I was practically flying when I hit the ground at the bottom of the stairs, already shrunk to my normal size. The urge to keep going, pound my way through the veil and to the vampire mansion, smear opposition and cut the bitch's throat was so powerful I had to force myself to breathe. Knew it was my demon's impulsiveness driving me.
Sure it was, Syd.
I fixed my waiting friends with a grin of evil delight. "The mansion," I said.
Sebastian groaned softly, tapped his forehead with his fingertips. "When I left them, Anastasia gathered the blood clan and took them home to Austria, leaving the house in the care of their human servants."
I thought of Stewart and the helpless staff who were now, quite likely, dead. Just another tick on the tally against Ameline.
She was racking up the points, yup yup.
Time to cash in her ticket.
I almost giggled at that. Even in the face of trouble-hell, usually in the face of trouble-there were times I cracked myself up.