
Hating the Unknown: Phantoms and Secrets

----Test synopsis, Don't expect updates, chapters will be random----- ----I don't own art, obviously------ So this is about Danny phantom, Secret Saturdays, Gravity falls, Scooby Doo. Where I basically take supernatural based shows and mix it together. The MC is getting some odd readings on is Oddimeter a device that detects supernatural presences and strange occurrences. Taking his sidekick/guardian David the Mothman he moves to the town that seems to be infested with the supernatural.

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8 Chs

Parts and a reckoning

Jazz actually did know where a junkyard was. It took me only a day to go visit it. Searching through rubble of mostly trash I had brought David and a Hazmat suit. "What are we looking for?" David was standing at the bottom of the pile with his little red wagon.

"We are looking for scrap, Steel, Aluminum, Nickel or Copper. It would be great if we find tungsten, but that's unlikely. We also want any large electronic parts. Things like old tvs, broken appliances and if were lucky phones." I picked up a microwave with a shattered window. I tossed it to David and he caught it placing it into the wagon.

"Understandable. Except don't you also need some uhhhh...."

"Processed materials yes. Although I am pretty sure I know where to get that stuff."

"Really where?" David caught a strip of rebar I tossed to him. "You remember that old tv show we used to watch?"

"Weird world?" "That's the one!" "We never got to finish that show."

I picked up a fridge door and looked it over. "Hey pull the plastic off this and take the metal plate inside. Anyway I located the mansion it took place in. Telling how the show just stopped airing I assume uhhh..."

"V.V. Argost, you think he is dead?" David ripped apart the fridge door and got the plate. putting it in the wagon."

"Yeah, so I figured we can..."

"NO! You stay here." "Wh-What?" David had taken a firm stance and crossed his arms. "That place is dangerous, it may have been a good show but the man who made it was a pyscho. I'll go alone and get whatever I can find."

"What, Why?"

"I just told you, its too dangerous. I know you are smart, but you aren't invincible." David wasn't gonna relent. So I could only sigh, "Becareful when you do and tell me when you are going so I can pack everything you need." David nodded and pretend to sort through the wagon.

"Anyway there are of course other things I will need to acquire. Things that aren't likely to be found in that mansion."

"Like?" "Mostly magical items, I found this blog about this old group of private investigators. The person who runs it has agreed to keep in contact with me. As they had come across the magic items in the past and even kept some of them. I am hoping to get them to come down here and show me them. That way I can enchant our stuff with mystic protection."

"That's really cool! Except I don't understand how you are able to use both science and magic. Aren't they supposed to be like opposites?" I found at flatscreen tv and pointed to it for David to pull out. "Most believe that yes, but it is more apt to think magic is a energy instead of a separate entity. Alchemy is the science of binding that energy to normal physics. Like how Gravity can distort time if you have enough of it. Magic is just a type of energy that exerts a special type of force onto natural laws."

"I'll be honest I didn't understand that."

"I'm not explaining it again so just assume you understand and focus on the current task."

"Okay...Meet any pretty girls at school?"

"Eh, a few. I was actually invited to a party."

"A birthday party?"

"No the dancing kind."

"Like the one those women..."

"No, that's something else. to be honest i have no idea what that could be called, but that wasn't a party."

"Those were nice ladies."

"That tried to kidnap me. I was pretty sure they were witches."

"They taught you magic though."

"They taught me how to be a puppet for magic." "Yeeeaaah...i don't really remember a lot from that...week?"

"Month, David. They put a spell on you. Anyway back to the party."

"Right! When is it?"


"Great! Remember don't drink from another person's drink."

"Isn't that one of Uncle Tommy's lines of advice?"

"Hmmuh, never really understood it though."

"That's fine, because I do."

"i wish i could go to a party." That line made me feel a little sad. "David maybe one day we can hold a party for you. Like say a party for when you achieve something incredible like..."


"Something a little lower..."

"Oh...yeah that makes sense, you likely wouldn't celebrate that right?"

"No people do, its just those are uhh... Weddings."

"Right Marriage...Don't humans only marry one person?"

"Fuck if I know, there is data that suggest that, but then there is a lot of data that suggest otherwise. Though I think that's just considered unfaithful or poly...poly...i don't know."

"We should do more research on that before you get in trouble."

"Trouble Smouble. Hey what's this?"

David came over to look at what I was staring at. "i don't know? Looks advance."

We both were staring at some kind of robot or mechanical device. We had no idea what it was, but the thing was humanoid minus one arm. "What's that red armband thing?"

"I don't know the symbol on it looks like a fucked up square."

It took me a second to process it..."OH SHIT WERE STUPID!"

"What? Why?"


"NAZI! What's that?"

"Oh...huh. Well they are these evil guys in human history. However..." I smiled, "They were evil enough to create some truly fucked up shit. They tried all sorts of backwards science and alchemy to manipulate magic. The point is! Get it into the wagon I can use this."

"Right on Captain!" We both dragged the fucker out of bottom of the garbage pile and into the wagon. I wasn't gonna question how such a thing got here, but I certainly wasn't complaining.

----Author thought check it out. For context of Nazi bot.-----

So obviously these tv shows I am basing this fic on didn't have Nazis for the obvious reasons. However in all seriousness we all know later in life. Shows like the Secret Saturdays there would be history of the Nazis using Cryptids and such. I am also debating about using this to tie in Hell boy, However I am unlike to actually use hell boy material. For i don't know much Hell boy lore and story. Anyway the Nazi bot is actually from scooby doo surprisingly. If you figure out which show and season you get a cookie. Two cookies if you can name the bot. A hint is that the bot isn't actually nazi, but steampunk based.

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