
Harry Potter The Unseen Heroine

Harry has a twin sister. Sorted away from Harry into Ravenclaw, how will she handle Harry's heroics? Join Sarah Potter as she makes her own friends, faces her own challenges, and tries her best to help her brother fulfill his destiny. All the while wondering why the potions master hates her brother, but not her?

Amelie796 · Derivasi dari karya
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10 Chs

The Arrival of Change

By the time either of us were let out of the cupboard under the stairs, school had ended. I had mixed feelings on the matter. One of the few times I was happy was when I was in a classroom. I loved to learn, though at the same time while at school Dudley and his gang of friends, Piers, Dennis, Malcolm, and Gordon had an easier time Potter hunting. It wasn't a fun game.

Most of the time me and Harry stayed away from the house. Harry would wander the neighborhood. I would find a nice quiet place hidden from view and read my book again. Though I knew it to heart, it was still a good distraction from life. Which hopefully was taking a turn for the better.

When school started back up Dudley and Piers were both heading to Smelting's, Uncle Vernon's old private school. Me and Harry on the other hand were heading for Stonewall High, the local public school. Dudley was amused.

"They stuff people's heads down the toilet the first day at Stonewall," he had told Harry. "Want to come upstairs and practice?"

"No, thanks," said Harry. "The poor toilet's never had anything as horrible as your head down it — it might be sick." Harry retorted, running from the room. Dudley was bewildered, then furious.

"That little! I guess I guess you'll have to practice." He said as he turned to me. He was about to dive at me. I wasn't nearly as quick as Harry, so I knew I needed to think fast.

"Dudley, if you don't do that. I'll do all your homework for you." I promised, he thought about it for a moment.

"All of it?" He asked smirking.

"Yes, all of it." I promised.

"Fine. You always were smarter than Harry." He said smirking. Though I knew he wasn't impressed by my intelligence, more so happy to use it. I sighed in relief, got up, and found a nice shady clearing to read in peace.

One mid July day. Aunt Petunia took Dudley to get his Smelting's uniform. We were left at Mrs Figg's and for the first time ever she didn't tell us about her cats. Supposedly she had tripped over one of them, and clearly her opinion on them had diminished. She let us watch TV, and eat some chocolate cake that tastes old. Still it was more than we usually got.

When we got back to the Dursley's, Dudley was in his new uniform. Most of it was standard fare. A maroon tailcoat, orange knickerbocker, and flat straw hats called boaters. The worst part was the Smelting's stick. Supposedly you hit each other with them when the teachers weren't looking. Somehow this was good practice for later in life. Because all adults hit each other with sticks.

As his parent's looked upon Dudley they beamed with pride. Vernon saying it was the proudest moment of his life, while Petunia burst into tears and said she couldn't believe it was her quote "Ickle Dudleykins" who looked so handsome and grown up.

Harry was holding back a laugh behind me, while I couldn't wait for twenty years in the future when I could use pictures of him in that uniform for a good laugh.

The next morning we awoke to a horrid smell coming from the kitchen. When we entered we found the source of the smell to be a large metal tub in the sink, inside which contained what looked like dirty rags in grey water.

"What's this?" Harry asked Aunt Petunia. Her lips tightened as they always did of we dared to ask a question.

"And why does it smell so bad?" I added.

"Your new school uniforms," she said to Harry then turned to me. "Because of the dye I'm using."

We both looked in the bowl again.

"Oh," Harry said, "I didn't realize it had to be so wet."

"Don't be stupid," snapped Aunt Petunia. "I'm dyeing some of Dudley's old things gray for both of you. It'll look just like everyone else's when I've finished."

We both looked at each other, seriously doubting our Aunt's words, but said nothing. We both sat down. Vernon and Dudley both entered the room, and made a disgusted look at our uniforms smell. Vernon sat down and opened the paper, Dudley began pounding his Smelting stick on the table.

The sound of the mail slot could be heard through the room.

"Get the mail, Dudley," Vernon said still reading the paper.

"Make Harry get it."

"Get the mail, Harry."

"Make Dudley get it."

"Poke him with your Smelting stick, Dudley."

Harry dodged the stick and headed for the mail, while Dudley disappointed at missing Harry, decided I would do. He hit me in the arm, and I started rubbing it.

"Hurry up, boy!" Uncle Vernon shouted at Harry. "What are you doing, checking for letter bombs?" He chuckled at his supposed humor.

Harry came walking back into the room. He was looking at a piece of mail, handed Vernon two pieces. Then handed me one as discreetly as possible. It was yellow and thick, and was addressed to me?

Miss. S. Potter

The Cupboard under the Stairs

4 Privet Drive

Little Whinging


I turned the envelope over, and saw a purple wax seal. There was a Lion, Eagle, Badger, and snake surrounding the letter H. Harry was beginning to open his and I began to do the same.

"Marge's ill," Vernon informed Aunt Petunia as he opened his mail. "Ate a funny whelk…"

"Dad!" said Dudley suddenly. "Dad, Harry and Sarah got something!"

Harry was unfolding the letter, while mine wasn't out of the package yet. Vernon swooped both our letters out of our hands. Harry was furious, I was confused.

"That's mine!" said Harry, as he tried to snatch it back.