
Harvest Moon: Destiny's Legacy

A man transmigrates into the world of Harvest Moon. While he is playing the game to reminisce about his childhood, a small warning: This fanfic will contain some R-18 content. If you're interested, please continue reading. If not, please go away. I made this fanfic just for fun. ----------------------- I will combine several other Harvest Moon games to make the world bigger and more complete. Cover image I found it on Pinterest, english is not my native language

eggsy · Fantasi
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Chapter 1 - Arrival and Grandfather's Farm

In a small town apartment, a man was relaxing on his day off. While browsing through various contents on his phone, he suddenly came across a game that he had forgotten but used to play a lot as a child. Inspired by the game-related content he had just seen, he decided to give it another try as a way to have fun and reminisce about his childhood.

After downloading and starting the game, the man felt a wave of happiness as he heard the familiar background music. "It's been so long since I last heard this music," he said with joy.

Unbeknownst to him, there was a gas leak in the neighboring vacant apartment. The family that had previously lived there had returned to their hometown. As the man pressed the "start" button on his phone, a loud explosion occurred, destroying both the neighboring apartment and the apartment where the man lived. In an instant, the man vanished as the explosion took place, without a chance to save himself.

- - - - - -

"Hello, Alex. How do you feel seeing Mineral Town again?" said a man dressed in red.

I was momentarily confused, looking at a man, probably in his mid-40s, standing in front of me and asking such a strange question. Mineral Town, the name sounded incredibly familiar.

And how did he know my name, Alex? I swear I've never seen this man before.

"Alex, hey Alex, why are you standing there bewildered? Is something wrong?" the man said.

I snapped back to reality as the man shook my arm. I replied, "It's nothing, sir. I was just lost in my thoughts". Yes, I'm truly reminiscing about my past in this world. I used to visit this town during my childhood. I lived with my grandfather and got to know a little girl who often played with me in the forest near my grandfather's farm."

I realized what had happened and the strange memories I had glimpsed seemed somewhat familiar.

Before I could get lost again, the man in the red suit and hat asked me the same question, whether I liked Mineral Town.

I answered, "Of course, I absolutely love this town. It's been such a long time since I've been here. The atmosphere is still so enjoyable." I replied with a smile.

"It's great Alex if you still like this small town after you haven't seen it in a long time". Major Thomas was happy to hear my answer with a strange smile on his face.

"But Alex I have to give you some bad news".

before I asked what the bad news was, the man asked me to follow him. ini

"Come with me, Alex," said the man. After walking for a while, I saw a vast expanse of wild grass and rocks. The place was incredibly messy, resembling an untended garden after years of neglect.

After bringing me to this place, the man said, "Yes, Alex, take a look. This used to be a highly fertile garden, filled with numerous plants, vegetables, and fruits. But now, the garden is in a deplorable state after being abandoned by your grandfather, and no one has taken care of it."

I was stunned to hear the words spoken by the man known as Mayor Thomas. He served as the mayor of Mineral Town. I remembered him through some newly emerging memories in my mind. It turned out that I had just arrived in this town a while ago, and Mayor Thomas found and took me around Mineral Town before I transmigrated into this body, which happened to be my original body with short blond hair and fair skin.

From my childhood memories, it was true that my grandfather's garden in this world was incredibly fertile, with various fruits and vegetables filling every inch of land.

Alex was shocked to hear and see the bad news from Mayor Thomas about the state of the once-thriving farm. He felt responsible and wanted to help restore the farm.

Alex spoke firmly, "Mayor Thomas, I will take care of this farm. My grandfather taught me the importance of caring for and respecting nature."

Mayor Thomas looked into Alex's determined eyes and smiled. He said, "Alright, Alex. I'm glad to hear that. This farm truly needs dedicated care. In one year, there will be an evaluation by the townspeople. If you can manage this farm well, you will be recognized as a valued member of our community."

Alex nodded seriously. He knew that the task ahead wouldn't be easy. However, he was prepared to face it with all the skills he possessed.

Mayor Thomas provided guidance to Alex on the steps to take in order to restore the farm. They discussed clearing the land, replanting the crops that were once there, and providing necessary care.

Alex promised to do his best. He planned to seek help from the townspeople of Mineral Town who had knowledge about farming and the farm's previous state. He knew that working together with them would increase the chances of successfully reviving the once-thriving farm.

After providing valuable guidance and bidding Mayor Thomas farewell, I smiled and thanked him for his assistance. As he walked away, I waved to him at the garden gate.

Being alone in this farm, I looked

around and saw the house that used to belong to my grandfather. I saw the white building that used to be the chicken coop. Then, I spotted the cow and horse barns, as well as the food storage shed.

Finding a quiet spot to sit and contemplate what had happened to me, I recalled the last time I was playing my childhood game, Harvest Moon.

After pressing the start button, I couldn't remember anything else.

I tried hard to recall anything that could help me.

After a while, I remembered that when I pressed the start button, I heard a loud explosion from the neighboring apartment, and everything went dark.

I should have died in that apartment after the explosion, I thought I should have been burned or crushed by the building debris.

Most likely, I have been reincarnated and become myself in another world. This world feels so familiar, and seeing Mayor Thomas makes me feel a strong sense of familiarity with his face and attire.

It's no wonder I'm impressed by his striking red outfit and uniquely round nose.

Huft, after a while I sighed and realized where I am with all the familiar plot and places.

I have truly transmigrated or reincarnated into the world of my childhood game, Harvest Moon. The initial stage of the game is about to begin.

I sat there with a vacant gaze, absorbed in my current situation. I didn't feel like doing anything at the moment, just sitting there.

After a while, a message appeared in my mind, and a blue screen, just like in the game, appeared before my eyes.

"Ding! The system requests access for integration. Does the host accept it?"

Well, one more fanfic that I made, try reading the first chapter, does this have the potential to be a fun novel? I made this just for fun if you like it I will continue if you don't like it i will continue zehahahahaha

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