A human gets sent to hell then satan himself reincarnates him as a natural born demon of royal blood. Of course the mc is not related to Charlie.
I began to stand up with as much elegance as one could have while doing such an action.
I turned to Charlie and Vaggie while my drink slowly disintegrated into nothingness with all but a slight snap of my fingers.
"Charlie, I regretfully have to go. It seems like I forgot to bring my belongings for my stay here; I will be back in a few hours, if that's ok? I promise you'll have my undivided attention once I do."
I started off in a saddened tone seemingly full of regret and then finished off with a completely serious tone.
"Of course you can Mephisto, just make sure to be back in a few hours. I want to talk to you some more so we can catch up," Charlie spoke out with her returned happiness and gave me one of her beautiful smiles that just always filled me with joy.
Smiling back, I spoke again.
"If you need me for anything while I'm gone, or just to check in, my number is . Be safe my dearest Charlie."
Charlie blushed ever so slightly when I called her my dearest, sadly I left before anymore could be said, slowly disappearing into a haze of smoke.
- - - - -
[XXX Street, Pride Ring]
A shadowy figure appeared out of nowhere and then slowly formed into a figure some may recognize as Mephisto. But many had little to no respect for him due to where he resides, being around imps and owning many of their businesses as well as being friendly with them many times has caused many rumors to circulate around him as well as be seen as weak.
But the figure was heading towards a familiar airship in the sky in a zone filled with craters. A snake-like figure peeked outside of the airship looking at the shadowy figure.
"Fuck you Mephisto. I'm not afraid of you and will no longer be doing your bidding. I will show you my technological superiority!"
"Ahahahahahahahahahaha, oh this is your best joke by far, Pentious. You are not afraid of me… You should be afraid of me and you will do my bidding. Though it does appear you need your leash tightened a bit more; it appears my kindness over the years has made you believe I've grown soft and complacent, let me rectify that."
I spoke out in a light hearted tone, my now razor sharp teeth fully on display, my growing crimson eyes eerily peering at Sir Pentios as if I was looking at his very being.
As I uttered those last words, hundreds upon thousands of spikes generated darkness were floating above my head pentagrams were all over the ground, rubble, and even the very air black sparks began to flicker from each one.
"Oh shi-"
Fiery torrents launched towards the airship emitting heat to such a degree that the stone rubble began to melt, dripping little drops every now and then. All of the shadowy spikes launched inconsistently in every direction at the airship. Many watched on as a figure in a billowing coat launched unrelenting attacks.
And then the airship exploded completely. The shadowy figure slowly walked to the rubble of the spacecraft, each pentagram disappeared and the shadowy spikes faded away. A wave of black ice covered the whole battlefield, with the figure taking a bit of a windup, before sliding along the ice with the poise of a figure skater, his hands behind his back until he reached the pile of molten scrap and ash. There he saw the snake-like skeleton, the figure then created a box made of ice to put the skeleton into and disappeared into darkness. All of the evidence was engulfed into the earth leaving no signs of what happened.
A humanoid turtle with wolf arms stood next to a humanoid crocodile with a crooked lower jaw. Both wore leather jackets, the turtle wore a bandana while the crocodile wore black shades and had tattoos of a snake in each arm.
"Who was that Shatter jaw?"
"Nobody knows for certain. Some claim it's Mephisto - an overlord who owns most of Imp city - but it's doubtful since he keeps to himself most of the time. Most simply call the figure the overlord of shadows, the few appearances the figure has made has always involved an overlord."
"At any rate, it's nothing to worry about. We should probably go back to the gang. Apparently we're supposed to be attacking I.M.P and a few other businesses owned by Mephisto Boxes. He wants all of his tech shops robbed and destroyed so the Imps are forced to only buy from Vox."
"Sounds good for the amount he's paying. We could hire some succubi and so much more after this job."
"Agreed, and maybe we should open some kind of bar after this it could be worth it. Plenty of money to earn right there, plus we can give the boys drinks in the house after successful jobs like this."
"True that Ram Shell… Well we better head out. We can't keep the boys waiting any longer. We got a job to do within the next month and we need to plan this out so we don't fail. After all, we are messing with an overlord no matter how weak he may be."
Then the two figures left the scene, not even perturbed by the events that unfolded. Things like this happened nearly every day in Hell; just another to the tally.
Edited by: Slammeron00
Hope you all enjoyed the chapter and heres the links to my discord and pa.tre.on to support me and who knows if I earn enough I might be able to dedicate most of my day to writing.