
Hating the Unknown: Phantoms and Secrets

----Test synopsis, Don't expect updates, chapters will be random----- ----I don't own art, obviously------ So this is about Danny phantom, Secret Saturdays, Gravity falls, Scooby Doo. Where I basically take supernatural based shows and mix it together. The MC is getting some odd readings on is Oddimeter a device that detects supernatural presences and strange occurrences. Taking his sidekick/guardian David the Mothman he moves to the town that seems to be infested with the supernatural.

ZeOwl · Televisi
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8 Chs

First day

Waking up early in the morning it was my first day of school ever. I put on one of my many collared shirts. Wearing the same pants i had my whole life I slipped on a pair of shoes and entire the hall. "David if you are still awake I'm going to school!"

A while back I had made him gaming pc and sometimes he would play at all hours of the night. After all he can't be exposed as a real mothman on the internet. I debated about teaching him how to stream his game-play, but I wasn't sure if people would watch. I placed to pieces of toast into the microwave and took out my phone. Looking at the map I was double checking the school.

I grabbed the toast once it popped layered some peanut butter and Jelly. Walking out of the house I saw Jasmine leaving her house. I waved to her taking a bite of my pb and j. "Hey neighbor!"

"Hey Orion, by the way i didn't tell you this yesterday, but you can call me Jazz."

"okay, well are you going to school?"

"Yeah, you can walk with me if you want."

"Sure, this is my first time going to public school any tips?"

"Well, uhhh. I don't know honestly. No one really asks me advice."

"Hmmm, well you look like you would be good at studying maybe we can do that some time. I would love that! You said this was your first time in public school? You were homeschool previously?"

I could call myself a super genius and honestly the only thing I was home schooled for was on how to survive the out doors. I was very athletic due to running around with David, but when it came to learning i was completely self-taught.

"Yeah you could call it that. I lived in the woods so I had to be home-school. Sucks that I am entering as a 3rd year though. I would've preferred more time to make friends you know what I mean."

"I do! I am in my 4th year and I still struggle to hang with friends... I'm not very popular."

"I cannot see how that is possible, you are very pretty."

"Aww thank you. Basically though unless someone wants some tutoring or to hit on me. I really don't talk to anyone. i do work at the library though and I have some co-workers I am close to!"

Honestly Jazz sounded like a loser, it was the cute kind though since she was trying to mention the co-workers. Trying to defend her minor prides. "Cool, well maybe I'll visit the library some time. I will need books anyway for my...research."

"Right research material is always important."

Jazz was clearly was 4th year i could likely take a guess on her brother being a 2nd year or something. "Your brother, what does he do?"

"OH Uhhh...He just hangs out with his friends and stuff, he's going into his 2nd year and uhh...You could say he's into superheroes. Well uhhh look at that were at school! Good luck Orion."

"You too." That was suspicious, Danny eh? I'll go find him later.

"Now what?" Looking around I could see some people around. A blonde hair guy with a receding hair line. A girl in a pink shirt that looked a little shallow talking to your typical legal blonde. A red-head with a flannel she seemed interesting, she was standing next to another blonde with some designer clothes. A middle aged balding man who I assume was a teacher. All honestly the school was kind of small. Except it had incredible large classrooms, was this normal for schools?

Do I just introduce myself to people? or... Someone walked up to me. It was a first year that was kind of short and was wearing a blue white cap.

"Hey uhh this may sound weird but are you... You know what never mind."

"No what is it? I don't really know what to do here so if you help me I'll be happy to answer you."

"Oh! Okay cool. this may sound weird, but did you use some kind of... unique technology?"

"Huh? Depends what you mean?"

"Eh, just you know investigating..."

I thought on it quickly and ran through the options... "Are you a student here?"

"Wha? Oh yeah of course! Ummm...So? That technology?"

Okay this kid was clearly lying and i could take a gander and say he was actually looking for my inventions. Was he here to research he high spectral activity here as well? Would more come? something to plot out and prevent investigation.

The Flannel and Designer girls were watching us. "Hey look, you need to get better at this part of the investigation. It is pretty clear you are unsure what your looking for and to be honest I think your here for the same reason I am. So I'll give you my number and you can call me sometime okay?"

"Yeah, I'll call..." The kid went over to his two companions. Leaving me still unsure how classrooms work. I guess I'll go follow someone. I kept my phone out after giving the kid my number, I needed to make some notes.