
Hating the Unknown: Phantoms and Secrets

----Test synopsis, Don't expect updates, chapters will be random----- ----I don't own art, obviously------ So this is about Danny phantom, Secret Saturdays, Gravity falls, Scooby Doo. Where I basically take supernatural based shows and mix it together. The MC is getting some odd readings on is Oddimeter a device that detects supernatural presences and strange occurrences. Taking his sidekick/guardian David the Mothman he moves to the town that seems to be infested with the supernatural.

ZeOwl · Televisi
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8 Chs

Home of Phentons

I had walked with Jazz to her house. However as we walked I was able to convince her to walk with me everyday since we live right next to each other. "So you are embarrassed of your parents?"

"Well its not that i am embarrassed, they are just unique."

"You don't have to hide it Jazz. it is pretty obvious, you don't want to believe in the supernatural. Except you quite obviously experience it. That's why you ask me questions about other non-ecto based supernatural entities. Of course you can't tell if I am joking with you or not that's why you want to know even more. It is simply woven into your fabric."

"Fabric? So what am I a cotton blend."

"Haha very funny. I was more referring to things like the strings of fate. If you believe in those."

"You don't?" "Do you?"

"Not really, the idea of a red string that connects you to your soulmate is ridiculous. Not to mention a black string that leads you to your death. I don't see how fate can truly influence those things. At most it is just a form of serendipity."

"Wooo Fancy words. I get it though. Like if magic is real it is just a different force of energy that binds things together much like how the idea of dark matter or Ether."

"Ether?" We stood in front of her door when she ask. She paused trying to hold of entering. I patted her head. "Ether is what might make up sub-space. Honestly I don't know much about it. Shall we head in."

"Okay fine, just don't get any weird ideas about my mom. I get enough of my uncle hitting on her."

"Don't worry it won't be a stacy's mom scenario. Since I would totally hit on the both of you at once!"

"Who's stacy?" I froze slightly as she opened the door. "That's a song. i thought it was popular is it not?"

"Hmmm, maybe back in the day, but I've never heard of it."

"Really? What the hell..."

Jazz led me into her house and like David said the building shared the same plans for each house on the block. Which meant she also had a basement, which was likely the lab. "Mom! Dad! Are you home!"

"We are down stares Honey!"

"Shoot, I was hoping they weren't. Come on."

Heading down the stairs it entered a well polished room with several...well it was a mess of devices and tools. "Jazz who is this? You never bring anyone home. Is he someone you tutoring?"

"Nope, My name is Orion Mrs.Phenton! I can see where Jazz gets her looks."

"Oh Jazz is he..."

"NO! At least... He is just a friend Mom."

"Well Orion you can call me Maddie and you can call my husband Jack. We try to get Danny's friends to do the same, but they don't."

I nodded, "Alas I understand. My brother is the same preferring the sound of his name. however I think you look very young."

"*He is a smart one Jazz, you should go for it*" Jazz's mom whispered, but I could still clearly hear it. Almost like it was done on purpose. I smirked at Jazz, "Mom! its not like that."

"For now at least! Anyway Maddie, Jazz actually brought me here for some ghost hunting! You would not believe it, but a ghost appeared at our school. Crazy as that is."

"Really! Jazz are you finally getting into the family business?"

"No! Orion, d-don't say anything weird."

"What! i would never i would lock myself in a broom closet before that."

She stared daggers into me and I went on. "Ghosts though! You see I am a super genius and I wanted to build something to fight the seemingly endless ghost activity around Amity park. So we came to see the experts."

"Oh? Well i suppose you can look around under Jazz's supervision of course." She winked at her daughter smiling, "Why don't I make lemonade or something for you two? Oh and Jazz try to avoid your Dad if he hears your friend is interested in ghosts you two won't hear the end of it."


"Ugh, well my husband is obsessed with ghosts. As much as I am curious and willing to fight them, Jack goes above and beyond. Anyway you too have fun."

Maddie went up the stairs and as much as I would like to ignore it Jazz's mom wore a skin tight jumpsuit that made her ass look great. "*Does she always wear that?*"

"*Please don't remind me.*"

"Alrighty! What's first?"

"Well all honesty I don't really come down here. I mean sometimes when my family wants me or tries to give me a ghost weapon. I go down there, but other than that I don't feel the need."

"Do you not carry any type of protection on you? Phrasing."

"Wait how was that..." I shook my head and she continued. "Well no, most ghost problems are handled by Danny, the ones that aren't are ghost that don't try to harm people. Even the ones that do try don't unless you provoke them."

i looked at Jazz like she was stupid and she clearly noticed because she rubbed her arm in a nervous tick. "You clearly are smart Jazz, so do you just not realize that there is more than just ghosts that can hurt you." She took my it as a barb and got defensive. I took the second to look over a metallic thermos with wires and electrical plating.

"What is gonna attack me Fairies? Monsters? Is there some werewolf that will tear me to pieces?"

"Lycathropy is no laughing matter. it is painful for the afflicted and their victims. However Jazz I wasn't referring to the supernatural." i turned around and grabbed Jazz's wrist pulling her toward me and close to my face. "Humans are one of the most violent and monstrous creatures on this planet." She tried to squirm, but I released her and she stumbled back and I caught her around her waist.

"I- I get it..."

I let her go as she steady herself, "Good, because..." i picked up a stick with several cables and barbs. "This thing is clearly a flail, it would harm ghosts and humans alike. If it is a Fashion thing I can make you something that looks good."


"Well other than the reason why I am physically attracted to you? I think you can become a good friend. My brother David always told me to treasure relationships and make as many as you can."

"You have a good brother."

"Thanks, anyway half this stuff would actually rend the flash off someone. Imma go ahead and say that the ones that do that are made by your dad and are not used by your mom?"

"Yeah, that is about right."

I rummaged through the items taking mental notes. It gave me just what I needed, I would only need to get the supplies... "Hey Jazz, do you know where a junkyard is or a place to get parts to build things?"