
Haven Of Peace System

(A boys love story) Cadel was a ruthless assassin. A human weapon, One of the many others who was forced to kill by the Soul parasite which threatened his world. One should not be fool by his frightfully beauteous and fragile appearance. Condemned by many, cursed by many, and in the end killed by many. He didn’t resist. Allowing his worthless enemies to cut him down into bloody pieces. He only said one sentence before taking one last breath. “Thank you for freeing me...” The world was a cruel place. Sigh, he only wanted some peace and escape this wretched bloody world. What he didn’t expect was to find himself tied to a system and to forcefully go on missions in various worlds. Ding! Ding! Ding! Kerpuffle: Fear not! You will achieve a glorious life of peace! Cadel: *Sighs in relief* Kerpuffle: Er... after you finish this task. Oh! I forgot about this one! Oh, and this one! Wait, wait there’s a couple more... uhh, let me list them down. Give me a minute! Cadel: *Groans* Can I just go back to being dead now? A particular nameless person: Be good. Come into my arms, little kitten. ....................................................... “This fierce untouched beauty can only be cherished.” “My love, it has been centuries. I missed you...” “Let’s run away to a place where no one will find us.” “If you cannot leave here for eternity then... I will stay with you.” “With a bleeding body, I groveled before your grave... please take me with you.” How outrageous is this love. But if I have to suffer a million years for a single touch of your skin, for a single glance at your face, for hearing a single word from your mouth, then let suffering come to me. There is a price for peace. Hello, your Author here! Hehe~ I was inspired so I wrote this novel. The cover is personally drawn by me~ Hehe, want a commission? || NOTICE || This is a BL (Boys love) Story. Please be mindful~ Updates will be Sporadic

Heather_ANARE · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

|| Chapter 1.15 || You Idiot

Rain poured throughout the mountain. The pitter-patter on glass panes was the only sound heard within the dreadful silence between the two people in the attic. The room, dimmed as rain clouds covered the bright sunlight. Cadel had already expected Mary would, no doubt, find out about his little research sooner. He wasn't even trying to hide anything during the last few days. Perhaps, this time, the robotic guardian couldn't resist diving in to unravel his suspicious actions.

Silently, the teenager standing before the woman, glanced at the scattered documents on the table. Ah, he had just finished arranging those.

In the woman's eyes, Luke looked anxious. His bright ruby eyes, filled with worry and nervousness, hesitated to meet her eyes once more. Honestly, the youth looked as though he was on the brink of shedding tears. A sudden panic bursts inside Mary.

"I didn't mean to hide this from you..." Cadel lowered his gaze, fiddling with his fingers behind his back. "I-I... found this in mom and dad's room. You don't have to hide it from me anymore... I know why they died. And who... was behind it."

Mary froze, glancing at the big red book on the corner of the desk.

"I want to find him..."

These words immediately set off alarms in Mary's head. "Young Master, you-"

"I want to stop him." All of a sudden, the youth's eyes are resolute. Unwavering. His words are firm, indestructible like a gigantic tidal wave with great wide jaws, ready to swallow and destroy. The light in his eyes is graced with determination as though nothing could lure him away from his goal.

He continued, "I know you've been collecting information about his movements as well as receiving news outside this forest. I can hear you from the basement. If it means no one will have to suffer because of his wicked acts again, I will help with all I can. I will finish what my parents started and stop him."

Mary shook at his determined voice, "Young master, you... you must understand. This man... He's powerful. You don't even have the strength-"

Luke closed his eyes and spoke, "If you don't want to help me then, I can leave and do everything myself."

"..." His health was more precious than her own life. How could Mary let him go? This boy, the little boy she'd taken care of since he was a toddler. How could she let him go? Conflicted, Mary was silently processing the situation.

Finally, she closed her eyes. A sigh escaped her mouth. She was her creator's masterpiece. She must be inclined to the most reasonable solution. However, how could she force Luke? She couldn't.

"Alright. I will support you."

Bright ruby eyes brightened in delight but she continued, "However, only on one condition."

"Name it."

"You will, not even take a step outside the walls. You will not go outside to the forest even if it's just for one second. Is that clear?"

"Crystal clear." Cadel smiled. Honestly, he had shed blood twice beyond the walls of the mansion and he wasn't planning on vomiting blood a third time. It seems like his health gauges would empty faster the more he'd endanger himself beyond the boundary limit. Hopefully, he'll gather more experience in the next world to get rid of this limitation.

Cadel and Mary reached an agreement and the atmosphere significantly lightened. One problem solved. Now, he hoped his grandfather had his other request finished sooner.


A few days passed since the anomaly after the Eleneiz Estate invasion. The scent of dread coated the entire medical facility of the Grey's estate. Countless unconscious hunters lay on the bed, breathing steadily but had no signs of ever waking up. Cedric stood by the door of one of the victims' rooms and listened as the doctor listed very possible theories behind the cause. His grandfather was furious and anxious when the news reached him. For some reason, he then drove to the Vermillion patriarch's estate before Cedric could even reach him. Now he was left confused and unsettled while tending the estate's affairs in his grandfather's absence.

However, there was one thing these patients shared in common. They bore deep bite marks from the ferals they fought during the invasion a few days ago. Perhaps, it was something from the saliva that had entered their system through the bite. However, the doctors couldn't find anything.

Groaning Cedric left to clear his mind in the gardens. Fresh air surrounded him the moment he stepped on the grass. The calm it brought was lighter compared to Cadel's soothing hidden Yellow Garden the young vampire was most fond of.

The hunter's golden eyes narrowed slightly. Ah, it seems he wouldn't be able to come back on time as he promised. Like a knife, deep sorrow plunged into his heart. Tomorrow would mark the end of the week, and his promise would be broken. Cedric sighed heavily. He hoped Cadel wouldn't hate him so much when he returns...

Sullenly, Cedric decided to visit his family's hospital to check the patients. The people made a way for him the moment he arrived. Jessica who was sitting in the hallway abruptly rose to greet the young hunter.

"How is he?" Cedric asked.

Jessica furrowed his brows and shook her head. The answer was clear enough.

"I see... You can stay a bit longer if you want. If anything happens inform m-"


A shrill scream filled the hallways. A sudden commotion occurred and everyone was desperately running away, fleeing for their lives. The guarding hunters were alarmed. Cedric narrowed his eyes before grabbing a nurse by the shoulder, "What happened?"

The trembling nurse shakingly pointed in the opposite direction, stuttering in fear. "I-I don't know... One of the patients woke up and started attacking other people!"

Cedric's heart pounded and he let the nurse run before he and Jessica rushed in the direction of the patient room. The rest of the hunters followed and what they witnessed when they arrive had their breaths caught in their throats. One of their previously unconscious men had stood up from his collapsed bed. Growling like an animal. His eyes are red and bloodshot and he held a severed arm belonging to a nurse crawling for his life in fear. Blood pooled on the floor around him.

The man had turned feral.

Without a word, the hunters charged at the man and struggled to restrain him. He was stronger than the ferals Cedric had encountered in Eleneiz mansion. Was it because he had the blood of a pureblood hunter? It was inexplicable. It took them ten minutes to finally restrain the man and inject him with a sedative. Fortunately, it worked.

Although Cedric was conflicted, he ordered the men to tie up the rest of the patients in the facility and have at least two hunters guarding each door. He was quick to call the other estates about the news and have them suppress the patients before they awoke. It was a precautionary measure. They know Cedric was far from a liar. He was a strong leader and they better think twice before disagreeing. Although he was young, his might and actions surpassed all of them.

"How did this happen?" Elder Grey spoke in a dreadful tone. His eyes are dark and oppressive as he slammed his fist on the desk. Everyone in the room except Cedric flinched. As silent as the night, the young man stood beside his grandfather's desk.

"Valerian must be having a laugh right now." The old man sneered. The problem just worsened and they had no inkling about the cause of it. The best thing they could do right now observed the patients. This was certainly one of Valerian's plans. Although they, fortunately, arrived earlier in the invasion, Valerian had another trick up his sleeves.

What is that bastard trying to do?

The elder dismissed his people and sighed deeply.

"Did you find anything from Vermillion?" Cedric broke the silence of the room.

The Grey patriarch clenched his jaw and shook his head. "No, when I arrived, that old fox had just left the country. Maybe, he's trying to escape."

The old man turned to his young prodigy. "Do you want to hunt him down?"

"No..." Cedric narrowed his eyes. "Perhaps, he has his reasons. However, wait until he comes back then corner him. Maybe he'll tell us what we need to know then."

"Whatever you want, grandson." The grandfather watched silently as Cedric left the room.


During the following weeks, tension between the Elders grew. The ferals they kept in their estates grew more and more impatient. They thirst for blood and that was the one thing they couldn't give. They found out that they grew stronger if consuming blood. They were hunters before, but now... they had become the terrible versions of vampires from a long time ago. And if they were kept starved, they'd weakened significantly as though they were at the brink of dying. The men watched as their comrades slowly began to deteriorate. Their bodies eroded faster.

The elders began to gather. Most of them thought of killing the ferals which provoked unrest within their own clan. While some suggested studying and experimenting on them to develop a cure. However, they would have to risk killing most of the ferals they kept. The patriarchs fought and argued and their ties with each other slowly thinned. The association was in civil unrest.

Cedric was almost driven mad by the countless matters he had to take care of while those old people took most of the time arguing and insulting each other. His patience was barely able to withstand their childish efforts.

Meanwhile, Cadel, who was currently adjusting the heat of a lab burner, chuckled when Cedric snapped a pen in two immediately silencing two loud arguing old men.

One afternoon, the Vermillion Patriarch who had been absent for a whole month suddenly returned when things were about to go out of hand in the association. The first thing he did was visit the Patriarch of the grey clan. No one knows what they talked about. However, Mr. Grey came out in a slightly relieved mood. Suspicious, Cedric went to interrogate his grandfather but a certain old man suddenly stopped him in the hallway.

"Cedric, isn't it?..." Elder Vermillion calmly spoke.

The young hunter paused and answered.

"Take this..." Reluctance, flashed in the old man's face for a split second before it disappeared. He deeply analyzed the young man before him while handing him an old flip phone. "Answer it when it calls..."

He then walks away, leaving Cedric to stare at him suspiciously. The hunter slipped the phone into his pocket and headed straight to his grandfather's study. The doors open as he bursts in only for him to stop, witnessing the dread-filled pale expression on the old man's face.

Under the crushing grip of the old man's hand, a crack appeared on the phone's screen. Slowly, the grey patriarch fell onto his seat, placing the phone on the desk. His face is as white as paper. Lifting his gaze, he met his grandson's serious eyes.

"Valerian called one of the elders to trade. He wants all successors in each clan to receive his blood, in exchange, he will deliver a cure."

"Bullshit." Cedric spat. His eyes are riddled with blood and fury. "And if we don't agree to his terms?"

The Grey elder massaged skin between his brows, "He'll... scheme another attack until there's nothing left of the clans. We have a week to give a response."

Cedric's eyes flashed. A murderous aura surrounded the young man. Even his own grandfather felt uneasy, suffocating in his presence. The old man heaved a sigh when Cedric finally left the room. 

That bastard. Cedric's jaw clenched. Just what is he up to? It wasn't enough to go and, murder purebloods all these years? Did he think us as fools?

Fury coursed through his veins.


No, getting angry will not get him anywhere at all. They must think of something to counter this.




Cedric paused as the phone in his phone rang. A crease appeared between the hunter's brows. When he opened the old device, a single letter popped out.


L? Who is this?

Thinking back, he recalled Vermillion's words. A faint light seeped into his heart.

He pressed the button and silently put the phone close to his ear.

A familiar calm voice flowed from the device. A teasing yet pitiful tone filled his ear.

"You broke your promise, you idiot..."


Here's a new chapter! I hope you liked it hehe XD

Heather_ANAREcreators' thoughts