
Internet Surfing

"Why the heck did you order me a slut... Plus isn't this a resort, why are there those services..."

"How would I know? They probably thought it was just you staying here, so some girl solicited herself to you. Just don't have make out with each other, and make sure to go away from this room when you date her."

"If I wanted a girl, I would just ask normally..."

"You've always been single right? You are literally a shame to all men for not losing your virginity yet."

"You went overboard this time..."

"Really? Not like you can cancel that scum's request when she gets here anyways."

Attempting to ignore her once again, he started to ponder on why there was these kind of services in this hotel. Selling of the body was illegal in Japan, so this meant that the hotel was doing a black business.

This place was already connected to a mission scenario, so there was probably a connection. For this to be a coincidence was very unlikely. Massaging his temples, he sat near her on the bed. Only now did he notice that the room was truly small. It only had a single bed, tv, cabinet, closet, bathroom, and porch. There was no where else to sit other than the bed or the floor. Even for Japan who makes many things compact, a small room to be like this in a resort was rare...

Pulling out his phone he decided to try to find info on the owner till supper time came. While Aiko covered her head with a blanket, and told him to wake him up when it was time to eat.

He found lots of info while he searched on the internet. Most of it was useless, but some looked somewhat useful. The owner's name was Hotaru Isamu. He had some history of cases related to drugs or black businesses, but he was never related in the investigations. It was only that the cases happened near his businesses.

But, even with this resort just starting its business, there were already black business being active here. It was most likely that the man was the one responsible for setting up those businesses, while making sure no trails led to him.

Now another idea made its way inside his head. What if, the dead mom was related to this business? Or maybe she was somehow connected to one of these things. There was a reason for everything in this world.

Also apparently his daughter seemed to appear out of no where, from the perspective of the media. Around the time she was born, there were lots of news of the speculation of who the mom might be. The man had never married, and a daughter came out of no where, of course it would be big news.

However, just like any news, it dies down after time. There was not really any more useful information on him other than that he was on the government watch list for illegal activities. It was suspected that he was related to the biggest gang in Japan, the Yakuza.

After a couple of hours passed of him surfing the internet for anything that might be useful, he woke up Aiko as it was already 6 p.m., meaning that it was dinner time for the two.

Their room was on the second floor as the first floor was reserved for businesses and recreation. Going downstairs, the two went to the nearest restraunt they found. It was a tradional Japanese restraunt, so they ordered the two of the set dishes on the display.

It was a little expensive, but the taste was very good. Once they were done eating, they went back up stairs to their room. There were only fifteen minutes left till the girl will come to his room.

If the women was not able to give him any information, then that would me he would have to perhaps break into the owner's room to find more info, or ask the hotel workers for any possible info.

"Jay, are you really this worried about whatever is happening?", Aiko asked him as she noticed he was acting very weird ever since he came back to the room alone after the competition.

"I'm trying to solve a murder..."

"Murder? Isn't that for cops to find out? Why care about that? You should just ignore it."

"Well... All I know is that the owner had forced himself on a girl back then, and stealing the baby girl who she had birthed... The mom ended up doing suicide because of that... While the daughter doesn't know anything... The cops should have already investaged, but obviously he is still all and well... Can I really sit still?", because if he sat still then everyone will definately die by tomorrow...

"Wow thats a lot to take in. Why not just beat the guy up and throw him to the cops?"

She didn't believe him, so he started to ignore her again. The silence did not last long as a soft knock was heard on the door.

"Ohhh- It looks like your wife is here!", laughing while she said that, she quickly hid underneath the bed, only making her eyes peek out. Jay Kaiya could of course still see her though... He was not blind... She was trying to spy on him to see what he would do.

Opening the door, a women who was probably around her mid thirties entered the room. You could tell that she was definately a looker when she was younger as she was still beautiful today. Jay Kaiya closed the door once the girl entered the room.

Aiko spying from the bed sheets covering her, opened her eyes wide. She never knew that Jay actually had such unique tastes... To actually wish to love a girl old enough to be her aunt... She felt disgusted, and in her heart she determined to watch him carefully from this day forth. She won't let him ruin his future by marrying some girl who was twice the age of him... This encounter was her fault anyways... She didn't ever think he would actually like it...

Here is your double chapter!

Also I know I restarted that new novel two times... But make this the third... It will be called 'Heaven's Drug Dealer', the story, well you can guess from the name


The bonus chapters for its ranking will still take affect, but I doubt I will win now, as I restarted so much, and only five days left, but most importantly I was gone for like three or four days...

Also the book cover is temporary, I just wished to add something as I finally have WiFi.

Eslynacreators' thoughts