
Haruki Odyssey

Haruki, a college student, finds himself abruptly transported to another world alongside high school students he encountered on his way home. However, Haruki soon realizes his lack of combat skills in this unfamiliar realm. Gathering his courage, he approaches the king, humbly requesting permission to leave the castle due to his deficiency in combat abilities. Surprisingly, the king grants his plea. Now liberated, Haruki sets out to live life to the fullest in this new world or will he? ______________________________________ This is my first novel so yeah don't expect too much from me also there is a lot of reference from the novel I'm not really the demon god lackey. and more thing thid story is an a.i. assisted, the story is mine and the a.i. enchance the description and my grammar

_Judgement_ · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

Expensive Dish

In an abandoned house on the outskirts of Valeria, a man named Theo found himself bowing and apologizing to the enigmatic figure in the robe.

"Hmm, I see he was able to defeat those fools," muttered the robe-clad man.

"I-Im soo-ry; I thought that he was just a normal human," stammered Theo in remorse.

Theo continued to bow, seeking forgiveness for his previous mistake. The man in the robe, however, responded with a forgiving smile, dispelling the tension.

"Don't worry about it; I forgive you," the man in the robe said with an unexpected warmth.

"Thank you very much, sir," Theo replied, relief washing over him.

But as Theo turned his back, a sudden and shocking turn of events unfolded. Holes began to manifest in the lower half of his body, causing him to crumple and fall to the floor. The robe-clad man couldn't resist a mocking comment.

"Dumb ass," he remarked, his smile vanishing.

Theo, now in a state of despair, cried out, only to be engulfed by a shadow that suddenly emerged, assuming his appearance.

"So how does it feel to have a physical body?" the shadow, which had consumed Theo, inquired while admiring its newfound form.

The enigmatic figure, now in control, had a task in mind. "Now, I want you to kidnap the chef."

Theo, bewildered by this unexpected directive, asked for a reason.

The robe-clad man explained, "Three days ago, a prophecy from the higher-ups said that he would be the destined one."

Theo found this revelation intriguing. "Hoh, that's kind of interesting. Trust me, I will bring him in one piece."

Meanwhile, in the heart of Valeria, a building served as a gathering place for residents and adventurers alike. A woman with black hair and blue eyes began addressing the assembly.

"So, guys, you all probably know that a few days ago, someone tried to harm Haruki, our beloved chef."

A chorus of agreement swept through the audience. They had heard about the incident and were deeply concerned.

"Yes, we heard it from the guards," a brave adventurer spoke up.

The woman's expression grew serious as she continued, "They are from the Dark God's Cult."

A collective gasp rippled through the room as the audience grasped the gravity of the situation. The Dark God's Cult was known for its malevolent practices.

"I'm pretty sure that they're going to come back," the woman declared.

The assembly acknowledged the need to prepare and protect Haruki, their culinary guardian, and their duties as food enthusiasts.

"Because it's our duty to protect Haruki, so that we can have more delicious dishes to eat," she affirmed, rallying the attendees.

In the bustling tavern, Haruki found himself in the midst of his usual culinary activities, serving the eager customers. His culinary talents were in high demand, especially among the adventurers.

As the day transitioned into night, the tavern grew busier. Adventurers and mages alike flocked to the establishment to celebrate their successes. Ealdred's recommendations had certainly bolstered the tavern's popularity.

One particular party of adventurers took their seats near the kitchen, eager to enjoy a well-deserved feast. Among them was Cain, a familiar face.

"Yo, Haruki," Cain greeted his friend from the small window in the kitchen.

"Good evening, Cain. Did your party have a successful hunt?" Haruki inquired, a twinkle in his eye.

Cain, filled with pride, shared their latest achievement. "Yeah, we managed to hunt the chimera in the dungeon."

But Cain's party couldn't help but express their frustration at his antics during the hunt.

"Well, it wasn't that easy because this dumbass kept messing up the chance to attack the chimera," one of them complained.

Cain, feeling somewhat embarrassed, could only apologize. "I'm sorry."

The party, however, decided to make Cain's treat as compensation for his blunders during the hunt.

Cain, though reluctant, had no choice but to comply. He handed over the coins, his expression a mix of resignation and regret.

"Thanks for the business," Haruki acknowledged with a warm smile, receiving the coins gratefully.

As Haruki prepared the luxurious dish known as "Enchanted Ocean Delights," he described its uniqueness to the adventurers. He explained the rarity of its ingredients and the need for meticulous preparation.

"But why is it so expensive?" the adventurers inquired, curious about the dish's price.

Haruki clarified, "Because the ingredients for this dish are rare, and the preparation is meticulous. One mistake can ruin the dish."

The adventurers decided to order it despite the cost, agreeing that they deserved a special treat after their recent hunt. It was a unanimous decision.

As they awaited their meal, the assembly in Valeria resolved to protect Haruki from the looming threat of the Dark God's Cult. Their shared purpose and determination were evident in their gathering.

Back at the tavern, as customers enjoyed their meals, the evening transitioned into a lively night, filled with adventurers celebrating their victories.

As the night at the tavern continued, the lively atmosphere was further fueled by the adventurers who reveled in their triumphs. They raised their tankards in toasts, swapping stories of their daring feats and close encounters with formidable creatures.

Haruki's culinary skills, as always, took center stage. His dishes were met with resounding praise, and the aroma of his creations filled the air, adding to the festive ambiance. The combination of camaraderie, delicious food, and the sense of belonging that Haruki's tavern provided made it a cherished sanctuary for the adventurers.

In the midst of the lively crowd, a group of adventurers who had ordered the "Enchanted Ocean Delights" were finally served their exquisite meal. Their eyes widened in anticipation as the carefully prepared dish was presented before them, a mesmerizing display of colors and intricate plating.

The adventurers couldn't help but express their delight as they took their first bite. The flavors burst in their mouths, a tantalizing symphony of tastes that transcended their expectations. With each mouthful, their expressions grew more animated, filled with a sense of culinary ecstasy.

"Man, this is delicious. I've even licked the plate clean," Cain exclaimed, his satisfaction evident.

His party members, equally enamored by the "Enchanted Ocean Delights," requested that they make it a regular order.

Cain, however, was not easily swayed. "Hell no, this is the only time I'm going to treat you guys this much."

His party members tried to convince him, but it seemed that Cain had a limit to his generosity. They realized that the most extravagant dishes required them to reach into their own pockets.

"You guys, if you really want that dish next time, pay with your own money," Cain asserted, determined not to be easily persuaded.

His party members, despite their reluctance, maintained their belief that food tasted better when someone else footed the bill. Cain's expression reflected his irritation, and they knew better than to push their luck any further.

As the night continued, the tavern buzzed with excitement. The adventurers celebrated their victories, the joy of their accomplishments filling the air. Amidst the laughter, clinking of tankards, and the chatter of patrons, Haruki found himself in his element, continuing to craft culinary masterpieces that brought joy to those who savored them.

In the city of Valeria, the assembly of residents and adventurers had solidified their determination to protect Haruki from the looming threat of the Dark God's Cult. The cult's attempt to harm their beloved chef had united them in a shared purpose.

Haruki, unaware of the assembly's discussions, suddenly sneezed. "Is someone talking about me?" he mused, feeling a shiver run down his spine.

Gus, his ever-concerned friend, asked, "Haruki, are you okay?"

Haruki reassured him, "Yeah, I'm okay." His thoughts returned to the bustling tavern, where he resumed his culinary duties with dedication.

As the night wore on, the customers continued to enjoy their meals, and the camaraderie of the tavern-goers persisted, creating an atmosphere of warmth and unity. The combination of delicious food and shared stories made Haruki's tavern a place of refuge for those who sought not only exceptional dishes but also the bond of friendship and support.

As the night at the tavern drew to a close, the customers began to finish their meals and prepare to leave. The atmosphere had been filled with laughter, shared stories, and the joy of savoring Haruki's culinary creations. With satisfied smiles, they pushed back their chairs and expressed their gratitude.

One by one, they approached Haruki, their appreciation evident in their eyes and words. They couldn't help but shower him with compliments for his culinary talent.

"Haruki, this was the best meal I've had in ages," one customer said, patting their contented belly.

Another customer chimed in, "Your dishes are truly extraordinary. I'll be back for more."

The praise continued to pour in, each patron expressing their admiration for the chef's skills. Haruki accepted their compliments with humility and a warm smile, thanking each of them for their kind words.

Gus, who had been observing the scene, couldn't help but feel a sense of pride for his friend. "You're truly a culinary genius, Haruki. You've made this place a second home for so many."

Haruki's face lit up with a grateful expression. "I'm just happy to see everyone enjoy my food. It's all worth it."

As the last of the customers bid their farewells and left the tavern, the warm sense of camaraderie and appreciation lingered in the air. Haruki, with the support of his friends and patrons, had created a haven where not only culinary delights but also the bonds of friendship flourished.

With a contented heart, Haruki and Gus began the task of cleaning up the tavern, ready to face a new day filled with culinary adventures and the warm company of those who cherished his talents.

After a long and fulfilling day at the tavern, Haruki closed the door of the tavern. The night was calm and the moonlight spilled over the streets, casting a soft, ethereal glow.

With each step, he made his way back to his cozy inn, a place that had become his sanctuary. The familiar path was lined with quaint houses and the occasional street lamp, creating a comforting ambiance. The night was serene, the only sound being the gentle rustling of leaves and the distant chirping of crickets.

As he entered his room in the inn, the sense of relief washed over him. The room was simple but inviting, with a comfortable bed and a window that framed a breathtaking view of the kingdom below. The soft moonlight filtered through the curtains, casting gentle shadows that danced across the room.

Haruki changed into his comfortable sleepwear and settled into the plush bed, feeling the day's fatigue slowly ebb away. The scent of the surrounding gardens wafted through the window, creating a soothing atmosphere.

With a contented sigh, Haruki closed his eyes, ready to surrender to the embrace of a peaceful night's sleep. His thoughts drifted to the events of the day, the camaraderie with his friends and customers, the tantalizing dishes he had prepared, and the adventures that awaited him in the kingdom of Valeria.

In the quiet stillness of the night, he felt a profound sense of contentment and gratitude for the life he had built in this world. As sleep beckoned, he knew that the challenges and adventures of the morrow would be met with the same resilience and passion that had brought him to this moment.

With a final sigh of relaxation, Haruki allowed himself to be carried away by the realm of dreams, where culinary delights and new horizons awaited him in a world filled with possibilities.