


Third person's POV

As the alphas scattered, Hayami went at the back of the factory. Magna running around the factory to surround it with fire while the others find there way to get inside the factory.

Dianne summoned a cloud and she used it to fly towards the factory. She's the first one to get inside and she didn't waste any time anymore when a sight of her enemy is seen.

'I won't let this bunch of trash see the daylight anymore they're going to pay for ruining the peace of the west region.' Dianne's thoughts.

She summoned lightning bolts in her hand and quickly attacked the enemies. Only the electrified body is left everytime an enemy came across Dianne.

When Josh also successfully get inside he didn't waste anytime on swinging his katana on the enemies.

While Lei approached the enemies in a different way. He teleported using the shadows to get inside the factory and lurk in there while invisible. He become invisible by using the helm of darkness which is a blessing from Hades. As he is invisible he quietly and quickly killed every enemy he meet by suddenly gripping their neck and extracting their souls.

A few minutes more of fighting a bunch of weaklings. Dianne now faced one of the strongest enemy in that factory but we all know that the strongest among them is just a piece of cake for an alpha. Dianne summoned a big storm and charged it towards the enemy, her enemy succesfully dodge it but the storm just followed the enemy and they had no choice but to attack Dianne while running away from the storm.

"F*ck what is a zeus blessed doing here?!" The enemy whined as the storm finally hitted her.

It leave many bruises but the enemy can still stand.

"You're tough but let see how long can you last from the wrath of the daughter of the ruler of this region" Dianne stated and the enemy's eyes widened.

Dianne summoned three storms at the same time and blasted it towards the enemy, the girl didn't have time to register everything when the storms hit her body killing her instantly.

In the same time outside some enemies tried fleeing but was immediately burnt in to crisp by Magna's fire.

Hayami's POV

After defeating the ugly monster, Wil finally appear from a hole he created as an escape route. Xie immediately transformed on her human form making the kids awe.

I immediately created a ladder using vines so the kids can escape.

"Xie,wait outside while me and Wil helps the kids to escape. " I ordered and she nodded.

We helped the kids to go up the ladder one by one and once I finally help the last kid up and was supposedly escaped , an ominous aura suddenly surfaced . It's in the middle of this factory. Don't tell me...have they successfully awakened Echidna?! This is bad!

"Xie, Wil I'll leave the kids to you." I said and they just nodded. I trust both of them . They are more than capable of protecting the kids.

I quickly run towards where the ominous aura is coming from .

But what greet my eyes there literally took my breath away .

The hideous and monstrous presence of Echidna the mother of all monsters the half human half viper it's only seem to be one fourth of it's real form but the aura it emit seems like the real deal!

"Holy moly! They've successfully summoned Echidna!" Magna said as all Alphas arrived.

"We have to kill it! We still have a big chance as it's not fully awakened yet!" Dianne utter.

"We must do it now it'll be a more pain in the ass if it transform on its realest form! Haya have the kids escaped?" Josh.

"Yes my guardians are guarding them."

"Woah! You can summon your guardians too?!" Magna.

"Continue your blabbering later we have a monster to kill." Lei said as he summon his death sword.

We each attacked the Echidna.

Third Person's POV

The alphas start attacking the Echidna.

But the monster isn't an easy opponent even though it's magic and monstrous form isn't in its max capacity it'll be a tough time killing it! It summoned more monster giving them more enemies to kill.

Magna attacked the gorgons with his fireballs while Dianne is fighting it with her lightning bolts.

Lei's the one fighting with Echidna as he keeps swinging his death sword to it, it just protects it self with the dragon wings that suddenly sprout at it's back making it hard for Lei to land an attack.

Meanwhile Josh is taking out some of his inventions to be used for this battle. He's not just the strategist of the team but also an genius inventor of weapons.

He took out a box like weapons. Bombs. He immediately scattered it to some place where it can't be harmed and defuse accidentally.

As he do that , Hayami slowly surround the Echidna with thorn and when she thought its enough she immediately sealed the Echidna with it, now that Echidna is tied Lei successfully land an attack on it but every time that Lei's death sword met with Echidna's body it just regenerate .

"F*ck restraining myself , we have to kill this thing." Lei shouted his buttons are truly pressed.

Lei focuses his mana and after that deadly flowers sprouted and surrounded the Echidna.

"Bloom." Lei commanded and like bombs the flowers exploded one after another.

"Guys I've put bombs around! Let's get out of here!" Josh alerted them and so Magna and Dianne quickly finish the remaining monsters. And Hayami tightened the thorns that's surrounding the Echidna.

But since the whole factory are practically destroyed they can't escape at the front nor the back door.

Hayami's POV

Ugh! We have to escape but all the ways have been blocked and Magna can't create portal as we need it to get back at the academy and I don't think he even have enough mana left.

I can't call Xie to teleport us. Ugh I don't want to show them but I guess I can't help it.

I concentrate my mana and slowly create a black hole, I filled my thought of the location where Xie, Wil and the kids are. After that a portal is made and all of them look shocked.

"Let's get out of here!" I shouted still in daze all of them get inside the portal, Lei eventhough I can fill his confusion still entered the portal after I enter it , we immediately get teleported outside.

And just right after we arrived outside a big explosion was created and I thanked the gods that Xie immediately made a shield. I'm sure Echidna will die there well we're lucky because it isn't fully awakened yet.

"Hayami! Are you okay?!" Xie in her fairy form quickly asked as she saw me.

I smiled at her and nod.

"Yes, I'm fine. How about the kids?" I asked.

She sighed in relief and turned to kids whose peacefully rested at the big flower bed that she made.

"Thank you Xie for you help."

"It's nothing Hayami, that's my duty as your guardian and friend." She uttered her whole body glowing.

Someone suddenly cleared their throat getting our attention.

"I hate to interrupt you but would you mind introducing us to your guardians?" Magna asked.

"Right sorry, this is Xie my fairy guardian given by Goddess Aphrodite and him my shape shifter guardian given by Goddess Artemis." I introduced subtly pointing at Wil whose in his wolf form guarding the kids.

"Wow! A fairy and shape shifter you're truly untouchable Haya! By the way, I'm Magna an Alpha teammate of Haya. I'm also an Hephaestus blessed." Magna also introduced . Xie smiled at him as a reply.

"Dianne also an Alpha , a zeus blessed." Dianne shortly utter .

"Josh, Athena's blessed."

"Wah![ It's really him! The mate of the chosen one!]" Xie whispered.

"Xie?" I called her. She turned to me and cutely smile.

"It's nothing! I just know Lei because one of his guardians are a fairy friend of mine!" She explained.

"Woah! One of Lei's guardian is Fairy?!" Magna .

Lei just scowled and looked at me seriously. Ah it's coming.

"I've send a signal to the local knights of a nearby village here and they'll be arriving anytime to get back the kids to their families." Josh.

"Good. Now explain yourself." Lei uttered as he turned his complete attention to me.

"Its my sixth sense." I answered well that's the truth though not the whole truth.

"Huh? Pardon me for being rude but having a spatial magic as one's sixth sense is rarer than someone whose been blessed by Artemis. Hayami spatial magic users can only be born one per century so are you lying to us?" Josh .

Shoot! I didn't know that! I guess that's why mom always said how she's envious of spatial magic users. But why didn't she tell me its that rare!

I bit my lip if lied again here, I don't think they will ever trust me anymore. It's fine they won't believe me either once I told them my real sixth sense anyways.