didn't sleep long enough so I'm not in the mood for such things.", the black curly haired boy replied.

Lie. The others knew Taehyung was lying. It was obvious that he wasn't just lacking of sleep. It was much more deeper than that.

"Alright. We'll let you do what you want. But don't hesitate to call us if you need anything.", Yoongi gave up on pursuing the boy to join them. He knew the younger was going through a hard time.

"Have fun.", Taehyung said before leaving the dining area.

The truth is, he couldn't bare seeing his father in a stable state despite of what had happened to his mother. Mrs. Kim had died of a gunshot caused by her husband's doing. The reason? No one knows. But the incident had a big effect on Taehyung's mentality. On the bright side, Taehyung had his friends with him by his side to comfort him when he's having a mental breakdown or throwing tantrums. He would've lost his sanity by now if it wasn't for them.

The thought of Taehyung's mother had him tearing up. Of course this isn't the first time. Everytime he's reminded of his late mother, all the memories they had together comes flashing back. Good or bad, he just can't run from them.

As he entered his bedroom, he took off his t-shirt and left only his pants on. He then threw himself on top of his bed and cried himself to sleep.

Chapters unedited. Errors and typos ahead.

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