
{4} I Made a Friend!

…When I opened my locker it was so dusty that I had a sudden cough. So I decided that I should clean it up, because when I tell you that thing was gross, it was GROSS. So I started to clean it up with a paper towel that I got from the bathroom. When I finally got it all off I decided that I should put up my shelf because I don't need the locker to be nasty again, so I put the self up. After getting all my things on the shelves, I headed to my first period.

When I opened the door I saw a lot of males but only one looked familiar. It was the boy from the bus! There was only about seven girls in the class room. So when I walked in they all ran to me.

"So you're the new girl, I'm so glad it wasn't another boy!" One girl said.

Another girl walked up to me and looked me in the eyes and said

"Wow! Your eyes are so freaking pretty!"

"Awe thanks!" I said a bit flustered, one because someone just completed me and the other because I don't like eye contact.

"Wow! I love your structure!" Some girl said.

"Th-thanks?" I said said a bit confused.

I was never complemented at home, and if I was I was called "cute", I hated being called cute.

"Time to get seated!" Mrs. Sasha said.

I quickly ran to my seat. After a few minutes of working a girl behind me started playing with my hair. I hung my head over the back of my chair only to see her upside down. She had mixed skin (I found out later that her mom was white and her dad was black.) She also had green eyes and plumped lips. Something that I noticed about her that was special was that she had a spot around her eye that was not the same color as her main skin color. It was more of a white skin ton, and where that spot was her hairline started. So her hair was blond in the one spot! It almost looked like a skunk tail! She also wore clear frame glasses.

"Wow, you are gorgeous!" I said with a calm tone to my voice.

"Awe thanks" she said with a small smile on her face. I leaned up and started doing my work, the girl behind me also was doing her work, but she also continued playing with my hair at the same time!

After class I decided to talk to her.

"So, what's your name?" I said with a bit of excitement.

"My names Ariana but most people call me Ari!" She said.

"Well Ari, would you like to be friends!" I said with a warm smile on my face

"Of course girly!" Ari said with excitement. So we both walked to second period together…