
Hating the Unknown: Phantoms and Secrets

----Test synopsis, Don't expect updates, chapters will be random----- ----I don't own art, obviously------ So this is about Danny phantom, Secret Saturdays, Gravity falls, Scooby Doo. Where I basically take supernatural based shows and mix it together. The MC is getting some odd readings on is Oddimeter a device that detects supernatural presences and strange occurrences. Taking his sidekick/guardian David the Mothman he moves to the town that seems to be infested with the supernatural.

ZeOwl · Televisi
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8 Chs

A boy named Danny

"Hey you little shit!"

The three people turned to look where I was calling from. It was A goth and two somewhat short guys. "Howdy, names Orion you are Danny Phantom right."

"HAHA you mean Phenton right?"

"No I said what I said, seriously its a miracle your secret identity is exposed. Look I need to talk to about some things. So uhhh nerd boy take the pretty goth and bugger off."

"Do you mind if we discuss?"

"Go ahead, I'll wait."

The three turned and started talking to each other. Unfortunately the best I heard was the Goth saying 'I don't know Danny...' Eventually though they stopped talking, the Goth spoke up. "Yeah okay me and Tucker will leave, but so help me god. if you harm Danny what's so ever I'll kick your ass!"

"Bye Sam."

I waited for them to leave, "Yo she your girlfriend?"

"What Sam? No no no...Umm let's go somewhere else."

"So her name is Sam eh? She's cute."

"Please don't hit on my best friend."

I shrugged, "I lived in the woods, I decided if I saw a pretty girl i would try my luck."

"Did you actually live in the woods?"

"Yeah with mothmen, good people."


"I'm lying! It is just a method to catch you off guard simple stuff."

"You are really something. What do you want to talk about?" Danny folded his arms and stared at me.

I shrugged and opened the door to my house. "Come on in. Let's talk. First things first I want to know about 3 months ago." Danny didn't enter and i rolled my eyes. I seem to do that a lot actually... "I didn't have the time to build any traps for ghosts. Honestly I never even thought about it before coming here. So unless you get hurt by sub sonic frequencies you'll be fine."

"Yeah, fine." He entered and closed the door behind him. "So 3 months ago?"

"Yeah i'll explain first. I was monitoring well odd changes to the reality anchors of the gravitational well of the planet. Basically the opening and closing of sub-spaces. I now realize you have had a sub-space portal open for longer than that, but only 3 months ago did something happen here in amity park make my detectors go off. You keeping up?"

"Uhh, yeah."

"Okay good, continuing." I walked over to a slide a closet open taking out a whiteboard. "I usually use this bad boy to explain things to my uhh, brother. So ask if you have questions."

"So the occurrence 3 months ago was a massive amount of spectral energies aka ecto-plasma or what not. After that a sequence of spikes that motion a detection of the splitting of well... time. " i took a second to look at my diagram and continued. "However that's impossible, so reality had been warped to compensate. To give you an idea, there have been like 6 events in all of earth's history to do that. That means...I have no idea what the fuck would cause such readings. So what the fuck did you do?"

i turned to Danny and stared at him. He looked very nervous, "How do you get this stuff?"

"Oh well surprisingly enough by using the crossing of magic, science and what I can only call alchemy you can create one hell of a supercomputer. I mean do you know how hard it is to build one of those in the woods? surprisingly easy! So seriously 3 months ago?"

"Uhhh, I really can't tell you that."

"Fine, fine." I could see I would get nothing from him. "Well if you ever need help come on by. I may be a liar, but I am a genius!"

"Yeah, thanks."

Danny left through my front door and walked out. He had followed due to the bring up his heroics. However that obviously brought up his guard. That didn't mean I didn't get information though. i now knew he was the ghost boy. His house had ghost based equipment that could expedite my own progress into such equipment.

Not to mention with my openness into being a weirdo made him not believe me. I could break this down into further instruction. Using this as a window of sorts to get access to information. Though functionally he would likely avoid me. Which could play better in using his friends and information vending machines.

I should likely begin research into a defensive against ghosts. I would make a simple anti-ghost shield now, and make a better one at a later date. All i needed now was to get Jazz to invite me over to her house. "Ah I love a good plan, it should take only a day or two for her. She wanted someone to talk to and that made things easy!"

At least...As I entered the basement I heard my monitor produce a consistent beeping. I instant lost all my expression and went into research mode. Ticking back the dials and opening up the array of detect methods. A large blip was fading in and out of amity park. From my map it sat directly in the center of the park. Except there was nothing actually there. It was a massive source of well something.The dot which was being detect was growing larger and large then suddenly it disappeared.

I had no idea what that just was. It was...I didn't understand it. Normally I had a cursory idea of what I was looking at. From the Supernatural to the Alien. Except this was completely and utterly foreign to me. I hated not knowing something, I would need to begin serious research.